/ptg/ President Trump General - Covfefe Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @JBAndrews 4/24/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Drug Abuse Summit 4/24/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 4/24/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 4/24/19
>VP Pence @Ford Motor Plant on USMCA 4/24/19
>VP Pence arrives in MI 4/24/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Qatari FM Al Thani 4/24/19
>KAC outside WH 4/24/19
c-span.org/video/?460125-1/ (audio @03:50)
>KAC on FoxNews 4/24/19
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/24/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/24/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 4/24/19
>Lara Trump on Hannity 4/24/19
>Giuliani on Ingraham 4/24/19
>Giuliani on F&F 4/24/19
>Giuliani on FBN 4/24/19
>DepDefUndSec4Pol Trachtenberg @Brookings Inst on Nuclear Deterrence 4/24/19
>DepAssistDefSec4SpacePol Kitay @CSIS on Space Threats 4/23/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: covfefe.jpg (275x367, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nyaa.si/?f=0&c=1_2&q=[HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

I love Trump and I hate Jews
If you don't know about the Jews yet, Start with these:

>Crash Course: Life, Race and Politics
>The Greatest Story Never Told
>Europa: The Last Battle
>Mein Kampf Volume I & II - Adolf Hitler
>The Revolt Against Civilization - Dr. Lothrop Stoddard
>Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov
>White Power - US Commander George Lincoln Rockwell
>Dr. William Luther Pierce
>On The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther
>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>The International Jew - Henry Ford
>Sun and Steel - Yukio Mishima
>Historian David Irving
>Manly Palmer Hall
>The Money Masters
>Jewish Ritual Murder
>[redacted]: Those in Power
>Holocaust Revisionism Debunked: The Master Course
>The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.34_[2019.04.19_22.23.08].jpg (1280x720, 281K)

Trump 2020 victory.

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>tfw too dum to understand nested If-Then functions in Excel
>tfw never gonna make it

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wasted desu

show bob

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off by one

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>off by one
I wonder who could be behind this

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What has happened today? How have threads been? Also hope you had a great day, user.

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next episodeWHEN?!

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Biden BTFO

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I've put $500 on Trump winning (with one group of friends) and $800 on Sanders (with another group of friends). One of these old bastards better fucking win.

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Should be holding her own head

>too dum to understand nested If-Then functions

>and $800 on Sanders (with another group of friends)
to win the primary?
or the general?
Either way that's stupid

>god emperor

>name my band

>$800 on Sanders
no refunds

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If they pick Bernie they're just giving up

Has anyone done this yet?
Seems like it was too easy

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three faggots and a god

That's all Democrats have at this point.

one just came out yesterday.
so the next one will come out this coming wednesday

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And if Yang wins, you get $12,000 a year.

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she`s right.


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Creepy Joe is officially running for president, the death count for the Easter bombings was reduced by about a hundred, and Barr is going to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 1st.

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Man, it seems the polls have not learned their lessons since 2016. Polls have Warren and Harris beating Trump by 7-10 points in PA,MI,WI

However, there are enough stupid people in PA and Michigan to vote for Biden to win.

Granted, Trump won those states with no experience and accomplishments, and Clinton was so bad even Bidens family members there voted for him.

Biden the Pedo should have no chance in PA or Michigan, but again, stupid, self hating white people will probably vote for him more than they did Clinton. Atleast Wisconsin does good, but you never know, AZ could go blue to to illegals and could offset Wisconsin, so you never know.

>We don't need no White men leading the Democrat party

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>I love Trump and I hate Jews
seems like a contradiction

Markets were mixed, the Dow was dragged down by MMM
Durable Goods Orders were better than expected (2.7% vs 0.8%)
Jobless claims came in worse than expected (230K vs 200K)
FB and MSFT posted positive earnings but that wasn't enough to offset MMM

Steve Bannon/Kyle Bass talked about China in an interview on CNBC
The Dollar is back at highs thanks to good U.S. data/earnings and deteriorating European data/earnings
US earnings have been mostly positive although some multinationals have missed due to poor performance in China
Two examples of companies taking a hit due to weakening Chinese demand (MMM and CAT)

Fed press conference on May 1st regarding interest rates.
They will keep rates where they are so the question is are they more or less dovish compared to the previous meeting.

