How do I get revenge on my ex?

My ex has started seeing other guys. Says she doesn't want to get back together and we should be friends lmao
How do I get back at her? She loves her cats. I could poison them?

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Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter ere long back on itself recoils. before you embark on a journey of revenge, you should first dig two graves

Just ignore her. She wants attention or a reason to be vindicated in leaving you (I.e. to be a victim). Ghosting her is unironically the best revenge you can inflict on a woman, especially if you go on to become socially and materially successful

I'm already destroyed. Might as well have a sweet taste of vengeance

Come on, I need better responses

kys, that will show her
make sure she knows you did it so she'd feel bad about it later

Nah she wouldn't give a fuck if I killed myself, not for long anyway.
I think killing her cats is the answer. The she can have a taste of the pain she's caused me

This could work. Crucify them or do something to make it obvious

>should i get myself sent to jail to hurt my ex
This better be b8 you edgefag

No bait. How the fuck could they prove it was me?

you want to kill her cats because she left you?
I wonder why she did that...

Evil lurks in the hearts of all men. You be a good person and where does it you? On the fucking scrapheap

can't be that good a person

I'm only human

most humans I know wouldn't do that kind of shit, so yeah, you are, but a pretty shitty one

Then they're cucks. You treat me like shit and hurt me, you better be prepared to get hurt back

I'm pretty sure they can look into if you have a motive. Even if they couldn't prove it you'd be inviting a lot of garbage into your life by doing something like that. If i was in her position I'd get a guy to beat your ass if i couldn't legally persecute you. Why would you want to hurt something that never did anything to you just so you can hurt a girl? Don't you think that's pretty ridiculous? Why be that much of a beta?

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> If i was in her position I'd get a guy to beat your ass
He would be welcome to try
>Why would you want to hurt something that never did anything to you just so you can hurt a girl?
I can't hurt her so it's the next best thing

you sound like the cuck here, killing some random animals because some girl hurt your feefees

They're not random. They're her beloved pets. The line between love and hate is a fine one.

Look man i don't know what to tell you. Go ahead kill some innocent animal cause a girl cheated on you or whatever. You might get away with it and not get your ass beat. But it won't do anything for you. People in general bring about the kind of life they deserve. You'll get some hollow joy cause you hurt a shitty person and you'll be the exact same shitty person you are now but even worse. I understand when people hurt you it's tempting to go the route you're going but I've been there and i was constantly miserable. Not to sound like a fag but being a more caring person who lets love into my life and gives it back in return has gotten me way farther than revenge ever did. I fully believe with effort you can change if you want to. Cause honestly if you stay this kind of person you will never be happy, just less miserable.

"Let love into your life so that someone can trample all over your heart again"

I've been hurt plenty of times. That's kind of part of a person and being alive. You can chose to react to it in an appropriate way or you can choose to react how you do and end up being hurt even more because you're a shit person and shit people usually get hurt way more than not shit people because they invite more shit people into their life because good people don't hang out with shit people.

It astounds me women even get into any relationship with a man when its likely they will be attacked. A man's ego is a fragile thing and by nature prone to violence.

>She loves her cats. I could poison them?
Just. DO IT!

move forward, forget about her. Don't try to get back with her if she just wants to be friends with you. Go out with your friends, meet new people and if it is the case, do never talk with her again. Why am i saying did to you? Because i've been in the same place as you. I've dated this girl for 8 months and the it happened the same as did to you. But i've started to hangout more with my friends and family so it was easy to get her of my mind.

I don't want any people in my life anymore. They're all selfish cunts who only care about themselves and don't give a shit who gets hurt along the way.

Yeah except thats not what all people are like and you only think that because your brain convinced yourself of that as a defense mechanism. Also i guarentee you're more critical of people than is fair. Which is another defense mechanism.

>She loves her cats. I could poison them?
She made the right move, go die alone autist

It's true though. People are selfish cunts. Even the do-gooders are only in it social credits and an ego boost.

That's literally 100% bullshit. I do good things for people because it feels good and makes me happy. You're trying to protect yourself with that attitude but all it's gonna do is hurt you more. What did this girl do that made you so angry anyways? She seems kind since she still wants to be friends.

What about the poor cats, they never did anything to you and you want to poison them, a horrible death just so you can feel better. thats sick

most sociopaths torture animals first

It is true. Tske away the social contract and humans are no different than animals. In fact, judging from our fetishes we're even more primitive.
>What did this girl do that made you so angry
We broke up but it was really final. She said it was best we remain friends for now. Now I find out she's been seeing other guys and doesn't want to get back with me. Whore

*never really final

This is really good b8 fuck you for taking me for a ride like that you dick

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I wish it was b8 m8

Fuck being nice. It gets you fucking nowhere. Everyone just walks all over you and takes you for granted.