
Population reduction is the only solution to societal and environmental problems.
How do we go about it, by Force or Ideology?

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Population reduction has never been the answer and there is no overpopulation whatsoever. There is only deliberate impoverishment and mismanagement of resources by mankind.

I believe one of the points of globalization is compassionate, passive genocide: we observe that fertility plummets when people are warm and fat and comfortable, so the sooner we can get everyone in that tent, the sooner we can start decreasing the population

Shut up nigger lover

Stop food aid to Africa.

why do you think kikes provoke wars and shit?

its all a "moral" trick

>o no we are not killing them
>they are racists goyim killing each other
>we had nothing to do with this whatsoever

Stop feeding savages, start castrating them.

Nuke Africa, China and India

No reason to nuke africa, just stop sending them aid. They will eat each other within a month.

unironically let the west's degenerate values continue


environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else.

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The majority of population growth is coming out of China & Africa so focus there.

Only solution

Roit nuke Africa.

>How do we go about it, by Force or Ideology?
Nature's going to do it. As the human population continues to balloon way past its natural limit of around 1.5B, the amount of waste polluting the planet will cause mass feminization and sterilization of the population, causing a huge population bottleneck. This is the price we will pay for our uncontrolled ways.
Technology will also induce a breakdown of social order through dopamine receptor agonism which will inevitably lead to mass egomania, psychosis, and extreme increases in crime and degenerate behaviors.

Nature is going to come through, and mom's gonna flush it all down. It is inevitable at this point.

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You first, eco fag.

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chinas population is nosediving. too many old people

force sterilize the whole lot.

The Earth is not overpopulated.
Everyone of us can fit into HALF the state of RI.

When it takes Texas...then come at me.

>deliberate impoverishment and mismanagement of resources by mankind
"Niggers" was the word you were looking for.

by killing posh cunts

In all honesty they had it right at the turn of the 20th century, selective pruning and cultivation. But since we've decided to forsake that for the past 100 years or so, there is simply no way that doesn't involve bush-hogging a good swath of humanity.

So, those that made peaceful population reduction impossible made violent population reduction inevitable.

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Majority of population lives by ocean. Enough weight on a continental shelf will cause a plate to slip and the global shockwave will sink coastlines and solve the problem for you. Beaches may be littered with bodies but that is nothing that a few bonfires cant solve. Better solution. Blow up the damn dam.

Until all hell breaks loose of its wooden yoke and we have to force them back into iron chains like a legion of doom

that has to be an EXTREME weight, all the people of the world could not do that

Fixed your shitty picture for you

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t. Jacob Rothschild

Are you that nigger Congress guy who thought putting more marines on an island would make it tip over?
There arent enough people on a thousand Earths to cause what you suggest.

Golem and jew genocide by high tech mind control, directed energy weapons, bioweapons,... minimizing collateral damage.

imagine billions of people are unaware of the fact that their existence will be forgotten after death and validate reasons for continuing living to serve jews

this. brown people are choking this world to death and nobody has the balls to say it on a public platform

this is why no proper discussion on global warmi- er, uh i mean "climate change" can occur.... liberal retards would rather slit their wrists than submit to the reality that their precious pet monkey-people are responsible for 95% of the garbage, feces, poison, pollution produced

Kill yourself

The only way to solve overpopulation subtly are wars and covert ways of killing the public slowly. If there was a cure for cancer, imagine how many people would still be alive right now.

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Fuck you

>Become Thanos
>Snap Fingers
>3.765 billion paajets and Chongs dead

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There's still time to fix it ideologically, but eventually it will have to be forced. Could be fixed within 100 years, if world went mostly 1 child policy.

Bullshit, there is overpopulation, AND a deliberate fake scarcity. But make no mistake, overpopulation is happening. Also, just because a world can support so many people, doesn't mean it should. You have to ask, support at what quality of life. My quality is already too low, and I don't have the resources I need. Fuck more people, help those who are already here.

based Keenan poster

only opened this thread to see how many posts it would take before someone recolored it

I like how they're all white even though the bulk of population growth is coming from africa.

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The future looks bright :)

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Couldn't habe said iy betger myself

If 8 billion people stood shoulder to shoulder, you could fit them all in an area the size of los angeles

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Friendly reminder that despite America and Europe's best effort at environmentalism - it is insignificant considering what nations contribute the most too pollution.

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Well, if you spread them one atom thick, they'd cover the whole world.

Our best estimates, based on a projection of the most recent data through the current period, is that the current cumulative number of abortions from 1967 through June of this year is 59.4 million, of which an estimated 20,350,000 are Black American abortions.

Considering that the total current Black American population is about 42,000,000, the 20,350,000 Black American abortions are equal to 48.45% of the total Black American population. If not for abortion, the total Black American population would be approximately 62,350,000, or 48% greater than it is today.

This is based on an analysis of data from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 64, No. 1 dated January 15, 2015. This analysis was done recently by Dennis Howard, President of the Movement for a Better America who has written extensively on abortion demographics.

In 2015, there were an estimated 9,168,000 Black American women in their childbearing years between age 15 and 44 which make up around 14% of all women in that age group in the United States of America.

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These women experienced:

Births: 621,679
Abortions: 423,000
Pregnancies: 1,044,679
Resulting in:

Abortions as a % of all pregnancies: 40.5%
Abortion rate per 1,000 women: 46.3
The number of Black American births is a dramatic change from the earlier trend between 2000 and 2009, when births grew from 623,000 in 2000 to 671,000 in 2009. That’s a growth rate of 0.83% a year. If that trend had continued, Black American births in 2015 would have reached 705,000 in 2015, or 83,400 more than were actually born.

