This one animal debunks the evolution theory

This one animal debunks the evolution theory.

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Athietards BTFO

evolution is not politics. fuck off

Imagine being this retarded, have (you)

Fucking yanks....

It is here.

the bug

google debunks the debunking, nigger

Yes it is, the jews politicized it with their supreme court rulings


Really? Why?

inb4 argument from incredulity.

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I don't believe you.


not really, it just shows that theistic/deistic evolution is the sound postition

well what do you say about creationism?

The rationale design of the Bombbardier Beettlle, is that it?



Not really. There are lots of other closely related beetles which have similar defense mechanisms, except the liquids that they mix together from their double-sacs just produce a stinky, malodorous mess which deters predators. That's just an evolutionary hop, step and jump away from the system you see before you in your OP pic.

Is that a Muslim or a German beetle?

LOL darwintards are the worst. kek

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Evolution leads to Atheism which leads to no religion in schools which leads to communism.

It's absolutely politics. And evolution is absolutely a lie so the elites can justify their desires to genocide the rest of us.

Platypus already proved evolution is bunk

Attached: platypus.png (621x410, 426K)

This, christcucks should seriously move to Africa where their beliefs are taken seriously.

Again it JuST HaPPeNEd DIs WaY BeCAusE EvOLuTIoN! Well that's unreasonable bong, just saying it happeneds for no reason, is not reasonable.

No, those beetles don't shoot boiling water out their butt and if one were to evolve that it wouldn't be perfect right away and would kill itself. Also doesn't explain how the other beetles got ghat either since it still the same problem because it's useless until it fully works

They really are. It is such an elaborate and painfully obvious ruse to deny your God first, and way of explaining a plausible scientific phenomena second.

Aaaaand it an argument from incredulity i.e "I don't understand how this could happen, so it didn't happen".

Or it's impossible to happen so it didn't happen

It happened because there was a competitive advantage in it happening.

Well it clearly has happened.


The Brap beetle

We need reason for logical conclusions bong

OP doesnt get yous

You'll have a god soon enough Britbong: Allah!

Only you wont understand how it happened and still it will have happened.

RIP in peace aquafresh

>competitive advantage
Pfft explain, let me guess you don't know.

imagine being a Burger

Scientific theory is not incompatible with religious belief, retards.

Evolution is not a religious issue outside of retarded yanks and their retarded literal interpretation of 2 millennia old fairy tales...

no it doesn't, fuck off

This one OP debunks intelligent design


that explains evolution perfectly

It's an effective defence mechanism. That seems rather advantageous.

What about a frog life, like when its born, develop s a tail, swims around and forms legs.


Duh I thought that was common knowledge


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What I always wondered is what kind of God spends all this time creating millions of different species of insects, birds, and fish but ends up letting children get cancer, starve,sexually molested, emotionally abused, and all other sorts of shit which just continues a cycle of hell.


>I believe this came about by mere chance

This is irreducably complicated object. There is nothing you can do, no smaller step you can take to make this object less complicated and build up from. This functions identically to a mechanical rotary engine. Take any one part out, or even try to assemble it in the wrong order and the whole thing stops working.

The sun would have burned out several times over before this could have come about by chance.

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I've had some hangover days where my farts are 212F and so noxious that they melt paint off the walls.

>Explaining how things happen scientifically is an argument from ignorance
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded.

This is evolution

How so?

Please outline exactly how.

It could still be a deception. Even if the bible is entirely false. That wouldn't make evolution correct.


Anyone who actually believes in evolution is an absolute brainlet.

>he doesnt understand biochemistry


What makes evolution correct is the fact that it elegantly explains what we see occur in the natural world and has yet to fail at doing so, ever.

Have you ever played the sims

Evolution doesn't Explain how anything scientifically happens or happens, evolution's an argument from ignorance


Whenever I see these threads I am glad we made those people leave Europe.
American "Christians" are an insult to actual Christians.
Sage and be stupid somewhere else

kek a funny german

They just claim evolution did everything out of pure randomness for no reason, because randomness has no reason behind it.