I missed Pinterest's IPO last week but it looks like it was successful.
>Looking for $15-$17 share
>Priced $19 share ($10B)
>Ended up that day at $24.40
>Currently at $28.80

Lyft has continued to hang around the $56 level.
I don't expect much action ahead of its earnings report which is on May 7th.
No official number on short interest yet but I'd expect that trade to be rather crowded.

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>Luke calls white people niggers
>and thinks niggers are people

I can not fine even a semblance of sanity in this mind.

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>Watching newest video of a vlog in Sweden
>Guy gets on a train to head up north
>Not a single muslim (I checked)
>All white

>mfw reality is bending

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Non whites came into the thread

Thank you cosmic awoo!

These white mellinial faggots from http:/madhouseservers.com called me "probably " racist. Ive never screamed nigger so loud at these white sjw faggoys! I WAS SCREAMING NIGGER LOUD AF ABOUT THESE WHITE NIGGERS FOR 14L5 MINUTES ! ALONE BY MYSELF. Nigger means "a dumb person." Why because im boomer and I hang out in here. Well I.dont agree with the hardcore Nazi bullshit. IM NOT RACIST. FUCKING STUPID WIGGERS.

Attached: DUMB-MULTICULTURAL-NIGGERS.jpg (960x1280, 266K)

You're the best, thank you. He became the 20th D candidate if I'm not mistaken, Sri Lankans are incompetent as has been said, but I don't know what they hope to take from Barr.

Hey marketanon friend. Do you think a lot of demand is on the backfoot even in the west? Lyft should be a slam dunk on shorting.

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>a race hustler of the al sharpton variety

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He also still likes taylor swift. I think he's just a wigger leftist here for the memes and community.

ETR is the tax rate I'm trying to find (between 0 and 1) by dividing "txt" by "pi". If the result is negative the result should be 0, if it's greater than 1 it should say 1.

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never let the shills make you feel crazy or strange for seeing reality, many of the smartest and most successful men to ever live knew the same truths

remember what they've taken from us

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If I ever get rich I am gonna hire you to trade on my account. Thanks for the QRD, user

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>I.dont agree with the hardcore Nazi bullshit.
A nation is composed of its people, Luke.

Niggers aren't taking us into space.

>Biden's campaign is already dead
lmao that's why you never apologize for jack shit on your record

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Same bitch said that if we want civility, we need to check our privilege.

That is the prime jew golem. Unlike Ilhan who names her owners.


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look at this guy, he must have been on artillery, his brain is shot.

you didn't have a right to free speech, period. its in your own response. You can't even be a dick, let alone speak out of line.

This dude is pure cringe. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be in the same general as some of you. Speaking, of course, of awoo fags, avatar fags, and people that know other anons and talk about them more than talking about Trump and the news.


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For the record, military have truncated rights which are totally different than civilians. It is indeed signing away your rights when you are not drafted because you are surrendering your full rights voluntarily. If you haet democracy anyways that's kind of okay.

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Replace / with :

Wait until you start using their barbaric AND an OR functions in IF statements

But if an Excel formula is too hard to parse, copy it, paste it into a text editor, and put each part onto a new line. It helps

Words aren't actions. But keep trying shlomo.

The roll-out of his campaign has been amazing. It's pretty much the equivalent of a plane crashing on the runway during takeoff. Like have you seen his announcement video? It was literally just "Charlottesville bad. Fuck Drumpf. Vote for me".

