Attached: biden btfo trump.png (887x395, 58K)
It's over
Josiah Torres
Other urls found in this thread:
Cameron Baker
What did that website say last time?
Dylan Parker
Yeah it is! Alright, pack it in boys!
Charles White
Ive seen this episode before.
Jack Phillips
>98% clinton victory CONFIRMED
lawl, these clods still think they have credibility after that massive blunder
Cooper Reed
>it's a rerun
Hudson Lee
Jack Jackson
it said she would get more votes
Nolan Lopez
Landon Gutierrez
it's ogre bros i'm with her now
Jordan Morris
that's not a poll
u bots are literally retarded
John Scott
I do actually think Biden has the best chances against Trump, but taking polling from the literal first day he's been running is a bit premature.
Let's see how he does after getting piled on by the other Dems, and then by Trump.
Carter Howard
fair point
Brody Wood
>another projection of a landslide dem victory
Wewlad they’re getting started already
Matthew Torres
>please waste your time finding one of fifty different polls everyone remembers
Samuel Hall
All the other dems are going to dogpile on him to get him out. They know he's their greatest threat. Next after him is Bernie. It's just going to piss off all the old boomers who wanted a normie Democrat candidate instead of something something kill all white men.
Carter Bailey
the end of blimpf! He'll lose so badly we won't even need to go out and vote!
Justin Nelson
imagine not knowing what a poll is
u fuckers are retards
Nathan Edwards
Jaxson King
Polls look at the popular vote.
It's 270towin leaf.
Creepy Joe gotta focus -- and bring his game to Ohio and Florida, where parents will be hiding their kids.
Christopher Young
holy shit u fucking retards have no clue what a poll is
these are polls >Polls look at the popular vote.
It's 270towin leaf.
i know that but the guy asked me what did the RCP polls show last time and i answered him
Matthew Evans
There are certian demos that reapond to these polls...not representative...
Dylan Gomez
russia collusion was THE win that recovered them
Kevin White
>the polls will surely be right this time
Carson Hall
One of the things I remember from uni
Guess who is least likely to pick up the phone and least likely to answer surveys over the phone
Alexander Smith
>believing pre-election polls after 2016
Please stop being gullible, it's embarrassing.
Thomas Barnes
Posting polls farther than 2 months out should be a bannable offense
Prove me wrong
Blake Bell
Brandon Watson
Settle down leaf, nobody cares what you have to say
Evan Peterson
>it's over
Gabriel Sanders
Literally these four posts. OP BTFO'ed for all eternity and is now on suicide watch
Julian Cox
Polls showed Hillary leading as well, friendo, and look what happened.
Not that I don't think Biden is probably the best chance Dems have to pick up moderate voters and beat Trump, he's one of the few potential 2020 candidates who isn't pushing all these socialist policies. But he's also a fucking white male, and the progressive #MeToo base of the party is already trying to tear him apart for being too handsy. Unless Dems get smart and realize he's probably the best shot they have to beat Trump, I doubt he'll get the nomination.
Jack Smith
polls, seriously? fkn hillarious. shills shillin with polls in /pol
Blake Gonzalez
Hunter Brown
>Polls 19 months out from the election.
Found your new larp for the day, huh fatty?
Brayden Gray
Adrian Hughes
Cameron Brooks
Luis Perez
Hunter Moore
RCP had her up like 2-3%.
Which reflected the national vote (interesting how they captured those illegals voting).
If this was the actual vote 6-8% means Trump loses the EC....he has not been campaigning against an individual yet tho.
Michael Brown
Bernie's leftists are going to dig up so much dirt on Biden, and there's still 2 years left to do it.
Daniel Torres
Evan Ramirez
He only has a 10 percent chance of winning
Though according to this, there is a 58 percent chance of a non-Trump candidate winning.
Michael Lopez
Biden's a total pussy. He was Obama's and Hillary's bitch.
His nickname should be Hand Job.
Adrian Peterson
I still wonder why nate silver hasn't killed himself yet.
Anthony Adams
u retards are so fucking brain dead, u don't even know what a poll is
Jonathan James
there's something wrong with all these shill bots
they can't seem to identify what a poll is
Aaron Cooper
Zachary Cruz
Hudson Morris
the polls were extremely accurate last time too
Ethan Cooper
It's a "Trump loses in the polls, loses the popular vote, but still wins the election because democrats don't understand how a representative democracy works" episode.
Ethan Clark
The more polls they fake, the better.
Parker Garcia
Pols are always wrong
Jonathan Nelson
they still haven't programmed the bots to understand this
Luke Reed
>Polls showed Hillary leading as well, friendo, and look what happened.
she won the majority of the votes and several swing states went to Trump by the skin of his teeth (10k votes)
Jace Stewart
Since the GOPe isn't dumb and running against Trump; I guess that means we get to vote for whoever would be the most accelerationist of the Democrats. I'm voting for Mommy Tulsi Gabbard
Christopher Howard
Why the hell is the DNC pushing for Biden? He has no chance whatsoever. They should be grooming Beto; he'd really give Trump a run for his money.
Austin Sullivan
DNC isn't pushing anyone. There's going to be a long and healthy primary process with plenty of candidates
James Murphy
white man is not going to sit well with the warren voters
John Sullivan
I agree.
