R.I.P Sol Pais
R.I.P Sol Pais
did she ever exist even?
I doubt it
They are saying that they think she killed herself before the manhunt even started.
I wish we could've listen to Smashing Pumpkins and NIN together.
>ywm put some creampies into sol pais
if you look at the timeline of events its so ridiculous. Her dad says the last time he saw her was on Sunday. he doesn't give any details.
by Tuesday the FBI are on such high alert after their interviews with friends and family, they call the authorities in Colorado giving them the big APB all hands on deck.
that's totally insane. The only way the FBI would move that fast is if they wrote the script themselves
or idk - if they thought she was going to shoot up a school
Take your pills dumbshit
false flag incoming
based on what? they've never really been clear on that.
Whose the jewess?
or they killed her and used her dead body for a psyop, which is the more likely scenario
yeah, she looked really skinny. i'd loved to have been able to feed her some fatty treats, maybe it'd cheer her up.
less tldr explanation?
Jews post the pictures and threads of their patsies and create forced memes and post supportive messages to try to associate them with Jow Forums.
They want to say memes = violence to censor Jow Forums.
Where the fuck was she buried? Autopsy? Funeral??
Possibly related is this faggot
She might have been used. The house she apperantly lived in on the news, then they were talking to her dad through a door that looked like it was in an apartment complex.
i could only make a guess
for starters she purchased a gun, and presumably would have had an NICS processed, which is handled by the FBI so they would have had knowledge of that
and along with that i would assume (perhaps incorrectly) that someone who knew her, either online or IRL could't keep their fucking mouth shut and alerted the authorities
again just a guess, but a pretty good one if i do say so myself
her (alleged) dad's name is Edgardo Pais
you're literally the dumbest faggot on this board right now. congratulations.
Do you have any more pictures
when did she a plane to colorodo? from florida..her dad saw her on Sunday at some point..how the fuck the FBI get it together that fast. total bullshit. how many of these calls do you think the authorities get everyone? but somehow this one was so special and convincing that the FBI immediately jumped on it
boy I really butchered this post
Yeah, they can do there jobs sometimes.
Dude, her family can't afford the funeral????
There's a GoFundMe for her family
She's so cute ≧◡≦
horsshit. the only the FBI would move that fast is because they set up this whole thing themselves.
Well, they didn't stop her. They were to slow. But I think they were right in saying she was a school shooter. Because, even though they were wrong. It got everyone looking for her. Raising the chances that she could have been saved
She really did want to die, fren. It's sad. Really sad, she was an angel.
>But I think they were right in saying she was a school shooter.
no they were not right at all, but they sure used the opportunity to cause a big panic
>tfw AIC is one of your favs and you'd totally snuggle with her listening to Jar of Flies but can't now
I think she is time-traveler.
She looks like 50 but is 15, her webpage is straight l from the 90s .
she was 18 and did not look 50, she looked 18
who was she spilling her guts out to? I wonder
this reeks of badly planned conspiracy, staffed and executed by extremely enthusiastic and even more extremely incompetent interns.
legit psycho there. wouldn't touch with ten foot pole
like all the other times they were warned and said lol k go away im busy 'batin in here.
she was a sweet girl, you take that back
the only explanation that makes sense. its like babbys first false flag operation, and they somehow managed to fuck up every single part at once.
that takes skill.
theres no way this 40 something was 18.
here is another brain tingler. she bought multiple one way tickets to Colorado.
she is not 18 year olds
oh god... that watch...lol
Well I'm sorry man, she's dead. Nobody knows the full story. So we're just left with pieces and each one of us puts them together our own way
>tfw no qt suicidal, school-shooting obsessed gf to end shitty life with
the FBI probably know the whole story
Yeah, someone knew she was going to do it. I mean, idk what to say. Yes she really wanted this, she had warped her entire life around this. And this person let her because they truly loved her?? But it's wrong because she was mentally ill? Was she? I can't find a solution.
But she didn't kill anyone else, she was focused and planned, she did it all in less then a day. She was smart. And she didn't hesitate, nobody noticed on the plane. They sold her a gun. she was a good actor. Had she been crying they wouldn't have sold her the gun. So she was collected. It's fucked up. What the fuck is that if it was mental illness.
If I wanted to die and I was doing it, I'd be a mess.
I know..... I thought maybe she wanted to sit by herself but then I investigated and turns out they were for consecutive days. She used the first, then had one for the next day and the next.
Maybe when she was buying them.. she was struggling. And wanted to give herself a safety net if she couldn't go the first day. Had she waited, they would have found her.
>Sugar Factory
She fell for the sugar Jew
Fuckin feds
Maybe if you ask them they will tell you
She had a connection with them, as in she felt for them. Just as we feel for her now. Hers was for a long time. She may have turned them into role modals or even fallen in love.
literally who is this thot
She killed herself and left a journal and website behind. The Fed's started a manhunt after she did it. Because they thought she was going to shoot up columbine again.
What a beautiful nose.
Okay, and why is this relevant?
>I investigated
you full of baloney
>remained single
>nobody wants to come home to this in their bedroom
RIP princess, we didn't deserve you.
This is probably what did it
I live in Denver, they straight up claimed she was running through the woods naked, then apprehended alive, then found dead. She was in the mountains, far away from Denver. Someone drove her out there.
>yfw you will never listen to AIC with her
Ok CIA we get it you can stop pushing your false flag martyr now you fucking glow nigger no one cares or believes it
Yeah, I read that too. Idk. There was snow, it was cold. I know deep hypothermia makes people take off there clothes, but idk how cold it was that day?
Apperantly it was an Uber, dropped off this girl in a t shirt, camo pants, with a shotgun and ammo. It's fucked up.
just admit it you guys drove her up there
But, if they found her running through the woods. She would have spent more then a day out there by herself. She would have been really cold, really sad, really out of it and armed when they found her.
It's the autopsy report I want.