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Surrender more news and pictures of your person because that is important blyat

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But the result (as long as the value is between zero and one) should be one divided by the other. I'm dividing tax rate by pretax income to find effective tax rate

figure of speech,
you're right though.

Unless they can make faster than light travel and find another earth or something. People say it is somehow possible but I don't see it happening.

excel is niggerlicious, they added javascript functionality for custom functions which is far better.

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It's getting funny again frens, I know I know, miga and all.

Something changed, maybe a skip in this timeline. There is something. Don't know how to describe it, but just look at the change in tone at the fake news.

I think this timeline is, well I can't be sure.

But I know it's going to be fun. Biden. Hahahahaha

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You have yet to realize the sheer quantity of electoral votes the moon alone might represent.

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Desu I think a strong core of "Americans" are susceptible to any notTrump saying "fuck hate n' shit I'm in the "middle" so I can't be wrong". Media are doing a very good job working his way out of any "mistakes" he as made and the like to warm him up for primaries then general. He dominates positive press over any other D I see, others are met by press with skepticism.

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Ben Shapiro keeps repeating in his show the myth that Trump was refering to nazis as fine people and that Steve Bannon was "friendly to the alt right" (the actual alt right)

>those ankles

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Uhh.. go find a dictionary that defines niggers as "a dumb person"

Ill drive to.my black friends house and take a picture of us looking at it together . Hes the one that educated me about the word nigger.. you habe all races of niggers.. this is what a black man taught me ok.. so im just speaking truth.. go to your library and look up the word nigger in a old book.. it has immediate race connotations but black people know when its referenced properly and I was educated by a black man on the subject ok

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Take out the extra ,1 it should be ,1,if not 1,1,if

He is trying to appease the sjw base. That strategy is not going to work. Sjws see right through him and boomers will be turned off by his appeal to lefties.

>black friends
just stop

if the berds pick bosa will the cot die?

when did the marines start letting in midget goblins?

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We're one asteroid impact away from extinction. If we don't become a multiplanetary species, we will go extinct.

: also does division

President Trump has announced that President Xi Jinping will be visiting the White House "soon".

Probably to sign a trade agreement

nyaa.si/?f=0&c=1_2&q=[HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

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Bosa is a zona lock

space exploration, striving for greatness, are the defining factor of being white. The reason niggers accomplished nothing is because they are lazy and content to just graze and live day to day rather than autistically pushing forward

if you don't like space, you aren't white

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i am the very opposite of important, just like everything else. also you signed away your right to news when you became a wagie
(and that's a good thing)

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>Words aren't actions.

*moves your embassy to Jerusalem*
*appoints Jews to cabinet positions far exceeding their 2% share of the population*

Keep rationalizing, stormfat.

and Trump gifts him a Winnie the Pooh doll

Real shame what he has turned into. Would've been worth supporting him 20 years ago based on all these commentary that has been dredge up.
>I don't think putting niggers in white schools helps anyone
>we need to take these niggers off the streets before they turn into predators and harm me or my family

This too may work If not get rid of inner )(

I don't think I'd say it's on the backfoot, slowing slightly at worst. The worries are focused on Europe and China, the U.S. remains a bright spot.

It might be but I think most of the downside action has dried up for now and I've been busier lately.
I don't want to get caught in a short squeeze if their earnings end up not being as bad as expected.

Hey guy.. youre about to spawn a fucking podcast with me and some of the blackest hardest chi town gangsterest niggers about the word nigger so.if you really wanna take it there you can watch my lilly white ass talk openly with some real pipe hittin niggers ok.. that work for you faggot? Its one phone call to my family to address tjis to yo. Ok nigger? Understand?

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This should work

That's nothing at all considering the last two presidents started several wars for them

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>When Biden is literally your best chance of winning 2020, but you already threw him under a bus but then decide later to go all in with him but he just keeps opening his mouth and digging himself deeper into his hole and niggers won't stop hating him even though you told them they're supposed to support him now