Also, has anyone in this thread ever once been asked to participate in a poll, ever? I'd bet zero percent of this thread has taken a presidential approval rating poll.
If I were asked, I'd lie to them and say I'm with the democrats, just to make sure their numbers are fucked even further up.
Trump will win 2020 effortlessly, no matter what any poll says.
Jaxson Barnes
You need to get off Jow Forums and interact with normies once in a while. The blue-haired tranny who wants to kill all white men isn't representative of the general liberal electorate, in fact, it's a neglectable minority. Most are just normies who go about their day, don't wany any politician who's too radical and occasionally catch some political debate that inevitably tells them "Drumpf is bad for the country", instead of being glued to the news cycle 24/7 the way Jow Forums is.
Charles Brooks
They will pick him over Trump any time though.
Cooper Cook
Ur prob right and if Biden is the nominee well meme his creepiness to a win. Also if they run a far left nominee that supports reparations the rustbelt will go Trump 100%
Austin Carter
Low 40's seems legit to me but that's going to spike when the campaigns heat up, especially when debates roll around. He pretty much dominated all but 1 debate he was in and the Dem. Candidates can barely string together coherent sentences.
James Thomas
LMFAO dont cut this shit short man, the dem primary is going to be its own circus dont make it a two horse race when theres still 19 qualifying circuses to watch.
Elijah Barnes
A straight white man will never run as a Democrat and win. Not anymore.
Anthony Anderson
> well meme his creepiness to a win
Not gonna work because Dems keep saying Trump is worse(pussy grabber, has been accused of rape)
If Trump wants to win he needs to take him out now, while they're still other Dems around sniffing for blood.
Tyler Scott
she didnt though. she lost every single state and county then won the CITY of LosAngles by so much it gave her the talking point.
Michael Diaz
Warren is a white woman herself so I don't know what kind of point you're trying make.
I've been checking polls every few days and support for Beto keeps getting lower and lower. Biden and Bernie seem to be leading on every poll, with Buttplug trailing behind in third.
Ethan Walker
joes shit is far worse and its all on video
Zachary Rodriguez
Believing the (((((((((((polls)))))))))))))
biden dosent have a shot because none of the young progressives are going to vote for a fucking white male that isnt even a progressive.
Bernie and maybe yang have a shot of winning
John Hall
Evan Bell
"Creepy Joe" was trending on twitter today. Normies are already wearing him down. He's doomed.
Thomas Hughes
You think those who dislike white men will vote for Trump instead?
Juan Lewis
that's r/the_d's doing, not normies'
Asher Ward
It's not worse because he hasn't been accused of rape once.
Jordan Robinson
#DerangedDonald was #1 today lmao
Easton Butler
Holy fucking kek
Bentley Diaz
trump is a rapist and a pedophile who tried to fuck his own daughter
Christopher Gutierrez
Colton Martinez
>A straight white male in the Democratic party
See you there.
Owen Price
It'll be like Webb last time. He probably had a chance but was too centrist for the people that vote in primaries.
If you vote in a primary there's pretty much zero chance you had any intention of voting a different party come election day.
Elijah Phillips
Thank goodness, that dumb orange kike fellating nigger faggot has got to go. Pedal to the metal, we're crashing this bus with no survivors.
Dominic Collins
>thinking Biden is anything like Webb
Jesus fuck how many layers of delusion are you on? Webb was an outsider who wanted to go back to reasonable 90s tier liberal policies.
Biden is part of the Clinton/Obama establishment cabal and they've already thrown their whole weight behind him. He's extremely pro open borders, he's more pro Israel than Obama, he already indicated his willingness to take revenge on the parts of the population who voted Trump.
They only ever trudge out the "straight white male" shit when they need to sink someone they don't like, like Webb. They're also calling Yang and Tulsi white nationalists with a straight face. Dem racebaiting isn't worth shit.
Austin Gutierrez
Austin Ward
Jace Green
>He's extremely pro open borders, he's more pro Israel than Obama,
jfc you're describing trump
Bentley Gomez
Ian Campbell
Not saying they're anything alike. Webb was far too based for the party.
>What would you say is our greatest enemy
>>My greatest enemy is dead in the jungles of Vietnam
>>Boomer laughter
It's more their identity precludes them from the nomination in the party as it is. Straight white males with non socialist tendencies that don't think America is a bad word. He's going to be murdered.
Logan Thompson
>literally, everybody I know says that
Christian Price
Pack it in boys, we're done here. Biden is gonna win.
Nathan Lopez
Go back to fucking Twatter demmocrap
You can’t refine the truth buy pulling out your ass kid
Jackson Robinson
Exactly. Nationwide polls like this are pretty useless since presidents are determined by the electoral college and the number of delegates from statewide elections they get, not based on national popular vote.
Leo Fisher
if he gets the nomination, which by the looks of it he will, the straight white male think will be moot because he'll be running against Trump. Guess who those who dislike straight white males will support.
Tyler Wright
It's a prediction based on polls you moron.
Ayden Russell
you realize you still need a state majority to get EC votes right
Isaac Foster
So Biden will get more votes?
Justin Hughes
so not a poll
Oliver Cook
It's literally from polls you complete idiot.
Ian Anderson
I don't think everyone you ever worked with getting put in handcuffs mobilizes the youth and minority vote.