The Total Fertility Rate for Black American’s is 1.8, which is again below the replacement level fertility rate of 2.1 or the rate at which a generation can replace itself. Clearly, abortion is the biggest single negative force on Black American growth generally, including Black American economic and political power.

Keeping the Black American community smaller and less powerful reflects the racist, eugenic and genocidal mindset behind the abortion policies advanced by Planned Parenthood and the Democratic party under the guise of helping Black Americans. If “Black Lives Matter,” then the life of the human being inside the womb of his or her Black mother matters too.

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What about we reduce niggers?

support abortion. see my above posts.

bribe the poor to get sterilized

If we wanna just kill people off 1 American would be worth like 10 people from the Congo so I know where we should start first

And of course you could get all the resources they use throughout their lives from that little piece of land they are standing on. How much wood, paper, food, water does one person use? Fabric, plastic, energy? Do you even understand land area versus arable land? But yah, you go live in your shoulder to shoulder utopia.

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We should take ships to Africa filled to brim with KFC get niggs in and then drop them to the ocean, rinse and repeat.

Asians in Asia are by far the biggest threat to planet earth. They should be eliminated. Look up the data.

Why is obama's nigger face in the earth

third world problems are causeing the dirt.

first word is the only world that has clean technology.

The Earth is not overpopulated satan.
All of us, every man woman and child, can fit into HALF the state of RI

Kill anyone who brown


nice try, pablo. we're coming for you jungle rats first.

Space isn't the issue faggot. It's finite resources and pollution. WE CANNOT SUSTAIN THE GROWTH RATES.

We could do what Dinesh D'souza keeps suggesting. Literally subsidize aborting brownies.

Doesn't matter. Elites will cull population soon anyway and we all probably gonna die because of it.

See this post here and hereFitting people versus the resources they use are 2 different things.

ding ding ding have a you

both world war really helped, especially ww2. i figure ww3 will be a real doozy, and really help ther overpopulation thing tremendously.

>what is false scarcity
Better get nutured goy, wouldnt want your kids breathing the chosens air.

take it to the next level. in the 30's the british seriously considered using crop-duster planes to dispense an aerosol based sterilization chemical over all of india


read my posts nigger. India, China ect are BY FAR the biggest threat to mankind and planet earth. They should be dealt with.

why the hell didn't they?

it's like whites like to fuck up or something.

Overpopulation isn't the white mans problem

t. boomer that wants more slaves

And I'm saying even with them we are not overpopulated. There is a greed problem for sure. But the Earth, with the resources and technology we have now, could easily sustain 10 times out current number.

Your feelings about those people are irrelevant. I agree, most are useless waters but that goes back to the greed issue. Society need a to change, not the number of people in it. Honestly tho, I wouldn't care if India/China got glasses and our pop goes down 2bn. But then, we just keep doing the same dumb shit, and the same fucks keep controlling us, and fucking with us.

Kill non-whites.

You're right that it's the biggest problem we have but there's no feasible solution. It will solve itself by ending in famine, war, disease, and cannibalism

>Africa's population quadruples in 50 years
>Fucking white people
nice try faggot

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Everytime we're about to suffer from the problems of overpopulation, some brain churn out a solution to the problem.
All predictions on overpopulation during the last 500 years or so failed because a brain that solve the problem is born.

Of course, you probably can optimize the process by only having the brain somehow.

Based, does he say I don't feel so good Mr. Stark.

Socialists are wrong and that's why they will lose. Capitalists hate the environment just fine, we don't need socialists for that.

they could create a really quick death suicide machine. I'd be the 1st to volunteer!

hahah got me

Get India, China and Africa into a war.


Those who say "you first" first.

Yeah China is facing a demographic crisis in fact. We need much more Chinese breeding. It's not like there's a billion and 1/3 people over there or anything.

Oh? Then why don't we?

fuck off bill we don't need your NWO shit

fake and gay

Those who say, those who say you first.

Lol ebin baste XDDDDD

>inb4 some brown says we can support 3 times as many people

Yeah we can, but it will be shit
Its QUALITY of life, not quantity

Immunotherapy already exists.

Because RI sucks. But to further illustrate it, if you are worried about "space" Use Alaska, everyone gets 2k sq miles.

There is no overpopulation problem. If people live where there is no water or food, or ability to produce those things..No reason for smarter people to feed them.

Threadly reminder Republicans hate children. Always have.

Overpopulation is a myth.

Yes you are. And you know why? Because you're not the only fucking species on this planet, and you're grinding them all up to make more humans. Why? The Earth doesn't need any more fucking humans. The ones that are here are all useless and retarded in the first place.


The main people pushing the overpopulation myth are men who want to kill all their children, men who've tried to get out of fatherhood and end up paying child support for 18 years as a result, or women who want men to think they'll gladly abort their next child so that shitty men will be more willing to get them pregnant and then try to get out of fatherhood(which results in said men losing custody battles).

Yeah, the Earth looks real good compared to 500 years ago. You stupid monkeys are destroying the Amazon. We don't need any more fucking Brazilians either.

No. That isn't why. The reason is because you can't fit all humans and all of their infrastructure into one small state. Not even Texas. 40% of the Earth's land surface right now is already covered in farmland. I'm sure that's just all waste though, because you're retarded.

They do something about it you whinging cunt. Or stfu, no one cares about your opinions on humanity, I'm simply stating facts.

Maybe you should look up the word Dominion