Brit/pol/ - You're The One For Me Fatty Edition

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When will you take the Yaxley-Lennon pill?

Was going to vote UKIP - luckily he's running in my region and gets my vote.

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Do it for her

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Clown world.

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Zero effort thread.

why are you so jealous that I ?

>Nige, Widdecombe, Batten, Sargon, Dankula, Tommeh will all be MEPs
what a time to be alive

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A thread of the British victims of a cruel experiment that nobody voted for, and was forced upon us.

zero effort post

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tsargon and Dankula won't be MEPs, they're secondary candidates. Another candidate will get the seat in preference over them in their regions, because UKIP won't do well enough.

I want to vote for are nige, but I also want to vote for are tommeh

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>NSC unofficially approves Huawei for our 5G infratructure

>those who voted in favour
May, Liddington, Hammond, Clark, Wright, GCHQ chiefs
>those who opposed
Javid, Hunt, Williamson, Fox, Mordaunt
USA, Australia

based or cringe?

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>was forced
We give our approval of it every GE

it's PR though, so Sargon and Widders could both get in


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weedcels are so cringy

I've done a number on you

it's pozzed teh fuck m8

by trying to pretend to be just a little like me?

I foresee absolutely no problem with this, just like Hinkley Point, the Chinese have our best interests at heart.

it's PR for each of the regions, yes. But UKIP won't score enough to get more than one candidate in the South West, if any. That means Sargon is not getting a seat.

Is that lulu?

>Mysterious man seen wearing shed on his head

I want to vote for Hamas, they'll sort this borough out.

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i'd say china is winning but it still remains that their homeland is a polluted, nightmarish dystopia

Oi lads can we keep the racism to a minimum please? cheers blokes.

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Lads, the PM just drove into my tiny little Norf village and delivered a speech to the locals at the cricket club. I was too busy shitposting in /Brit/ to notice.

I'd like to vote the kid from brooklyn desu

Can't believe I've not heard of him before - his views on policing are sorely needed these days

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>REMINDER: Register to vote for EU parliament elections by 7th May

Who are the other UKIP candidates for SW?
In all honestly I think Batten was a retard in appointing Sargon. All the normies are talking about now is 'muh rape tweets'.
What a fucking clown.

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>Tommy Robinson announces he will stand as an MEP in the European elections to 'represent the working class of England'

Lol fuck it’s getting spicy

>Peterborough car stabbing: Woman, 18, guilty of murdering admirer

Both are actually Polish

>Girls 'carry weapons for boyfriends'

Female niggers being niggers.

Jocks BTFO

>Scottish independence: UK government 'will not grant indyref2 consent'

Based, chinese hegemony is preferable to US hegemony

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The PM just flew over my house

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Adonis issued an apology today like somebody who has been threatened with the gulag.
Now all the remainers are shitting on him for saying Labour will respect the referendum.
All from one poster.
Go Nige.

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Donnie needs a gaff to shack up in, any takers, lads?
>Donald Trump won’t get to stay in Buckingham Palace during U.K. state visit

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Eddie has lost his job, again.
>G4S security worker 'stole £1m cash from own van'

who the fuck in scotland actually cares though when we've got heroin?

don't think there is a list. But Sargon himself said he isn't the primary candidate. UKIP scored very highly in 2014 (like 27% or something), now they're polling at less than 10%. In 2014, they got two MEPs for the south west. They won't get that this time under the PR algorithm used if they're polling as low as they are.

>Company in totalitarian country that treats it's citizen like insects doing UK's 5G infrastructure.
>UK government recently declared that it want's UK internet to be the safest in the world.

It's coming boys and girls, can't have the unwashed masses having too much to think.

