Is it the secret to happiness or secret to sadness?
Weed redpill
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it's the secret to bluepilling
If I married that fat hog Id smoke a giant blunt too
Why do you think people call euphoria inducing drugs dope?
what a waste of weed
>using propane instead of bhutane
I shiggy diggy
it's absolute degeneracy, just like alcohol or any other recreational drugs.
if you use it for anything other than strictly medical/healing purposes (not psychological/emotional "healing" bullshit) then you are a degenerate faggot who should kill himself.
Who would marry a fat girl?
That like buying a wreaked car.
Depends on you you use it.
If you do nothing but constantly bounce between tokes like hardcore stoners it can fuck you up.
if it was bad for you they wouldnt have been at war with it since forever
That’s a big clobbering six paper joint, Ricky
why do you consider your experiences with weed to be true for EVERYONE? what if for someone else it's different?
your problems with weed might just be of your own doing, how you've conditioned yourself to respond to weed. what you haven't realized yet is that just as weed could enhance your degenerate activities, it can also enhance non-degenerate activities just as well. the choice is yours, how you behave.
All things in moderation
try approaching it by respecting the plant, its ancient history and so on, and smoke in nature, from a clean glass piece, after you've relaxed and got in tune with your surroundings, and then just stay where you are and explore the high, away from the temptations of your degenerate room or home. also start small, most people smoke way too much, sometimes a single small inhalation can give very useful and beneficial effects.
Its the secret to melancholy.
90% of people I know who regularly smoke weed are absolute unredeemable trash for society and mankind. Problem is like 1/3rd to 2/3rds of normies smoke it now adays depending on where you live.
I've smoked it a few times just to see what the hype is, it makes you numb and lose all sense of meaning so you can't care about anything, on the mornings after or atleast 20 ish hours after I felt needlessly horny and too dumb and sad to fight off a fap, and would need to jerk like 4 times just to get out of bed because nothing mattered. Stuff is literal poison of the spirit. As much as they will tell you that it has no addicting substances, that doesn't matter as it's all psychological. It makes you prefer not to care.
Reminder that nihilism is the enemy and to make anyone or anything that tells you to stop caring to fuck off.
>kill himself
Got any more buzzwords to add to your incelesque post?
Neck yourself nigger
I think in moderation it's ok. If you're a regular user you are either self medicating or low IQ.
I hate them RAW paper prerolls. the burn is always so uneven. It rips up the side and wastes a ton of herb.
ironic considering goebbels recommended people let loose and get drunk at the end of the week
He's probably more white than you meme flagger
God put weed on the earth for man to consume. It's a totally okay substance. The fact that some anons in this thread are saying its degeneracy is fucking retarded
they're niggers I see. I wrap blunts, and use tobacco leaf, and it's a nice fun slow burn. I really enjoy it. making blunts though forces you to appreciate your weed. I can buy an ounce for the cheap, because of where I live, and it's good weed, but damn making a nice looking wood is expending at least 3.5g.
>but damn making a nice looking wood is expending at least 3.5g
yeah that's why I don't smoke them in U.K but rather joints, a 3.5g blunt would cost me just under £40 - $51.5 dollars whereas it would make me around 8-10+ joints