
Have you ever cheated on someone? Or helped someone cheat on someone?

I'm wondering how normal it is. I helped someone myself, which I never thought would happen. But I wonder how common it is. How many people eventually fuck up.

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I did when I was in a physically abusive relationship. He never found out and it helped me gain the courage to break up with him but it was absolutely shitty of me. Him being an asshole never justified me being an asshole. Regret it to this day even though it may have literally saved my life.
Never cheated again though, and never felt the urge to

I was offered $200 to let a guy suck my dick and I agreed. I am not gay so I hated. I never plan on telling my gf because I love her to pieces. I plan on spending my life with her and we’re perfectly happy.

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No I have never cheated before, and I never will. Cheating is immoral.

did you admit to your later boyfriends that you cheated in the past?

Pic related. It's not cheating if you're a woman and all you're doing is testing before you buy I.e. making sure the new man is better than your old one.
Furthermore, everyone woman cheats. She is not to be held down by patriarchal power structures that keep her tied to one disenchanting guy. No. She has every right to continually look for the best man possible and is encouraged to do so. Never settle, ladies.

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Did you cum?

You know that image is a larp from Jow Forums, right?

Nope, never cheated or helped someone cheat. It’s against my terms of service. I’ve been cheated in twice tho. Apparently I wasn’t giving them enough attention.

There's this girl I was friends with. She cheated on her bf with me, I didn't even know they were dating though

Fuck off incel

H a v e
S e x

Back to Jow Forums, bud

That’s sad. What did you do when you found out? How did you find out?

Women cheat about once a month. Monogamy, loyalty, and faithfulness are alien concepts to the female form.

I got carried away with a friend of mine once..We've been friends 6 years and I've always fancied the hell out of her. We fucked for awhile a couple of years after we met, but never since.

Anyways, one even we were hanging out in her room at her house. I had been giving her some neck rubs earlier because she has neck pain sometimes. While she was lying on bed she asked me to rub her neck more. I stopped when i got tired, and she asked me to keep doing it.. said she liked the affection. She was in a certain mood that day I guess. Anyways, I think i just stroked her neck and arm or something and then stopped. After awhile we lied next to each other and chatted, and i think i put my hand on her waist. then after awhile took my hand away again. Then after while of not doing anything she rolled over and cuddled me. and we did that for a few minutes and she stopped. I guess I knew we were pushing into gray areas of what is okay and not okay. I knew her relationship was ending soon and she was unhappy, but I didn't want to do anything that would make her feel bad later.

After a little time passed I jokingly asked if I was making her feel frustrated. She quite confidently said no, which was convincing enough that i believed it. A few moments after she said that though I noticed her body quiver a bit.. and I figured she was actually probably really wet and frustrated actually. Maybe I shouldn't have done this, but I rolled over to her and slid my arm behind her back and put my other hand on her waist. The look of lust on her face as I did this was unreal. I genuinely wasn't going to do anything be more frustrating, but "innocent", touching. I slowly started moving my hand towards her breasts. She admitted this "edging" stuff was a huge turn on. Well.. that's basically all I did, more and more of that.. eventually though she grabbed my head and made me kiss her. we kissed for a few seconds and then stopped everything.


anyways. She felt super bad about. Like really distressed. And I felt super bad about it, because I had played a part. It made me think about that stuff a lot.

Cheating is not "fucking up". It's perfectly natural to want multiple sexual partners, especially if you're a man. It doesn't mean that you don't love your SO or whatever romanticized bullshit. Just means you're bored with your sex life, which is usually temporary and can even be relieved with cheating.


Are you a cuck? Do you support your wife cheating on you when and if your sex life gets dull?

None of them ever asked or mentioned cheating, weirdly enough.
I would be honest about it though. Ironically I hate lying and couldn’t stay with someone I felt like I was keeping secrets from (hence why I broke up with my abusive ex shortly after cheating on him).

I would have told my ex but he literally would have murdered me/ would murder me if he found out

I sometimes don't get the big deal some people make on cheating. yes it's terrible if your in a meaningful relationship. But I would feel worse if my partner fell out of love with me and was unhappy with me and didn't tell me than if they cheated on me. Cheating on me would hurt so much because it would tell me they weren't happy with the relationship or didn't care about it enough.

If a relationship is really fucking shit, like a full on abusive relationship, and there's fuck all trust between the two people anyways.. cheating doesn't seem like a huge deal on top of all that. Maybe i'm naive and would feel different if i experienced it.. i dunno


Once a cheater always a cheater

The fact that the first thing you tried to do was attack my man hood shows me your "monogamy" is just a fear driven, mate gaurding tactic.

What's wrong with being a cuck?

