Burning of Notre Dame

>burning of Notre Dame
>massacre at Sri Lanka
>massive anti-Christian shilling at Jow Forums
It all adds up, this is the beginning of something bad...

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 26:45&version=KJV
google.com/search?q=wolf and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbwqrlsezhAhVGGpoKHVuvCJ4Q_AUICSgA&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1
google.com/search?q=lion and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&oq=lion and the&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4489j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
google.com/search?q=wolf and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5nPPHuuzhAhUix4sKHZ7aAToQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969
google.com/search?q=leijona ja lammas&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLref8u-zhAhXnoYsKHdwbAVQQ_AUIDigB&cshid=1556237470702375&biw=1920&bih=969
google.com/search?q=susi ja lammas&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ_uS6v-zhAhUIuIsKHZ4oC4UQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969

user, I...

Also the whole "eastern worshippers" thing from elites

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Have you tried realizing that not every one here is a retarded worshiper of a dead jew on a stick?

>meme flag
You're part of the shill squad.

>It all adds up, this is the beginning of something bad...
Nah just Mossad trying to start a holy war since Israel is desperate and Israel's military is shit and Iran will kill them all without the USA's help.

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I don't know if this actually happened or if people remember the Bible wrong, but please watch this video. This is extremely creepy, this priest explains that the Bible has changed somehow. youtube.com/watch?v=h7m3zad6QIg

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It's Easter not Eastern.

Just defending my identity, i don't usually use memeflag, but this is a special case

Because it's an Israeli flag.

Might as well be the same because we don't worship neither

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honk honk honkies

phoenix rises soon

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We have to stick together in these though times, all those who believe in our Lord and Saviour. Go to Church, read the bible, and pray for each other
God bless you brothers

my bible still says new wine in old wineskins
I've known about the lion change for sometime, my guess is that Satan is trying to find a timeline that he wins as the sand in the hourglass of his rule slowly runs out.
My bible says on earth not in earth.
it also says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (instead of trespass or trespassers)

Do you have King James Bible? That's the one that keeps changing. All the other english Bibles come from that so it makes no sense for it to be that different to use these modern words

i have a NKJV

Christians know and expect bad things to happen. If you're a Christian none of this should be shocking to you.

I think it has to be normal King James Bible, i have it and it's kinda scary to read it anymore because it's so weird. I wish this wasn't real because it fucks up with my mind, but it grows my faith in God even more

the weirdest one is corn fields imo because corn didn't exist in the middle east during biblical times it wasn't brought over until after the discovery of america, my bible still says grainfields but if it says corn then it's inaccurate with history also many lord prayers have changed to remove the part where it says "thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever."

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like check matthew 12:1-8

that's some rokko's basilisk type shit right there

>quoting movies you haven't seen
Literally every single thing Verbal says is a lie.
(FYI, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here by assuming you've simply never seen The Usual Suspects and aren't just a fucking retard who quotes things out of context to justify reinterpreting their meaning.)

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Calm down lol. etymonline.com/word/corn

Yes, we need to go on a crusade to Iran! Forward, Deus Vult!

That is weird too, also the NKJV and KJV are supposed to be similar, but they are very different now. How is older book having these modern terms there that shouldn't exist? The KJV is also kinda hard to read now, it almost like has these typos everywhere, i don't understand. That video of course was just a one of many

I don't have a KJV to check this against it doesn't say it in the NKJV but apparently matthew 26:45 jesus tells the disciples to sleep now and rest then immediately tells them to rise because the hour of his betrayer is at hand.

You guys aren't very good at this. Not saying you your theory about the a changing bible is wrong, I dunno about that, but corn is an old word and it didn't always mean what it means today. Same goes for many other words that appear in the KJV.

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Universe Alet confirmed. It was never cornfields

Hmm, can you tell me some well know passage and i'll look up what it says? Also the Captcha is giving me hell now

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 26:45&version=KJV


Also the wolf is symbolic of the deceiver as is the commonly known a wolf in sheep's clothing the lion is symbolic of the lion of Judah so when it says the wolf shall lay with the lamb it's saying the devil shall lay with Jesus.

45 Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

46 Rise, let us be going: behold, he is at hand that doth betray me.

It was a temple of Mary Worship.
Not exactly holy.

