What is the most shameful episode in your country’s history...

What is the most shameful episode in your country’s history? This is a chance to apologize to other countries or peoples.

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Letting in the Joozes

Freeing the slaves

No shame, everything we did was epic



Vietnam. That was the epitome of globalist bullshit

My country has done nothing wrong. Ever.

That whole "we're gonna commandeer any ship that is transporting slaves" thing. So fucking lame


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We're living it right now.
God save us

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Right now

Trusting kurvats over italians after ww1 sorry Italy.

I'm in it.

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Keeping niggers in America after slavery ended.

Losing the Russo Japanese war?

fighting against the germans

Letting (((Pootin))) and his zionist crew rob the country.

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Pretty much all of it since Romanov dynasty came to power.

>Rad thread.
I'd say the way new Russian immigrants were being treated during the 80's.

Mexico - I'm sorry we beat your brown asses back across the Rio Grande in 1846. That James Polk was literally William Augustus. Way to get even though.

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you too huh.

What a cuck you are

allowing american mongrels to step foot on macedonian territory whilst the war in kosovo was raging
not genociding albanian scum in cooperation with serbs would be another

history mysteriously keeps changing

so I'm not sure

The last four years.

making a fucking leaf our flag

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>What is the most shameful episode in your country’s history?
Swedish and danish crusades to our country from 1150-1300 to destroy our religion and culture.

Treating Ukrainian peasants like pests, invasion of Czechoslovakia. We're sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive us.


did swedes not approve of tengrism and spurdo?



I'm so sorry. We deserve everything that's happening. I'm so sorry..

Invade Greece i think,they were the only one who supported us in the Balcanic war.

dra åt helvete

The only bad thing we did in that period was not directly intervening in the winter war on the Finnish side.

I forgive you bro

Yes, staying neutral in the most important battle for western civilization was a great idea!

Look how great everything is in europe now! We totally made the right choice to sit around with our thumbs up our asses

Deporting Jews to the Nazis, some even fled from Europe to become refugees in Morocco. Imagine that.

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About a million russian speaking citizens, they had a hard time mixing into society because of the language barrier, couldnt get the jobs they had back in Russia. the old ones still struggle, the young generation not so much anymore.

Děkuji, I think I'll go to Lichkov soon, any recommendations?

Blew up some Bongs.

joining the second world war when we could've been neutral.

Where do you think you are, jew-lover? Go make aliyah, faggot. There's no place for your kind in europe

I'll just issue a blanket apology for the entirety of our foreign policy since our inception.

Vietnam, for not curb stomping them enough.
Same for the middle east in general.

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oh, sorry about that, my flag is actually Romania.

Can't think of anything desu.

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Did you guys actually check the basis on which they returned to Eretz or did you accept goyim with forged papers?

Why the fuck would any country apologize for anything. This is why bleeding hearts have to have sense practically knocked into them, it's the way the world works. "Hey uh sorry millions in your country died because it failed to protect itself and your leaders were incompetent". "hey uh, sorry you had no chance at all but we feel bad about it I guess. What we gained was worth it though"

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Electing Donald Trump

Really and crimes against Palestine aren't your worst?

Go fuck yourself

What's wrong with loving yourself? In a couple of generations there will be no place for ethnic Swedens in Europe.

Cause we would be so much better of getting the full zog pill in 45 rather than slowly letting it slip in over the years.
We were too small and insignificant to make any difference between the major players anyway.

Goyim too, but those with a Jewish heritage had it easier.

We will see about that you fucking rats The cat is out of the bag. The goyim know, I've read your talmud. I promise I'll give you a quick death, however. Unlike you I have some morals

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> t. powerless gentile

You can do jack shit about it

Hrvoje you know ours.

>allowing Muslims in our ranks LARPing as "cvijeće Hrvatskoga naroda" with them going rampant with Serb slaughter instead of relocating Serbs to east of the Drina.
>same Muzzies put on caps with the red star to conduct slaughter of Croats

Remember no more wars with Serbs and let's split Bosnia.

Can't mind mixing in some fresh blood huh

we interned the japanese for the duration of the war 1 month after pearl harbor. people were given 48 hours to sell all their belongings and their land at risk of it being taken by the government. after they were released they only got 20,000 dollars per household to rebuild their communities. and yet jap bros are still our bros, its hard to think something like this happened in our history and ill never forgive the "progressives" for this travesty to human rights.

Invasion of Asia Minor in the 1920s (?). We had a 'we wuz Alexander' moment that ended tragically, losing all of Asia Minor in the end.

Day of the ash is coming, kike. Better hop on back to (((Israel))) quickly. There are more of me being born everyday. You're not as clever or subtle as you think. Your hubris will be your downfall

Not gassing the Puritans after winning independence

nothing desu


We will see gentile, we will see

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Making of Yugoslavia ver. 1 in 1918 instead of Great Serbia was Serbian greatest catastrophy in history

Abraham Lincoln

When 16 Danish soldiers died fighting the German liberators on April 9th 1940. It's a day that will forever live in infamy.

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The Serbian goy fears the Tomahawk missile

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Serbia Stronk!

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sorry germans

Teaching the world how to speak English, now they won't stfu...

>Implying their Naval destruction in one of the funniest naval blunder stories EVER is anything but epic.
Believe me user you don't know epic until you read about the Baltic Fleet journey to Tsushima, Homer would be proud.

right now

that's a pipe dream
literally equivalent to saying that bavaria should have made greater bavaria instead of germany
or that normandy should have made greater normandy instead of france
it's just not how nations are built you retard

There are no mistakes, only lessons

WW2 - Present


they are called kikes. thats what they called themsleves when we let them in. they ruined our country about 25 years later.

How's the Swedish constitution on free speech and freedom of assembly?

In case it is like the Danish, I can only suggest you to call your local police and arrange a public Quran burning to make them chimp out and make the Swedish people realize what animals they are.. Just like Rasmus Paludan does in Denmark.

ruled by pic related for 100 year

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Weimar and this one.
And sorry for what we did to the serbs I guess.

i beg to differ

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Fuck off inbred

Nevermind forgot about that

Fuck off kike

Kek. 6 days.. SIX fucking days.. These insects just can't help themselves.

Refugees inbound

Sorry Germany for stopping Hitler we didn't have the chans then... So Who could've known...

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Declaring war on Germany in 1939.

shut up Turk rape baby

We could have continued being an extension of the British empire, spreading the word of God and stomping nonwhite worldwide.

Now our flag is a leaf, and nothing but homosexual wicca pagans and atheists or migrants roam our streets

I wish there could have been an option to have the Hit-man leave Poland alone but not sparking another world war.

19th Amendment
Cardi B

>spreading the word of God
>stomping nonwhite worldwide
when did god ordered you to kill nonwhites?

Slavery, Jim Crow laws and the genocide of the Native American tribes.


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