Has anyone here actually met their "trad" spouse and managed to have a happy life? How did you do it?

Has anyone here actually met their "trad" spouse and managed to have a happy life? How did you do it?

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yes, we met on discord. been married one year now.

Met online when we were 17. Together 12 years.

Why can’t you just spell out traditional?

Define first.

Wow, how did that happen? Do you have any problems? How many kids?
You must be new

OP actually meant to say triad but mistyped.

I met my triad spouse just outside of Chinatown. She is a member of the Jade Tigres and we met 3 years ago when she cut off my cousins fingers. We have been happily married ever since.

Plebbit get out

Not really, no. We're both kind of weird and we love each other very much, we're truly best friends and really just enjoy our time together more than anything.
If you want to be married to someone happily, and have a very high chance of staying to them, the most important thing you can do is marrying someone you legitimately can't wait to spend the rest of your life with and who works really well with you.
I understand that many men, especially on the "trad" side, thing this shouldn't factor much which is why I bring it up: marry your best friend. Anything else is pain, both for you and her. Even if you have a woman who services you, it won't make you happy. You'll need someone who genuinely loves you and who you genuinely love more than anyone else and anything else.

We had some stuff to figure out before having children because we weren't exactly the richest and we didn't want to raise our kids to know poverty.
We had our first when I was 26, just had our second, would like to have a third.
Now I'm a stay at home mother and I plan to homeschool them, and he's working and kicking ass. Our family dynamic is pretty comfy.

Very nice, femanon. Wish you the best.

I thought so but one year into the relationship he quit his job and won't work making me work and pay for everything and yet he's angry I'm "not there for him". Oh, forget about starting a family, with him.


You shouldn't have fucked so many randos because now you can't pairbond and he senses that

Based assumptions poster

Been with my spouse for almost 10 years now, my advice is to just bee urself.

Eight years of lovin' and no real scares anywhere.
It's just that everyone expects to feel ready to marry after like two weeks. Our relationship has been a series of constant discoveries. Only mere months ago did I find she considers her armpits to be a fairly erogenous zone. You learn and explore as you go along, as a team.

It's just that I also didn't predicate this on any need, we've both discussed to great lengths that we'd rather just be talked to and honestly approached with just about anything from cheating to fetishes.

It takes two people of a like mind, though, and a LOT of people date just based on how hot someone is. I put all my focus on finding someone who didn't A) bother the everliving fuck out of me nor B) get bothered by me out of their everliving fuck.

who cares if you've been with the same landwhale for so long, the only one impressed is you

Be nice

okay sorry user

Met on BBS. It was love at first smurg.

And only bitter men like you date women just to compare to people. But hey, only you orchestrate your unhappiness. I can't do anything about that.
Yeah, you have to have open communication in a relationship or it's pretty much guaranteed to fail. That's my experience with it.
Yeah, we discussed what we'd expect from the other should something like that, or a breakup, or down the line divorce in marriage, occur. Again, open communication. Part of the comfort is knowing that we're able to be honest and clear with the other free of being judged, belittled or put on display on social media (not that either of us use any).

Communication, sonny.

So I was right? She is a porker? Gonna go buy a lottery ticket

I mean, I don't think so? She's got that pleasant thiccness, and she still occupies only her own seat on a couch. I know girls for whom that is not necessarily true, and I don't think I'd date someone I considered a porker like that. I wouldn't expect, or want that from anyone. Definitely date someone you're attracted to, physical and sexual attraction is very important.

But I do like em chubby, I'll give you that upfront. I love getting a fucking grip and just railing like an animal. But I just love women. And tits. And ass. And hips. God damn, the female aesthetic is just so goddamn good.
But God damn do I love thicc thighs and fat asses. It's just all about proportion, and some ladies wear it super well.

How did you know, user?

Been together for 2 yrs already and shes more traditional than i am. We are best friends

How did you meet


How 2 meet trad waifu on gaming talk platform

Learn to see a penis as a bonus feature

Yeah. We've been together 13 years, 3 years married. Have a house, 2 kids, the works.