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Your parents didn't tell you that you were smart whilst growing up, we get it. You're a big smart man now

>correlation is not causation
>pseud film choice
>pedo fag actor
it all checks out

What did it say before? Also look how you can't find jack's shit about wolf and the lamb relating to Bible, even though that's how it is supposed to be, on all Bibles now not just KJV. google.com/search?q=wolf and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbwqrlsezhAhVGGpoKHVuvCJ4Q_AUICSgA&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1

Are you talking about Matthew 12:1? It says Jesus went through the corn. Not corn fields no, and again corn as written in the KJV isn't referring to corn in this day and age no.

Are you saying that the KJV has changed and that it said something else before? A different word than corn? Universe alet?

Then compare to Lion and the Lamb, this is unreal
google.com/search?q=lion and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&oq=lion and the&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4489j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


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You are from universe A there is no point discussing the Mandela effect with you.
there have been so many songs and pieces of art based on the lion shall lay with the lamb
it said: "Then cometh to his disciples, and said unto them, Wake now: Behold, the hour is at hand, and the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners." He's tell them to stay vigilant stay wary stay awake because he's about to be betrayed by judas. it makes no sense for him to tell them to rest and go to sleep. he went to pray asked them to stay with him and found them sleeping three times, the first time he woke them and told them to stay awake, the second time he left them and let them sleep and the third time he asked them why they were still sleeping and told them to wake up.


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one think.

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proof the mandela effect is real youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY 2:50
1:45 seconds
notice the video linked in the description from the reaction video is the same as the one i linked above it and that the endings are not the same.

many people think that the mandela effect is just people remembering things differently but it can only be considered a mandela effect if there is evidence of the claim in same shape or forum as is the case with changes from trespassers to debtors or from lion to wolf

and that's a good thing

Now i remember that passage how it should be, wtf! The Bible which used to make sense just becomes like some weird fanfiction. Also it takes like 5 minutes for me to solve the captcha for some reason, the pictures just won't end

The braces at the James Bond movie were how i was introduced to the Mandela effect because i remember clearly that she had them and so do all my friends

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It said of the world on the second video, Jesus Christ

I see, you must be from universe K then. Yeah lets not discuss shifting timelines who cares. If you bothered to pay any attention to people you speak with online you would notice I have no interest in what percieved timeline you come from. I just wanted to clear up the fact that corn in the KJV doesn't refer to corn brought from the Americas in neither universe A nor K. In this instance; that was "creepy", corn is referring to something along the lines of what is described in the link I originally posted. It is simply because the meaning of the word has changed since it was written down in the KJV, that the word causes confusion. Have a pleasant stay and don't get too spooked.


It's grain on every singe Bible except the KJV now

i was never a big fan of james bond but for me it was c3po silver leg and darth vader's famous exaggerated LUKE! I am your father! vs No, I am your father... even the voice actor that played DV remembers it as LUKE!
that song was famous because of the OF THE WORRLLLLLLLD at the end.
It was grain fields if you remember it as always being cornfields you are universe A there are plenty of other examples that the bible is changing and that history itself is being manipulated.

and it was grain in the KJV as well which is where they got the word grain from

Has it changed to CORN on other Bibles now too? I remember when i looked this up first it was corn only in KJV

my NKJV says grain fields and plucked heads of grain to eat

That would make sense to avoid confusion. Again read this link and look for the word grain.

The KJV isn't changed to accomodate changes in language, other bibles are.

I don't remember it at all. Guess you cannot know which universe I am from.

Ah so it's just KJV, which was written before anybody even knew what corn was

Hundreds of millions of people have read the King James Bible and now we are supposed to believe it is how it is today? It's THE Bible along with the original Greek one. Like why does it now say "bottles" even though hundreds of millions of people remember it was wineskins? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Wine_into_Old_Wineskins

i think this guy is just remembering different bible versions and popular culture. the common lords prayer everybody says is catholic in origin.

NIV uses wineskins

yeah that's why it's so startling they wouldn't have referred to it as corn
and the part about bottles doesn't even make sense, WINESKINS BREAK FROM OVERUSE BOTTLES ONLY BREAK IF YOU BREAK THEM

>bb-but muh kike on a stick!

Maybe our lord really does work in mysterious ways? I am not disagreeing with you on you timelines theory buddy. Only thing i disagreed with was the implication that corn in the bible has anything to with maize lol.

Even Wikipedia has wineskins and then contradicts itself in the Bible quotes with "bottles"

Beginning of the end.

