I know most of you don't give a shit about reddit, but the last bastion of true basedness has just been shoa'd. Cringeanarchy helped redpill a lot of normies, and now its fucking gone. This just fucking sucks.

Attached: Screenshot (17).png (1920x1080, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What now?

Where is MDE at now?

Good. Nazis and white supremacists don’t deserve a platform to spread hate.

Uhhhh... yikes.

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Been banned.

Kys faggot

FBI leaned on Reddit admins to do this after they shared the video of infity Chan user being confronted by literal glowniggers. They wanted him to become a shill to infiltrate the board.

lmao what a list

>Let's talk about

I dont understand how it works when anyone can create a new subreddit at any time. It's like banning someone using a proxy or without a static IP on Jow Forums. Ok, you remove THAT message and then what?


Never heard of it. Reddit is for faggots

Yeah but people aren't able to regroup as easily

Not cringeanarchy. Literally just Jow Forums but on reddit

So what was the subreddit posting?

This, alot of people don't realize that hate speech IS NOT free speech. Sure, freedom of expression is a great thing but we must also be responsible with it.

damn that last post

Attached: a45.png (488x228, 115K)

pretty much it was Jow Forums but in reddit format

I’m not joking when I say that reddit is currently being occupied by deranged tranny mods who are banning everything “offensive” on the site. R*ddit will be dead soon, just like the 40%ers who are killing it

Go suck an Arab cock Sven

that last reply is gold kek

nigger do you even see what is typed in your fucking address bar right now

Was the only decent reddit sub R.I.P

nice VPN

I had my account completely banned from reddit the other day for posting this
It’s trannies who are running the site now

Attached: 5D04E9F8-A8F6-48AB-A451-F898F9F48B6D.jpg (1242x1329, 536K)

You got source desu?

literally the only reason i went to that shithole site. guess i live here now.

Commies don't deserve a platform to breathe

>where is MDE at now?

ofcourse they would ban it then, you don't think the admins would know the similarity?

But then again we must let communists speak out in order to be able to live in a free society, at least communists have a shred of human dignity as they believe in the equal rights between other fellow human beings.

>that hate speech IS NOT free speech
Nice bait troll, but no one is that stupid, so your trolling doesn't seem authentic.

this every week from redditors

Someone got upset at that video this morning.

I've been on this hate machine of a website way to long. I've found that there is HEAVY crossover to reddit on a FEW subs. I'm sure it is not surprising everyone of those subs are banned now.


These faggots litterally created the quarantine function (go to your room) just to try to fuck with coontown after they bent over backwards for the faggot admins. They have always been about repressing "wrongthink" on their shitty site. I can't even bring myself to look at anything other than niche subs, since the site is full of faggotry.

>be CEO of cucked website
>have to make profit selling our userdata
>get another hundred Emails today about the_donald
>god damn it I wish I could just ban that sub
>get called a Nazi for allowing it
>decide to fuck with their metrics so they never reach front page
>those autist noticed and reached it anyways!!!!
>fuck this nuke them off the front page
>realize they are the biggest individual sub on the site
>god damn it I just want to ban them, with out a congressional hearing.

>pic related is my "wife"

Attached: ogre battle cry.jpg (719x1024, 98K)

i can smell that thing through the screen

Attached: wBbUssr4K.jpg (1024x968, 280K)

It was basically the last Jow Forums related sub, wasnt it?

worse looking mike tyson in a dress

Has the gamers rise up, clown world joker gang weed page been shoad yet?

More or less. It had a huge amount of Jow Forums users and the same memes. The 13% meme has bled all over the rest of reddit lately which probably was the last straw.

Is it only a matter of time before Jow Forums suffers the same fate or am I being an alarmist? Either way, we need a plan B

reddit was always gayballs anyways.

Thank god for that. There’s something so pervasively evil about the overall community there. That brain dead hive mind of hyperliberal hugbox faggots are unfortunately gaining too much influence in the world. I hate moderated communities. Pol is garbage sometimes but at least I can say most of what I want.

I've seen reddit was heavily cleaned. I remember how in early 2016 their non-political meme subs would most blm/planet of apes memes

Heavy photoshop can't even help

Attached: le 56%.jpg (634x1024, 62K)

Fuck off back to plebbit. You better behave yourself or I'm not gonna let you watch me fuck your fatass wife.

They're sanitizing the site because they need ad revenue. They make no money. But it'll be trimmed down to just garbage subs and will ultimately lead to it losing popularity. Watchpeopledie had zero reason for being banned for example but wasnt ad friendly. Even reddit normies disagreed with that banning.