In regards to staying happy - I think a lot of it is understanding that there are going to be good times and bad times. Working through the hard, being each other's rock, makes those good times seem all the better.

I tried and ended up getting divorced
On the plus side, my new partner and I never fight
Like ever.
At all.
So I think I learned a lot about what makes a good marriage from my first marriage failing.
Maybe the new thing is to get married once and have it work the second time?

>"trad" spouse
What did he mean by this?

Basically a virgin before marriage and she doesn't pretend to be a man

Who the hell would want a girl who won't have sex with you?

Divorce this loser. A man who can’t support himself - let alone his family - is no man at all.

How old were you when you got married? How long had you known each other?

Who would want a used female? Certainly no man wants damaged goods

Ah the whore shows her true colours. Money grubbing bitch

Not her but if you want a traditional marriage you have to be the breadwinner. A man who doesn't want to work can't really ask for a traditional marriage.

Sheer pure luck. Comversation just flowed between us like we had known each other for years already

Maybe for you. My "trad waifu" is a girl (female)

I'm very catholic and no one had been near my vagina before him, stupid

What about his refusal to step up as a man? Traditional needs two to work and yet I do it all. Traditional man turns out to be a meme.

>used female
>damaged good
What did he mean by this?

I cannot divorce I made a promise and I'm stuck. Even my parents say to NO but I'm not having children with him EVER

It's not a traditional marriage unless she was pure. Instead she took 100 cocks in every hole of course she will cheat again and again

20 and we dated a little over two years but knew him before.

I held up my end. I'm completely loyal and was a virgin and had a job but we planned I would be a stay at home mom for children. Instead he's like a child and my income supports both of us and he still expects me to do all household chores and cook and wait on him.

But I guess according to you no male can ever be wrong about anything.

My parents prepared me for a traditional marriage and its obvious either his parents didn't prepare him or new he was a lazy boy and helped him deceive me to get him out of the house. I'm beginning to resent them too.

You're an idiot

She literally just said she hasn't fucked around.

Geez no wonder you are so bitter you let 100 Chad's creampie you and settled for the beta provider and now have a barren womb and the sucker isnt paying for your diseased snatch anymore. LMAO. Why not teach some virgins not to ruin themselves like you did whore

>beta provider
Now that is a laugh, hes beta alright but he WILL NOT WORK.

My womb is fine, I was untouched until this sorry excuse of a man took me on my wedding night.

I have no point of reference to comprehend what you suggest I did but in retrospect I should have lived a little.

So to any of you virgin girls out there that are saving themselves for a prince. Just like the clown I'm responding to; THEY SUCK

If you go by
they are dime a dozen in early 20's. Or up to mid 20s in some work fields.

>the 100 cocks guy again
Why are you so obsessed with cocks? Are you a closeted homosexual?

Sorry to hear that user. Hindsight is 20/20, and you probably should have waited longer than a year before tying the knot so stuff like this would have come out beforehand, but at the end of the day it's his fault for being a lazy degenerate who doesn't know how good he could have had it. Somebody should beat his ass for the way he's 'rewarded' you.

I don't think anyone would hold it against you if you divorce him, or at the very least if you ramp up the pressure for him to man the fuck up and keep up his end of the relationship. Even if you're unwilling to divorce, you're under no obligation to support his behavior.

Please don't let your bitterness cloud your judgement. You got the short end of the stick to be sure and have every right to be pissed with how things turned out, but statistically your experience is far less likely than with those who don't have your moral strength going into a marriage.

>Whore wants virgins to all be whores so they all are used up and miserable together

The absolute state of women.
pic related
>Inb4 cherrypicking
Wake up

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Where do you dumb incels come from?
I'm hardly one to go around whiteknighting for actual whores, but she isn't a whore and she didn't do anything wrong.

