Guy advice? i made a plan to seduce him

So I've known this guy for AWHILE & I've liked him for quite sometime, The problem is the only setting we hang out in is around mutual friends & we haven't got on well enough to even refer to each other as friends regardless how much we end up around each other due to mutual friends & its hard to due to me being close with this friend, and him being closer with that friend, never even being introduced, we didnt stand a chance & its just full of all kinda of awkwardness & conflict. Which is upsetting. SO we don't really know eachother to hang out alone or to just message each other. the only time hes around me is when HIS FRIEND is around my FRIENDS friend lol I hope that makes sense I tried..

Ok so this is where I need your advice. I need a way to get him alone, or a excuse to message him to get him alone with me. ugh. Ok so I made a plan. I've only lived in this city for 2 years & still get lost. I am going to pretend I got lost walking & end up in a ghetto neighborhood & be lost & pretend my friend is asleep, so I have no one else with a car to come get me. Making myself vulnerable. LOL & hes so nice 2 me & protective, so I think this situation would work. I could even play off being drunk & my phone almost being dead to make myself more vulnerable & make it more sad lol tell me what you think?? Could this work???? it took me 2 years to come up with this.. ajkdjsdkskjsbg AhhhHh! IM SO SCARED. LOL

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This is bu far the worst plan that I have ever year of on adv.

Just fuckin walk up and give him your number tell him you think he's cute and tell him you should spend some time getting to know each other.

You would risk rape to escape the pressure of asking someone out

I'm to introvert thats way more difficult )):

I'd rather just have a excuse to put myself in a vulnerable situation away from people that way theres not so much pressure so I can make flirty small talk & see if he makes a move. You know what I mean. I'm so difficult

Going to a shitty neighborhood in the middle of the night is not a great idea.

If you know how to get in contact with him, why don't you just grow a pair of lady balls, give him a call, and invite him to go do something with you.

Nah, he wouldn't rape. I just feel if I make myself vulnerable to him it takes the pressure off the table for guys plus I have a excuse maybe

Thats to much pressure I can't I am weak & complicated

This is the silliest and dumbest thing I’ve read all day. It seems like you need to grow up a little and be a better version of yourself. If you lack the self confidence to actually just talk with him and would rather manipulate him then you’ve got another thing coming.

>I want to go to the middle of a shit area and expect him to be my knight in shining amour
Tell me how it goes when he looks at the text message and pretends to be asleep

Alternatively, send him memes. He'll laugh.

Yeah it is kind of dumb but it would work yeah?
I have social anxiety so just asking him isn't so easy for me to do..

Weak yes, complicated no. Being a wuss isn't complicated.

Hmm.. you're not wrong. Maybe I will try your idea instead. thank you!

Bait or what?

LOL i'm sorry idk why im like this. hes moving away in like another year and im just scheming because im around him a lot & just nothings ever happened for us to end up alone or actually talk or get to know each other & im freaking out & being a trifling hoe right now idk what to do lasjdskjfdslghn

sorry whats bait? like baiting to troll?

Are you fucking crazy??? No, dont do that dumb ass shit. He will most likely ignore your call or text when youre "lost" because he will be sleeping too.
If your relationship is built up on lies then its not going to work.

Also are you trying to subtly say he has a gf?? Because if he does, then its not really a wonder as to why he doesnt pay attention to a dumb whore like you

He's single.& I think we actually have so much energy I can feel it.. The way we catch each others eye & make eye contact & he stares deeply at me. Or maybe im just delusional idk! He's never at home.

I know this because how our mutual friends make jokes about he practically lives in his car (he doesn't) & never goes home unless its to sleep (around 11pm). Also I already decided on a weekend which hes normally out until 2a.m. but my plan would take place around before sunset so its not to late! maybe? Idk maybe it is a stupid idea.. ugh

this is so fucking stupid, literally just ask if he wants to get food or some shit like holy fuck

No female thinks like this crazy, twisted over complicated OP.

This OP is a guy with a fantasy and its not even a good one.

Me, hey guy I like, I need some help moving things at my apartment and I'll buy the beer and pizza or cook as payment. Saturday ok, please.

OP isn't female. Males complicate and over analyze and female simplify.

im female I thought girls were known to be more crazy anyways

ill *67 you just to cus you out right now if you're as brave as you are on Jow Forums ill show u crazy

it is stupid but its a guy in the OP.

I have countless examples of getting a guy I like alone.

Like in high school I liked the older brother of a guy in many of my classes so the guy knew who I was but didn't know me so I stood near his car in the lot, told him my car wouldn't start (it would) and asked if he would please give me a ride home.

Im OP and im not guy
but anyways how did it turn out did it get you two closer? what happened? did you regret lying to get closer to him?

It is an extremely stupid idea and almost a fantasy. It is NOT going to play out the way you think it is.

I had a crazy BPD girl tell me the same thing and she wanted me to help her with it. Of course i said no. Shes a d list youtuber with 400k+ subs. She got this crush on this guy in texas. One time i mentioned i had an ip tracker on my website and could see where people were viewing my site (we were discussing how someone at yelp hq was viewing my site.) When i told her this, she wanted me to track the exact location of her crush's house based on his ip. Her plan was to legit buy a flight ticket, wander around his neighborhood until she "hurt" her ankle and screamed out for help to bait him to come out. Yeah. Youre like that crazy. I told her no and that even if i did want to help, the ip tracker doesnt give me their exact location, only a 1 mile radius of where they live.

There's crazy as in capriciousness typical of females and there is over analysis bordering on obsessive thoughts like OP with are typical of males.

OP is a guy

LOOOL I don't think I'm that crazy but feelings make you do crazy things

I promise I'm not a guy. I'm just a girl with crazy feelings for someone on a strict schedule.

He asked me out for that weekend and we dated for a few months but he didn't really want a gf (sad me). No I do not regret lying. It was harmless, he even suspected I lied because my car was new so we had a clever exchange on the ride home, me feigning ignorance.

actually he would probably not lay a finger on you if he's decent. or he'll rape you until you are permanantly scarred if he isn't

just ask him out you twat