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Meh. I mean he was a shit bag and I hope he literally dies, but I still don’t think two wrongs make a right. I usually conduct myself with loyalty and honestly so it was a strong hit to my identity that I cheated. I understand the biology of it all and I think psychologically it makes sense (the guy I cheated with was the one who urged me to reach out to a women’s shelter and get professional help for the abuse so I felt very safe around him) but like... it’s not an EXCUSE. Nothing excuses the fact that what I did was extremely shitty because in my mind, cheating isn’t ever justified. The guy deserves way worse for everything he did to me, but I lost respect for MYSELF by cheating. I should have respected the commitment I made to him by ending the relationship long before I cheated.

That sounds fair enough

>Hyper focused on his girlfriend cheating on him
>Doesn't even consider the opportunity to spread his seed further
>Calls me a cuck

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I was fwb with an ex for a couple months, she went out of town and was going to meet up with an old college boyfriend and teased me about cheating. I got frustrated and left to a college bar where I met some foreign exchange student and she hooked up with me. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders because I felt the only girl attracted to me was this bitchy ex girlfriend of mine and I didn’t have any options.
Anyway I’m obviously terrified of a girl I’m dating cheating on me but that might be because I don’t think I’m attractive enough to pull off a cheat myself

I think this is the wrong question to ask. What you should ask is how many other people have you had sex with since your relationship started. This takes into account the "breaks" fabricated to have sex with someone else without being branded a cheater.

If you were to ask 10 couples, young or old, that had been together over two years the man would say 0 and the woman 2, 3 or more but the man is silenced since they were on a "break" Women use a myriad of loopholes.

You see that sweet old couple that appear joined at the hip and wish for the same one day, well she's slipped off for side dick plenty and talked her way back in with slight of hand.

Who is dumb enough to agree on a break these days anyways? I think that was a generational thing. Now it’s open relationship or breakup. Which is fine if that’s what your into.

I cheated on my first gf, we lost our virginity to each other. Didn’t have the willpower to say no to my neighborhood friend. She was 9/10 and had big firm tits. My gf at the time never found out. I’ll never cheat again, mostly because I’ve slept with enough women and I’m in a relationship where i get all my kinks and sexual fantasies fulfilled. We been together 10 years, still happy.

Open relationship to a man means he could if he wanted but doesn't but to a woman it means she behaves as if she is single and if at some point wants to take the open tag off she does and the man is grateful.

Even a break up isn't the end if the woman wants to resume the relationship. All she does is say it took being with another man to realize how much she loves her man and he will believe he wins and be grateful for her return.

It has always been like this.

Do a little digging about the number of men that returned from WWll to wives that had children by other men while he was away yet the men quietly accepted and raised the children as their own.

I still don’t hear much about this now. I know open relationship is rampant, and that women sleep around way more than the man. But it’s not like guys are kept in the relationship against their will. And giving an example from WWII dosent really help that case. Specially since it was common for soldier to sleep around as they got around. People fuck.

Open relationships are bad under the assumption that men and women are equal. But in the real world, it is far worse.
I think some men agree to their gf cheating and call it an open relationship because they don't have other options.
It is really sad that some men take this abuse, but some women are cruel like that.

Nah. Seen plenty of men just as happy. And they are the most abusive in relationships by far. I think you just feel some insecurity or jealousy that you dont to get to sleep around? I assume it can’t be because of your beliefs as there is enough people to support you in any kind of ism you live by.

I wouldn't want an open relationship even if it meant I could sleep around and she couldn't.
People who cheat on their partner are disgusting regardless of their gender.

Okay. So we learned that you have personal preferences, and people live like they want to and it affects you 0. Good talk. Later skater

Men form strong bonds with women quickly. They dont want to fuck other women. They agree to the open relationship under some naive idea that they will win her out of it.

>have beautiful gf
>everything is great
>avoid women who show interest in me, ghost 4 that try to get closer to me or want to see me 1on1
>sex with gf is basically me initiating everything from a-z, doing all the work, basically eating her up and burning with lust while she's just there and letting me do stuff
>doesn't give oral, doesn't touch me anywhere else then on my shoulders, is purely passive and reactive
>could basically fuck a pupped and it would be the same
>her lack of physical action and desire fucks me up more and more
>can't talk sexual stuff because she freezes up when I start talking about it and stonewalls me till I change the topic
>ask her to please do more but nothing ever happens
>visit a hooker, she fucks my brains out
>back to gf like nothing ever happened
>continue shooting down advances from other women
>split after 4 year relationship
I wish I could feel bad about it but I just don't

>They dont want to fuck other women.
Are you a man?

>beta men

no matter how much you incels roleplay shit you read on hookup artist blogs, you aren't suddenly going to become an alpha.