>Believe all women you incel

LMAO at whiteknighting fedoras like you, the slut isn't going to fuck you because it's just a larping dude. You are whiteknighting for a dude. Let that sink in

A combination of school being out for the summer, incel community websites that keep shutting down, and Jow Forums leaking.

It's literally one incel shitposter, you can see him in multiple threads, he has top level autism.

I have no reason to doubt this one, dipshit. So what if it's a LARP? In the situation given, the poster is clearly not a degenerate, and it's completely asinine to insist that they are simply because "all women are whores and must be lying". That's retarded and flatly incorrect.
There is a fucking 'cheating thread' up right now, and yet you pick this one to call people whores in, and the post that is the antithesis of a whore's at that.

This isn't whiteknighting. I call degenerates what they are, but unless you engage in baseless speculation coupled with a heavy dose of false premises (aka 'all women' are whores), there is no reason to call the poster in question a degenerate of any kind. The worst she did was express anger at how she did everything right, only for it to blow up in her face--which is justified.

Are you telling me everyone here doesn't care if their gf is a nasty used up whore? I can't believe y'all have a cuck fetish

Your shtick is so predicable and recognizable it's sad. Seriously, don't you have anything better to do than post hundreds of incel rage messages all day? We all know you have summer vacation from school but you should be able to do some other things. If going outside is too scary you could always play games on steam or your ps4. Or did mommy take these away from you?

LMAO that an incel calls me an incel for discussing female nature. Get back to me when you lose your virginity (never)

I love how this thread is still baiting replies. Incelposter brings bait when he goes fishing.

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I lost my virginity before you were born. Now you should think about stopping posting because you clearly do not belong here. This place will only remind you of what a failure you are, nobody will give you validation. Try closing the browser and doing something else. Posting on Jow Forums will only eat away at your soul, since every reply you get will only make you realize more and more how pitiful you are.

I've been in a relationship with a Jow Forums guy for four years.
I am a virgin. He is not, but does want to wait.
He has consistently failed to keep a steady job. He is currently in debt. He occasionally makes excuses to leave me and will leave me if I become stressed/upset, then come back later telling me he's so sorry, I'm so nice, etc.

I have been through a LOT more than he has and am still somehow pulling more weight. And if I try to discuss this with him he just runs away like a coward.

I'm moving up in my career and just got offered something for $50k. He is currently unemployed. He blames my anger on me being female/emotional/unstable/sinful. Not on himself.

I would be perfectly fine taking on the "male" role if he would acknowledge where that leaves him and treat me accordingly. He wants to somehow have both though. He wants to have a demure tradwife he obeys him and lets him do as he pleases/take the blame for him and also a mother to take care of him.

hes not a sane man
he lives in a delusional world where he believes whatever he makes up regardless of reality
just let the autist be, he'll probably suicide if he ever wakes up

>I've been in a relationship

How many guys have cum in your mouth up your ass or in your front hole?

can you not read you fucking idiot? did you read the post at all? literally says virgin in it. no one has touched me. i have had no relationships ever, at all, prior to him.
take your hand off your swollen grimey dick for five seconds and maybe some blood will go to your brain and you can read properly your cum obsessed faggot.

how often do you watch porn?
women can probably sense that you've ruined your brain and can no longer see them as people, only sex objects, and that you've got all sorts of fucked up perverted shit in your head.

>the 100 cocks gay incel again

Bruh moment

Prayed for you and your husband today

I can read that you are a used up whore. Stop that before you ruin more lives than your own

Don't bother if there is a god she will send all whores to the meat grinder and add extra salt

>long term boyfriend
>first boyfriend to boot
>waiting for marriage still

have you just squeezed your dick so hard for so long that your brain has been permanently deprived of bloodflow?

Christ, will you never stop? You make literally hundreds of angry posts every day.

We were arguing like hell in an online game. Eventually it led to more things. My life would not be considered ''happy'' in the sense people say the word nowadays. We have fights, we have troubles, there have been tears, but at the end of the day we sleep good and I can be myself with her, without pretending (hopefully she's not lying either). We've been having most of our firsts together, 1 baby being the most serious one till now.