>yeah that's why it's so startling they wouldn't have referred to it as corn

They would, if in 1611s England corn was a noun equivalent to today's "grain". And it was.

actually October 22 1844 was the beginning of the end times.

>Nah just Mossad trying to start a holy war since Israel is desperate and Israel's military is shit and Iran will kill them all without the USA's help.
Don't forget, Israel has no natural resources to speak of, so they need the U.S. to invade Iran and steal their oil so we can hand it over to Israeli companies when we're done.

I remember when i checked some months ago "wolf and the lamb" from Google images and there was like one artwork of that, now there are bit more because people who have read this new Bible have to make those out of confusion. google.com/search?q=wolf and the lamb&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5nPPHuuzhAhUix4sKHZ7aAToQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969
It's LION AND THE LAMB and always has been, millions of people can't be wrong

This was the only picture i saw back then. It gives me shivers just looking at this, i don't know why. christinprophecyblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/lion_wolf_lamb.jpg

Same here. Got the feeling the one creepy lamb was the wolf and not the wolf itself. Just my two creepy cents. Look at that demon looking lamb.

Yeah, christcuck mental illness posting, it seems.

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it also doesn't make sense because wolf is symbolic of the deceiver and lion is symbolic of jesus as is sheep so when they say wolf will sleep with the lamb or wolf will dwell with the lamb they are saying the devil will live with jesus.

Here is finnish version google.com/search?q=leijona ja lammas&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLref8u-zhAhXnoYsKHdwbAVQQ_AUIDigB&cshid=1556237470702375&biw=1920&bih=969

I looked wolf and the lamb and NOTHING Bible related was found

This makes it so creepy because this passage has changed in every single Bible version, it's like saying wolf(Satan) will lay down with the lamb, it's so important message

it's pretty disturbing tbqh. The fact that people aren't taking major note of this when the bible is one of if not the most read book in human history is extremely concerning.

You REALLY think the bible changed? No shit
That's the whole reason Islam came after.
Anybody with 3 brain cells can look at the bible, and realize it has been corrupted to suit the human desires
"Mih jesus was son of god ans he died so i can do whatever the fuck i want"
"Muh prayer once a week"
"Muh wine is halal"
Theabsolute state of christcucks

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We have to have faith in Christ, i don't know how else to handle this brother

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Here i google wolf and the lamb in finnish, nothing biblical google.com/search?q=susi ja lammas&rlz=1C1ASUM_fiFI813FI813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ_uS6v-zhAhUIuIsKHZ4oC4UQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969

Oh i do i just feel bad for whoever changed the words of the bible they have a special punishment coming i'm sure.

Maybe the elites have invented time machine, if we are lucky we just remember wrong and that modern degenerate terms were used in KJV, but i know that "wolf will lay down with the lamb" is nonsense. We have artwork of almost every passage and this well known passage has been all wrong all the time? How?

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nobody willing is able to explain the cause of the Mandela effect many speculate that it's because of Cern blowing up the original universe with the mega hedron collider and our consciousness got transferred to this one, but does that mean we just took over the bodies of our counterparts? some say it's because we're shifting vibration frequencies and personally i think it's some attempt of satan to prolong his time before the end as much as possible.

>the beginning of something bad
Where have you been since 2008?

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This is the statue that CERN has on their yard, Shiva the god of destruction. We already have devices that we can use to communicate to other people across the planets in seconds so i guess they have created some time warping device too. This is a parody article, but maybe they are telling something to us subtly.

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Yeah i couldn't tell you and probably no one else will be able to explain it until the second coming.

70 IQ poster

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only bad at first. once people all wake up and realize the fight is finally on? look the fuck out.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one noticing this.

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The Notre Dame was the beginning of some serious shit alright.


Funny how these things only seem to happen in ZOG democracies.

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Why would Satan want to get rid of his cattle for consumption?

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You're always in this one because that's how people use prophecies and holy stories to control people. They spin them in a way that they're always apparent to the intended victim of the control method.

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Losing hope is a satanic thing though.
Satan is literally a manifestation of error. Everything is God and Satan is the price of allowing a degree of chaos and free will, though one would say that error was never conquered to begin with.
I almost consider everything like God in a skitzophrenic state of mind.

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Absolute delusion.
Burn them at the stake.

It is unusual how regularly humanity culturally developed in various parts of the world. Civilisation is like a child that learns things about his world. All over the world you see the progression from polytheist to monotheist.
I predict the next step is pantheist, though athiests still don't get why.