Are there any redpilled western women?

Are there any redpilled western women?
It seems to me that 99% of them are like "please Mr. Ahmed come ruin our land and behead our men" and the rest are the "genocide all non-whites" type.
Do women that for example acknowledge that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites and they don't contribute almost anything to our society, but also wouldn't mind being friends with a well-behaved non-evil black person even exist?

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the NPC gender

depends on their partner, don't be dense

there are no rpd women

No. The red pill for non-black males only. It does no good for anyone else. (Cunts and coons) are immune to the red pill effects even if some of them can pretend to mimic it's effects for a later setup.

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Zoomer here, I know many racist girls

Just stop being a lesbian

Only the very eccentric.

Racist girls who fuck nigs on the side

Yes, me.

Honestly I don't think so. The Nazi-larping women are usually gross meth heads that are uneducated and the ones that do like Trump are still muh based Israel retards who will never call out the Jewish media or banking system. Women really have pretty much no capacity to think critically. Most are actually NPCs too.

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Who gives a shit.

Also true, goes hand in hand with high IQs.

Even a racist girl isn't going to think the Holohoax was fake.

My cousin in high school is redpilled and never been on a date. She’s cute too.

Visegrad 4 countries don't count you are almost all redpilled

Wait till she goes to college

heh true. don't worry, a rightwing qt will turn up sooner or later. best to focus on being in great shape in the meanwhile.

Flag checks out. I’ve only met 2 redpilled women in my entire life and they were both polish.

i'm a national socialist catboy trap, do i count?

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Bro this is exactly why white women don't fuck with you anymore...

That racist shit is so played out... Its like how long can you "hate".

If it not IQ, then its skin color
If its not skin color, then its culture.

Id venom you $250 right now if you can post an open letter on your Facebook or IG why you really feel this way.

Is it carnal? Or spiritual?

you know the drill

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Too bad she looks like fucking Iggy Pop there

How come women hide their nipples more now even though #freethenipple and all that bullshit?

My girlfriend is the one who taught me the holocaust was fake

Cleetus pls

>he wouldn’t fuck iggy pop

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Stop only sending us your coalburning whores and keeping the good ones for yourselves

where do u get this shit from, just stop being a cuck pussy who relies on the fact his race is currently in power

but I do hate niggers,wish u whites wud enslave them all already but the fucking private prison industry is trying to get run out by dems

No woman can be redpilled you idiot. Women are the main reason we're in this mess in the first place.

Don't put words in my mouth

no but they can pretend to be
especially if they get the attention they need

Fuck off nigger

Hating your kind is redpilled, go back to africa

Overalls are sexy

Honestly it's like you virgins have never even talked to a woman irl

Those are dungarees m8

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Where do I meet her?

Maybe move to poland for a good woman

>It seems to me that 99% of them are like "please Mr. Ahmed come ruin our land and behead our men"
Sounds like they are pretty redpilled already, kek

We have, we all have mums

Unfortunately I don't speak polski though
Maybe in the next life I won't be cursed to be a fucking anglo

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I have unironically met more redpilled fags than women at this point. I just don't think women want to rock the boat. They like fitting in and being complacent, regardless of all the screeching they do.

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>Are there any redpilled western women?
Women aren't redpilled on their own.
They're redpilled as part of the male influence on their life.

Neither do I, but I am looking into starting to learn polish or Hungarian.

Women are blank slates whose beliefs will automatically follow whomever they perceive as being in charge. It's only afterwards that they will justify their alignment with arguments based on "compassion". When you've married a woman, she will defend and support your world view unless you're an antisocial moron.
The reason women are crazy is only because in the absence of proper male influence their minds are free game for every sociopath to manipulate for profit or political power. This is also why women's ability to vote is such a bad idea. It just makes them involuntary pawns to subvert the democratic process against the will of rational people.

Redpilled faggots are something else. I have run into a few and they have zero fucks to give and no problem whatsoever revealing their power levels to everyone.

It's like they take that finger snapping homo sassiness and load it up with redpills.

We can gas them last.

