Cypriot Serial Killer

A Cypriot serial killer now has 7 confirmed kills.
- All the victims are women
- All the victims are immigrants
- He's in the army
- His head is shaved

They are discovering more bodies by the day.
He's already the most prolific serial killer in Greek history, the previous record was 5 murders.

Attached: serial_nekres_main2[1].jpg (963x541, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look at that nose. 100% a jew.


Attached: KYPROS_LOXAGOS2[1].jpg (880x660, 118K)

Did he rape them or just kill them?

fucking based

It's too early to say

They found a Filippino body on 14 April
Then another Filippino body on 20 April
The woman they found on 20 April also had a 6-year old daughter, and he has admitted killing the kid but the body hasn't been found yet

Then they found a Nepalese body today, and on top of that he admitted killing a Romanian woman and her child as well.

The media say there are 7 victims total but I'm not sure who is the 7th

At this rate there could be many more

Attached: 1289173725906.jpg (221x217, 20K)

I just did > 9,000 hours of facial forensics on this guy to give you a composite sketch. If I looked like Gonzo, I'd wear pilot shades too.

Attached: gonzo.png (720x1053, 42K)

And another. Dem sanpaku eyes. Dude does not feel remorse for killing.

Attached: gonzo2.png (753x923, 47K)

>heh I'm an genius INTJ serial killer, good luck catching me and foiling my master plan with your inferior intellects
>Caught after killing only 7 people

Meanwhile an American hillbilly takes potshots in Walmart with grandpappy's varmint rifle and kills more people.

How did riceniggers get to Greece? I thought Greeks only """allowed"""/forced to take in (by the Ottomans) dirty Turkroaches. Like the one on the top left looks like a disgusting Turk. Top right looks like a Turk-"""Greek"""-Slav mongrel. Bottom right is another """Greek""" mutt. Everyone else are the Asian spics.

We don't really have a lot of serial killers around here.

I've never said this to anyone but fuck it, a distant relative was one of the last people to be executed through the death penalty in this country. He murdered someone (very rare at the time).

The fact that he planned and killed 7 people before being caught is much more newsworthy, than any burger spraying and praying. You kill even one or two people here, you’re probably gonna get caught(unless you’re black)

It's obvious the suspect is driven by fetishism. That's gay. Hope he gets prolapsed in jail, if anything, for killing a child. Child killers aren't welcome.

He is probably a degenerate who raped those women and has some kind of a fetish for non-white women, probably jewish too, but this is pretty based.
What have you done to clean up your country?

reminds me of Child 44. How did they catch him?
Newspapers say, he went to Greece regularly so maybe in Greece he has killed too.

>White asian obesssed men rape and kill Asian women but they are always pissed about how brown men are raping their women. Like God, they are hypocritical pieces of shit. Thank God, Muslims are going to teach you fuckers a lesson.

>All the victims are immigrants

makes sense from his perspective. Working moigrants don't have relatives who would miss them immidiatly. Cyprus is a big Island but only 1 Million citizens, so it would be harder to kill a local and get away with it.-

Look at that post. 100% schizo muslim
Hi moarpheus
>schloppy schlopp mossad

nose of a fighter

or a nigger, depending

Really, only 5 as the old record? We had a farmer we who fed 50 hookers to pigs and that's nothing compared to some American killers.



Xannei h pattixa tou

This guy doesn’t have shit compared to the spics

Attached: 9C3CB90B-C8DE-487E-B65D-6C3199B7BC91.png (750x1334, 244K)

Fucking lip licking mutt

>previous record was 5

Attached: you-gotta-pump-those-numbers-up-those-are-rookie-numbers-30070070.png (500x353, 98K)

>killed 47 inmates in prison
shithole prisons sound great

You needn’t rape/kill on Cyprus. Just go to Aiya Napa and get your cocknout and some horny slut will take care of the rest.

Why Greek history when it's something happening in Cyprus?

>all migrants
Soooooo what’s the problem faggot? Are you scared his going to send you to hell?

>killed women to bathe in their blood to help her skin
Ya sounds about right for a woman.

The previous record holder was a taxi driver.
He operated from 1987 until 1996
His case is actually hilarious.

In 1987 he killed a guy who was staying at the killer's home, using a crowbar, because the killer had stolen something from him and he didn't want to get caught.
In 1993 he burned a woman he met while working as a taxi driver because she refused to have sex with him.
In 1994 he killed another taxi driver with whom he had argued over a customer.
In 1995 he killed two brothers. The killer sold them his car but tried to steal it back.

He attempted to kill 7 many more people, leaving some injured and crippled.
He shot at two guys who flirted with a woman by the road.
He broke into a car as revenge because the previous owner of the car had ruined his relationship with a girl, and when he was caught by passersby he shot at them.
He got into a road rage incident with a biker, and then plotted to murder him by crashing into him with a stolen car.

I hope the cops suicide him

If there is one thing Americans are good at its killing, other people, our people, and ourselves. Doesn’t matter it’s in our blood to fuck shit up. I’m getting a chub right now just thinking about bombing another brown shithole country


Greeks and Jews have the same noses though

I didn't know Jeff Bezos had a brother.

He was an idiot with poor impulse control (like all of the psychopaths) that was unbelievable licky.

Lucky* fucking phone

lmaooo the nose hahahahaha

sloppy job, kikessad.

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haha he's on youtube now although he's settled down and found jesus

Why are you posting pictures of a Turkish man?

Are you proud of that or something? The police handled that case in a most awful manner.

Where’s the Russian cannibal ?