Shutting this board down is an act of suicide, if you are (((them))).

This bot is apparently spamming people too
>classical_liberals is a hate sub

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Lol when they did this with mde all the political subreddits started calling out the Jews, containment theory is real

8-chan exists

lmao hoes got tilled

that flag means you're a brown muslim, right? ikeastani fag.


Unironically fuck off Sven, our laws are not your laws. Just because you accept castration does not mean we have to.


Attached: Screenshot_20190425-192432_Reddit.jpg (1439x1829, 285K)

these sjw sites never realize you need some baddies around to keep it interesting. eventually it's just npc soccer moms and degenerate sjws and even they don't like each other's company that much. i want reddit to die though. burn burn burn

Good riddance, that place was a bigger cesspool than here

kill yourself.

I predict braincels banned next

Tho mods there are cucked

sug min kuk you fucking asylum seeker

Lmao. Fucking delusional man. I honestly don’t know what it is. Was Yuri right and their brains are so melted they can’t see anything else or is the npc meme a reality or are these people just so low iq there’s no way to convince them otherwise?

Oh no more fucking redditors coming here

Here is a pretty funny one I just found there.

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Stopped going to cuckit after they closed down r/watchpeopledie

I wonder what subs they will go after next? It's not like they will stop, these idiots always have to be offended by something

They closed it literally for the sole reason to hide NZ video

That guy gave his daughter his name.

>these fucking women smiling everytime

I dont think so, they may be completely ok with their "classic liberal" controlled op crowd

Shit tabs

Where do we go now that mde and cringeanarchy are gone?

I unsarcastically chuckled at this

Attached: 47b.jpg (665x574, 25K)

r/drama or r/smuggies definitely. What's ironic is the lefty subs that are way worse than CA ever was. The Reddit has been taken over by degenerate trannies and child abusers.

I stopped coming here back around 08 and went to Reddit. I'd pop in once or twice a week but mostly I was on reddit. Looks like I'm back.


wow... so since your feelings have been hurt here does that mean several people deserve jail? what about that immigrant who raped your neighbors daughter? should he be let go?

reddit used to be more degenerate than this even it was always a horrible place


>I know most of you don't give a shit about reddit
so why are you here?

Many of the people that posted there were from here originally, so not a big transition.

Amazing that reddit was a ron paul stronghold in 08

I keep tabs on reddit to see how bad things are getting there.

That was the last good sub on reddit, I was scrolling through when it got banned. It was basically all the people from the MDE subs that got wiped out in a ban wave 6 months ago aggregated in one place. Maybe this is what was needed to finally prop up a competitor site, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

This one was some alright OC

Attached: 7qfta1h79cu21.jpg (750x934, 77K)

So how are we going to trick the redditfags into making all their shit open source so we can have a slightly less shitty reddit?

Holy shit you’re right. I can’t believe i forgot that. Wild.

Before the ban the OG mods of the sub put up a post telling the users to go to gab. I've unsubbed from all but a few small niche subs that I like (Reddit gets literally no ad revenue from them). Fuck that cancerous site. Fuck the faggot, tranny mods. Fuck the admins. Reddit is dying. They don't even present the true metrics of the site. 95% of their "users" are new accounts.

Go to r/politics and check the profiles of tje top posts. Most of them are new users who only post in that sub. It's full of shills and it's blatant political manipulation. I left most of the major subs after they started working with China. I'm done now.

The reason things got so bad was shilling NGOs like Shariablue buying their way into power in places like r/politics prior to the 2016 election.

I know man. I was on the way back machine a few weeks ago and Reddit was way more middle of the road. The whole site is trash now.

I would like to remind my alphabet soup friends that everything I post is satirical and meant as a joke

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That subreddit was originally just to post cringe from any person without rules preventing it from being posted, then you faggots hijacked it with retarded political shit. Nothing of value was lost.

Attached: 4L_9hLFTK88.jpg (720x405, 71K)

No thanks, you can stay gone. Fairweather friends are no friends of mine, redditor.

>it's another "half of Jow Forums admits it's in bed with Reddit" episode
You know, most threads are archived for posterity, more or less forever? This one's already been backed up on, at least.

Attached: j43p3.jpg (212x231, 15K)

Everything on the internet became more political in 2015-2016. Its not our fault, we are a symptom not a cause.

It's in bed with the tiny minority of Reddit that's been squeezed off the site. Idk why you think anyone would care

I saw this! Laughed my fucking ass off along with my friend.

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