Men fall harder, and faster for women than women fall for men. Why? because its in a man's best interest to form a bond quickly so he can fuck and produce offspring. baby making is a much larger investment for women, so they fall in love slower.

i did with 19 years old girl of 40 miles from my home, and my wife didnt know.

not exactly having sex but enough to be considered as cheating. i held those tits out, need towo firm hand to even properly grab one.

too bad that kid never had my dick in her. so much potential, so little time.

and to answer your question, i never had enough but usually you grow tired of cheating, because it is a waste of resources your time and money. it is like finding something to do when you bored.

How would you feel if you found your wife was cheating in a similar way?

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>everything I don't like is bait

well, to discuss about fuck up when people get caught cheating is totally out of my interest, mainly because i never had one and will not think less of one another so far.

but to entertain your thought, i will dump her and maybe feel a bit shitty about myself because i wont let myself to be a cuck toward cheating wife. lol

Reckon your wife should dump you if she was smart enough to know what you get up to?

Shut the fuck up Max

yes, she should and i wont blame her if she did. divorce is big word and very time consuming, not to mention a will affect your group of social like known friends, family members that get involved and whatnot.

so i guess i keeping this marriage alive for just because. pretending for 1/3 of my daily life for my wife seems better option, for married couple of course

not really sure what your saying here.

Why don't you leave your wife? Do you love her?

It's extremely normal/common. Humans are really bad at being monogamous.

well, leaving my wife is easy for me but not for her since my wife is helpless if to be left alone.

i love my wife when i first married her, but i guess i expecting too much from her. All i ever ask from her is trust, which she spoiled it on our first week of marriage (seems i havent let it go yet).

Slowly i losing my touch, and i just keep being a man to her out of pity really.

i really dont want to go into detail, it will look like i am putting blame on someone else.

>which she spoiled it on our first week of marriage
What happened?

i wont bother to explain it.

she second guessing our marriage, doubting her mind and mine literally a week within after you say "yes i do".

this is really stupid, even after 5 years into marriage and i keep holding this shit excuse unto her.

agreed. plus if the man is capable of provide good life for any parties like what is the harm right?

I guess she was right though eh?

she was right only after she said it.

That's some top tier female logic.
>My BF said he was worried about me faithfully loving him. I was so upset about not being trusted that I cheated on him. It's not my fault!

In fairness your tone seems to imply you accept you are sort of a piece of shit.

>In fairness your tone seems to imply you accept you are sort of a piece of shit.

yes i am piece of shit now since i done cheated on her. look, i never done it before, i am fucking virgin and the only pair of tit or pussy i ever got is my wife before qnd after. i am not prick unless you really want me to be one, what the fuck am i if everything i do and done sacrificed for if only for later that my wife of mine still called me out saying she still have doubt when doubt is all she have and i as honest as i can be and as truth as can it be i never done cheated yet still acting and treating me like one. what the fuck i am. some bullshit for you to act on and keep the bullshit drama on?

fuck i dont even care if my english jumbled up.

I know there was probably more to it. But your wife expressing her concerns and feelings to you was completely reasonable of her. Maybe you were just too immature to handle that. That was your cue to reassure her on how much you loved her and were prepared to work to make the marriage work. Everyone has doubts on worries about relationships they are in sometimes, and it's very important to be able to talk about those fears with the partner, because often that can resolve the problems very quickly.

If you had expressed similar worries to her at the start of the marriage that would be legitimate for you too, but it would be absurd for her to respond with infidelity.

I'd rather just have an open relationship and be straight up with it. I mean live porn is better than a strip club and I can still fuck whoever I want.

Also- suggested reading

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I had a long streak of being the one people cheat on their SO with, the other woman.
I obviously didn't know. It made me feel awful every time.
Like, dated 3 guys, 2 were married and one was in a long term thing with another woman.

You're a fucking awful person if you do it knowing that you're hurting someone else's feelings.

What's the book about?

I find you love life hard to relate to. How do you end up dating 3 different guys who are in relationships? How long did the dating go on? How did you not start learning red flags?

I'm not trying to be shitty.. it just seems like another world to a beta like me.

Yeah, I was in a relationship-sort-of, my idea and her idea of relationship were worlds apart and we drifted far apart long before our breakup, to the point she asked permission to take another guy out for coffee.
Total rugmuncher though. She was a lesbian through and through. The signs were all over, I ignored them is all.

I digress. During that time I met with my ex and smashed the shit outta her, the sweet little slampig. She insisted she didn't want to cheat but it didn't take long before she crawled into bed with me and I was fingerblasting her before I railed her out bareback in the shower. Never nutted in her but it's on the bucket list if the opportunity arises and I'm single again. She was one of those real coy sluts though, always ALWAYS down to fuck but never wanted to outright be that or say it.

I've had chances to cheat on my current girl but I like what I have and the sex is satisfying, thus I haven't any real reason to spit on it like that. I don't generally consider that last scenario cheating as the girl was very clearly not into me, and I didn't even get a kiss on the lips, we held hands and hugged.

