fuck pedos .
This faggot is 34 and was trying to invite my little brother who is confused. Let’s put a stop to this fucking degenerate. pics ITT
Fuck pedos
post pics of your brother
Your brother is a full blown faggot lmao
He’s 15
he’s post pubescent retard who cares? you don’t even know the definition of pedophile you brainlet it strictly means you’re attracted to prepubescent children which a 15 turning 16 year old boy is far from. puberty is god’s age of concent
>east china, MI
Based pedo. Your brother's a fag
This isn't Jow Forums related. And your brother is a flaming homosexual. kys.
he’s confused. nobody in our family is gay and he has 4 older brothers. its no way
>your average Jow Forumstard's family unit is such that his brother is getting groomed by an e-pedo and his dad allows it
And you complain about Jews ruining your life, kek
Not your personal army, fuck off
>still thinks homosexuality is genetic
yikes. your brother was molested. likely by one of your other brothers.
wft is this shit? this isn't politics! take this faggotry elsewhere
op is a full blowing faggot
Don't even open your gay mouth to talk about God you fucking faggot. All of you deserve the rope, including OP's faggot brother.
fuck off tribal kike. Go back to israel
this right here
First, if you're serious take this shit to the cops and you can pin this other homo for soliciting a minor. Second, try to find the faggot that molested your brother. From the texts you've posted, it doesn't seem that he's "confused."
Holy fuck i like this thread!
it’s politically incorrect you mongroid
Get this degenerate pedo turbofag sent to prison. He can get years for this, especially since he solicited a pic. I hope his ass gets reamed by every Tyrone in his cell block.
Call the cops you daft fuck, print this shit out and show it to them.
your bro got molested dude
How cute is your brother? Got any pics of his feet?
Looks like a spic. This is why we have to deport them.
yikes where did the mean man touch you as a child
Also your brother is a faggot
Also call the cops you dumb fuck.
Oh no no no no no
It’s all right there lmfao your brother is 100% a raging homo. Just accept it before this becomes sad because you’re completely in denial lmfaooo
I seriously would like to shove a machete down your throat
>pics ITT
>no shota pics posted
Also, why are stalking your lil brother's cell, it's kinda creepy.
I'm not a kike, you don;t know shit about me.
I do know that your brother is a faggot though.
Report to cops, get pedo arrested.
Ask your brother who molested him, then kill that person.
Just go to the cops and show them all that shit you colossal dumbass
Get them to meet and have your brother text you that he's being raped. Show up and beat the fuck out of him.
Shut it fag, pedophilia is a political issue
He got molested dude, talk to the cops
>not honor killing your gay brother
>Awesome sauce
It's a fucking redditor pedo too. You got yourself a double whammy
user, have you called the police? You literally have his address and proof of him soliciting a minor. That's really all they need
More like tape a vid, and blackmail the dude with it. At least that's what most loli thots do in here.
Beat the fag out of him after beating his boyfriend.
Sorry mate, your brother's a queen.
Pic unrelated