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Chinese manufacturing and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

5G is awful
high frequency so only works at broadcasting through a cardboard box or standing next to an access point
requires thousands of access points because it's so terrible
uplink and downlink are still limited, especially uplink you'd be lucky to get 4Mbit from it with average user counts
Had ungraceful failure so will keep dropping speed agressively when it faces any problems, such as trying to use it behind a pane of glass

forgot link

Depends on how much you trust the chinks. Huawei will save you money but you're also letting a company that's legally obligated to share information with the Chinese Communist Party build your communications infrastructure.

I'm not sure you can entirely trust American companies either given their collusion with the NSA but you'll definitely need to keep your eyes on the chinks.

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>Trump won’t get to stay in Buckingham Palace
Good, impertinent dotard.

He’s consistently said he isn’t going to win tbf to him

just fookin leave innit

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>Lol fuck it’s getting spicy

Is that you Dank?

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that twat has destroyed ukip. normies hate him and UKIP needs their votes.

Normies like him I’ve found.

but brit/pol/ told me we need more poles because they're white

US multiculturalism and liberalism has fucked us harder, China's traditional family values will bring us back to the light

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Niggers are suing and winning legal cases for racism now if their kid happens to be dropped or not picked.

They can't do anything but destroy.

Love nature
Love bushcraft
Love my Aboriginal friends

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>brit/pol/ told me

>when you're playing oblivion with a ridiculous looking helm from a mod

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Top kek

Just a shame they are utterly fucking useless at absolutely everything

kek. I don't understand how based Ray is compatible with the meme though.


forgt image, remove trees

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It was worth the wait, lad. Sweet as!

>China's traditional family values will bring us back to the light
pretty sure their government has been working hard to destroy that.

>that twat has destroyed ukip

This is unironically true and all he had to do is hang around UKIP and be employed as a prison adviser by Batten.

Welsh bird on the one show with her big pregnancy milkers my fucking dick


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I agree but you think the Chinese are a good thing you’re deluded mate. The reason why everything is so cheap and built like shit is because it’s manufactured from there. All the good, high quality, high wage jobs through manufacturing have gone because of them.

i saw a vid on YT where some NorfFC chap was going around his estate, showing how the trees are dead, and the bark was falling off because of 5G.
but the thing is, the video was taken in the winter, and the trees he was screeching about were Plane trees, which lose their leaves in the winter, and naturally shed their bark.
what a twat.

love me ray tv program

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Indo Iranian Chad claiming two dravidian wives, year 3,000bc

Which MP will defect next?

I'm thinking Esther

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yeah he is a twat, 5G can barely penetrate a wall let alone a tree trunk.It does allow for much greater positioning accuracy but only because it requires a node very 100 meters.

900Mhz old school mobile work so well because the signal can penetrate a concrete wall easily, 5G is for london and cities it's basically wifi with the same inherant problems.

they did a pretty good job of that themselves user
since the brexit referendum literally nobody gives a fuck about ukip
they were entirely a one trick pony

Theresa May will defect to labour

I’m voting for tommeh now

She already has

won't bother me, my walls are thick af.

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>replaces corbyn as leader

basically, yes. Most people were dumb and thought 'job done, back to Labour', whether they will admit it or not. UKIP ceased to make sense to normies.

The Brexit party now just plays on people loving Nige and the word 'Brexit' which is now etched into people's brains.

It was approved by GCHQ which means GCHQ decided that the chinese system was cheaper to spy on than the american one. These are the same people that want to ban encryption because if they don't spy on you how do they know you've got nothing to hide.

How? Is labour that bad?

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Doubt this is real

He is really running. He's got a bus an everything

Dunno. Someone asked for a Ray Mears Norf, so I delivered.

Thanks mate. I was looking at pictures of Abos for inspiration in making the pic. Wouldn't recommend doing so...

you've never taken drugs though

I appreciate it user

fucking brilliant, i'm in the north-west as well lad and i was upset about our lack of meme candidates until today.

Her voice is pretty annoying though.


I hope he brexit bus attacks finsbury park mosque

man if china was going to take over the bongs you bong should have at least got to keep Hong Kong you cunts.

Midul tries a doughnut from Lidl

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