It's a study of historical non monogamy as well as a collection of testimonials from couples and singles alike.

neat. Will it make me into a cheating bastard?

Twice, only because I found out I was cheated on. Once with a qt twink, the other time with a titty monster

I mean maybe. The author doesn't seek to persuade really just lay out the information he collected. It is really up to you to decide how it influences you like reading political discourse you already disagree with.

I have no clue about how it happened.
I dated one of the married guys for nearly 6 months. The others for just a few dates.

The married guy was some sort of compulsive liar. He lived a double life: worked in my town, told me he was going back over the weekend to a nearby city to take care of his mom who wasn't feeling great after his dad died.
He gave me a fake name, too. I found out because I googled the shit out of his father because I didn't remember something he told me and I was trying to be a good girlfriend, and found his obituary. And he didn't have a son named like the guy I was dating.
Not cool of him.

The other two, just guys who I hit it off while I was doing things. One told me himself he was married and things were bad between him and his wife, and I cut things off. I found the taken guy's social media and he was tagged in a photo with his gf.

I stopped dating for a year afterwards.

Yeah, like 4 times with my female best friend.
Trying to not doing it anymore

Met up with a guy as I always had Bi tendencies. Kissed but that was was it as I just was not into it. Happy that I now know I'm more into girls so I'm glad I got it out the way.

You cheated on your gf with your best friend?


What made you do it?

Maybe the fact that I was 25 and i had only had sex with my gf, and i wanted to experience with someone else.

maybe just date her???

Are you still with her?

I did it to my ex, I regret it a lot but I forgivr myself, I think this only reinforces how shitty it is and to never say never (which i did in my youth). I am never cheating again, it feels absolutely horrible

Yes, we've been together for 3 years

>prefers open relationships
>wants to raise other men's seed his wife is sure to collect
>somehow not a cuck


Do you feel guilty about it? Would you not break up with her if she had done something similar?

Is your friend more attractive than her?

>When you can hear the roastie speak.

Women have a natural advantage in the sexual market till about 40 in sense of ease of getting laid. Denying this is cognitive dissonance . and open relationship is a yuge imbalance of sexual and emotional power that only an unloving person would put their partner in such a position

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>till about 40

You wish. My mom, mid-50's and 45lbs overweight for her size, is getting hit on regularly by men aged anything from 50 to 70. That's the age when the first or second divorce-waves happened and lonely dudes are trying to find partners for casual relationships.

First it was 16 years old. THEN it was 17. THEN it was 20. THEN it was 30 years old. NOW it's 40??

The true number is 70 - 80, when they become entirely uninterested in the dating market altogether and just stick to their retirement homes and gardening.

Face it fellas. Any woman, of any age, who participates in the dating market, is worth more than a man (as long as she isn't severely disfigured or has more than 1 kid).

Men are plainly more desirable after mid 30s than women of the same age.

A decent man in his mid 30s can pick up chicks 10+ yrs younger

A woman of the same age will typically get scooped by older men or low status men of similar age.

I speaking in terms of similar ages of men and women.

So I guess you dont mind your boyfriends doing the same? You're a piece of shit.

But most men don't age decently. They bald, they have beer guts/are fat, and many don't achieve high status either (which is the entire allure of an older man for young women). Hence why Weinstein types are surrounded by them while the others whine on here how they can find nobody except single mothers.

True. Most women too.

But a man of age with status and looks will have a wider appeal than a woman of similar station.

this thread is useless. No one actually knows how to get a good woman to leave a bad marriage (and get on this dick).

cheating is fine lmao stop being a nerd

Nah, I wish I had a gf to cheat on. I heard it was pretty easy since bitches will be more attracted to you.

The only time I ever cheated it was only a kiss. I was drunk, my best friend had just passed away and I went out drinking to a bar with some people, among of which was a girl who was also her friend.

We ended up making out at the bar. We were drunk and sad as fuck and I stopped it when it started to become more sexual.

Never told my GF and it didn't matter because in the end it was her that cheated on me, with a friend of all people. I still fight with the idea. Some days I regret not going all out with the other girl and others I'm glad that I put my moral system first.

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moral is overrated

>I am not gay
>let a guy suck my dick

I've never cheated but I had sex with a long time friend who was dating someone else. She told me that had feelings for me and that she wanted to leave her current bf but she was living with him so it would be difficult. I wanted to wait until after they had broken up but then one day when we were hanging out she made a move so obvious my autistic ass could even realize what was going on and I couldn't take being a virgin anymore so I eventually went for it.

Not the most romantic way to lose your virginity but that's how it goes I guess. Really wish that I didn't date her after she did finally break up with the guy but I was kind of an emotional wreck at the time.