I'm saving lives here you nasty whore. Stay in your lane since you are doing the devils work

How are you saving lives? Are you an emergency medical worker?

>I've been in a relationship with a Jow Forums guy for four year
Oh no no no no

met her when i was 17, we both had jobs working at a summer camp. dated, moved in together, got married, had a kid. nearly 20 years later, here i am, and what do you know, i fucking hate everything and constantly think about going out for smokes and disappearing and never looking back because she has changed into a person that triggers disgust and pity in me and fatherhood brings me no joy and i myself have become bitter and unpleasant and depressing.

so i guess my input isn't particularly uplifting or helpful, but i suppose my point is that you can make zero mistakes and still lose. you can do everything "right" and still end up unhappy.

Yes thank you I have saved 12 men from throat cancer and divorce rape and saved two females from throwing away their value by being promiscuous. Too late for you filthy whore your value is gone with the gallons of cum covering you

You annoyed me in my thread about having trouble getting dick. You didn't save me. You just posted random off topic bullshit. Besides, I'm black so I doubt you 4channelers give a fuck about us having children and all that bullshit. Imma live the good life no matter what you retards want us to do.

Are you playing the race card? If you want ur black privilege post a time-stamped picture.lmao go take another hundred cocks to fill the void from the last 100

>He is currently unemployed
We're on the same boat with the gf. I am currently unemployed and she's making good salary for our country's standards. I own the house we stay, but still.

Despite all else, it is factual that once women got in the workforce, the amount of candidates for jobs pretty much DOUBLED while the jobs stayed the same. More jobs have been created since, but automation has come to balance them back to to the same numbers they used to be.
The reason women can do everything nowadays benefits ONLY those who pick the workers, because they don't have to pay as much anymore and they have a bigger variety to choose from. Women are just as skilled as men to do most things. But the situation at home has been fucked. 1 parent working is not enough anymore. Women have to work just as much instead of just staying home and bringing water from the well to clean the clothes by hand (obsolete nowadays).
The ideal, traditional scenario is that the man works for twice the salary and woman takes care of the kids and the home because that's what she's best at. Men fucking suck at handling kids and women nowadays in most situations don't really want to work, especially with the thousands of entertainment and leisure opportunities. They just have to work to live, and pretend they want to, for the sake of the ''strong and independent'' meme. The world is breeding solo people, robots for the sake of the capitalist machine.

You got locked in a very bad deal, friends. You could be chilling and having lots of fun at home, while depending on 'the man' for your needs. Now you depend on the boss, or the government. Now you have to work and at the same time babysit the occasional man who is unemployed and feels like shit, or just dump the loser and pray you find one who is getting more money than you; and there are simply not enough men who make more than women, for all the women who make money.
yes to both

men dont want to work either
men would also stay home if given the chance

If you were a man you would know that's a lie

working is inherently unpleasant
humans do not want to work
men are humans

>working is inherently unpleasant

Layoff the soilent you underdeveloped child

Imagine being this delusional. But it's okay, you admitted to being 15 years old, we all were edgy know-it-alls at that age.

Uh, why are you still with him?
I'm impressed that you've managed to wait 4 years, but he doesn't seem like much of a catch.

Incels like you should be gassed. Your unsourced, carpet-bombing vitriol is useless to everyone here.

Why are you pushing degeneracy Shlomo?

>he doesn't seem like much of a catch.

Crabs In a bucket. LMAO at sluts

Stop cooking and cleaning. Still do your best not to be rude about it but say, since you're not working why don't you cook tonight? Coerce him gently.

Yes the slut should be even more useless. LMAO at you dumb cunts

>Hitler gets permabanned and this faggot posts bullshit all day with no consequence

Tradlasses, thanks for your words. I will make sure I do my best so my partner doesn't ever have to worry about money.

Try giving good advice and you won't be banned you stupid virgin