Omg omg what im i going to do guys im crying so hard im losing everything im only 20 years guys help me please heeelp please guys guys. Elon i hate you elon.
Buy more stock and up the price.
hahahahahahahahahaha stop gambling you retard
also I just bought a CD player that costs more than your portfolio is worth
Buy high and sell low
Keep buying.. Welcome to the money game
>also I just bought a CD player that costs more than your portfolio is worth
For hwat purpose?
I sound gay as fuck. Buy more tesla stock is the best answer to myself. Thanks.
this guy gets it, truly a Jow Forums-ness man
Tesla is only down 4%.
dumb ass investing in Tesla while musk runs it. You deserve your losses.
Not from its ath nigger
Sharpie in Pooper
Well at least you didn't lose 2500 dollars on crypto currency. I'm still holding those shitcoins.
>For hwat purpose?
so can feel like he has a big dick
Buy low sell high retard. Wait for 230s and average down.
Just hold onto it, retard.
It will raise in value by a lot.
You're twenty years old, there's plenty of time to make good. I'd be shitting my pants if I was 65 and dumped all of my retirement savings into this, though.
This, I'm down 5k since the crash. Currently holding 1k in quantum hoping ghost isn't such a boomer and it goes up.
Elon musk isnt apart of tesla dude, why do you think the stock is tanking?
CD player? Do they even sell CD’s anymore?
are you an idiot
what the hell do you do when you see a massive sale/liquidation sign on the high street or at the mall?
This is literally the same - BUY BUY BUY