Good luck to you, for some of us though it feels like some genetic incapability to learn foreign languages
t. already tried and failed to move to another country

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> voluntarily decide to spend the rest of his life in the funzone of europe, between eternal kraut and russians
read up on western betrayal
all of you well meaning "i'll just move to polan" never consider that we unironically hate everybody, not out of malice, its purely histori-geopolitical
only exception are hungarians, hung aryans are eternal bro tier

good luck though
you'll need provide few kraut skalps to even be considered human before trying to build a life here

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>but I am looking into starting to learn polish or Hungarian.
Take the Dixie flag down then you faggot.

english is hegemon language right now,
before it was french, and earlier latin

this is true, everybody beside anglo have it easier, we needed to "learn" to play games, post memes and watch titties
Some magical natural desire helped us in learning

I’m also a zoomer and same

A lot of girls have said incredibly racist stuff right in front of my dark skinned manlet Indian friend.
I honestly feel bad for him. He has had to put up with extreme racism his whole life but he has never once complained and he even is a typical anti-sjw guy.

Why does it have to be this way?

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Weird country, but I basically grew up in an area where tons of poles work

Fuck of yank

>Why does it have to be this way?
Fuck off you glorified cuck

> Sweden
As usual.

mine is black, and yes

I don't deny their humanity, but "polonia" are not poles
It is a wild reserve at best

I just fucking hate Canadians. Holy shit I hate Canadians so much. The biggest redpill Jow Forums has ever thought me is that Canadians are a bunch of retarded syrup slurping moose fuckers.

I'm from the South you tard.

>fucking rockstar still looks like this at 64
I hope he finds American Valhalla.

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Fucking Austin or some BS like that prop

They were working in western europe to make money and go back to poland, they were pretty much poles.

stupid beta blue pilled faggot. you're a part of this clown world

women are social conformists and will be on whatever side is currently winning or is ostensibly the most likely to win. they are the niggers of gender, governed by emotion and pleasure
this is why you should be very skeptical of any thot espousing /ourviews/. they are most likely just seeking attention/personal gain. some outliers are genuine and have a high enough IQ to override their base instincts, but that's probably like 1-2% of women

tl;dr you have to be winning or at least popular to gain the support of women. any women espousing Jow Forums tier views is a grifter and should be bullycided into quitting her bullshit.

This. OP read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

His skin looks like a Naked Mole Rat’s.

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64 years of not wearing a shirt will do that to you :^)

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I thought you meant like "polish" neighbourhood of Chicago - they are polonia
people of whom you speak may or may not be considered that
what they plan to do and what they'll eventually decide is yet to be seen, many of them planned 2-3 years of moneymaking and opening business back in polan but they got used to their new life and stayed there

in the end it is based upon where do you plan to lie down your bones

OP is a jew blackpilling JIDF

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College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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Because their breasts got shittier

My ex got very redpilled after we split. Kinda cool. Now that he has his shit together, I wanna get back together with him.

you were the woman in the relation

Nah. He was. Is? He's a trap. But, he was left-leaning for a while until he saw how quick his LGBT " allies" turned on him

The man doesn't or shouldn't care what woman think

>not finding a woman you like and slowly guiding her to reasonable political opinions

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My fiancé voted for trump. She immigrated when she was 14 and this was the first election she voted in after getting her citizenship. I’m proud of her.

Honestly I think most women value their emotions and more men value logical decisions. Women think about the innocent people that are in a bad spot and men think about the actual ramifications of mass immigration.

Greek pride, world wide

He doesn't anymore. He grew a lot and that really made me happy.

their views are malleable, that's why you find a woman who will listen to you and shape her to not think like a fucking idiot
also why women past 25 are a lost cause because you cant sculpt clay that's already hardened. it's not that men who look for young girls are pervy, dont get me wrong, a woman in her 20s is hands down better than when she's 30, but the key idea is that she can be trained to see what you see and understand the world past highschool level (and believe me, many of them never grew out of the highschool mentality).

Yes. I married one. She's even a bit more extreme than me. They're rare but they do exist.

>do i count?
No, but you will be counted amongst the bodies of your fellow degenerates.