Yes it does m8. Mutation and natural selection producing individuals best suited to survive in their environment.

It's exactly the same process as animal breeding, just that's us doing the selection rather than nature.

Kent Hovind? Isn't he the guy who claimed that a Jackson's chameleon can grow into a Triceratops?


Mutations happen randomly, but evolution is not. If the mutation is detrimental, they are less likely to survive to reproduce, if it's beneficial, they are more likely to. Thus the beneficial mutations live on.

It's classic correlation equals causation fallacy.

The ONLY reason you believe in evolution at all is because the state threatened your parents with violence for not putting you in school x number of hours per day.

You were converted at the barrel of a gun. Just like all religious freaks.

Amerimutts are retarded, as always.

>which leads to communism.
Do you even know what this word means?

>It's absolutely politics. And evolution is absolutely a lie so the elites can justify their desires to genocide the rest of us.

You're ignoring the fact that elites have used religion to pacify people for centuries.

Wew, it's nothing. There's weirder shit in nature.
These things for example defy fucking biology, they looks like some product of advanced artificial bioengineering.

Attached: 43tthh.png (518x444, 266K)

There are no beneficial mutations. All mutations we have observed are in fact detrimental and compromise survival.

I think you overdosed on freedum

Except every one of those parts, except 2, exist on other organisms.

>The best studied flagellum, of the E. coli bacterium, contains around 40 different kinds of proteins. Only 23 of these proteins, however, are common to all the other bacterial flagella studied so far. Either a “designer” created thousands of variants on the flagellum or, contrary to creationist claims, it is possible to make considerable changes to the machinery without mucking it up.

>What’s more, of these 23 proteins, it turns out that just two are unique to flagella. The others all closely resemble proteins that carry out other functions in the cell. This means that the vast majority of the components needed to make a flagellum might already have been present in bacteria before this structure appeared.

In fact, these Flagelum exist in literally hundreds of thousands of variations, showing that the structure is STILL evolving.

Was the research on this done by Bombardier aerospace?

Best drug ever. Course you wouldn't know.

>Bombardier beetles inhabit all the continents except Antarctica. They typically live in woodlands or grasslands in the temperate zones but can be found in other environments if there are moist places to lay their eggs.

Yes, you can find them in Germany

the most retarded post of the day

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I believe in evolution because it is proven that you and I are directly related to chimpanzees.

How's that I hear you ask? Basically our common ancestor got a cold one day. That cold virus then got written into it's DNA at a random point and passed down onto its offspring. It's still there, in the exact same place, in both chimps and humans.

Yes, moron, most mutations are harmful. But some mutations become quite useful for organism.

it's an obvious evolutionary cousin of the stink bug.
Just instead of shooting noxious chemicals, it is shooting ones that are reactive.

This provides an evolutionary advantage over the stinkbug, as this defense mechanism is useful against things without noses.

Bullshit. The cold virus mutates ever year allowing it to keep on infecting people.

Why’d you pick a beetle? It’s the most diverse species on earth so there was bound to be one evolving toxic farts

Theres no mechanisms to check the genome for accuracy, ergo evolution is debunked.

Most mutations are benign and do not adversely or positively affect a creature at all.

>except 2, exist on other organisms.
Ghat doesn't prove anything. God can use the same design multiple times

>literally hundreds of thousands of variations
And it's still a flagelum, not something else.
Again doesn't prove how it would have evolved into that

Sorry, what?

Try again but this time actually make sense.

show me some

OP, I don't believe you, and I certainly don't believe Kent Hovind, who apparently can't even into bio-chem. This guy is pilpul-ing a bunch of rubes into taking the bible as a literal text. You're a trained liar.

Protein export system that grew a tentacle, results in locomotion.

see And that doesn't prove it came abpit through evolietion