You know, the world is a mystery as they say. The knowledge and curiosity of man knows no bounds, it's fascinating really. Antarctica, what do we know? What do we think we know? Who founded the facilities man is foretold of that lie in Antarctica publicly known information? Why do ships from every nation patrol those waters? In the 1930's Admiral Byrd a four star admiral came to an interesting conclusion am I wrong? Those who know of him certainly have. What is Antarctica? Just a question my friends, that's all.
The Secrets of Antarctica
At certain times of the year, you can see two suns.
Old friend, long have I missed the old Jow Forums. This is what I missed the most. Antarctica has the answer to many questions. God is real.
no you can't
Every bit of information you know of is controlled information. That freedom of it is controlled to. Antarctica is an amazing story. Go, and learn about its original discovery. Have you ever researched the "Nazi's" in the 1930's? Their findings? They went there and they are very much alive.. we also control most expeditions to that land. The images are faked as well.
>Antarctica, what do we know?
its cold
>What do we think we know?
it might be melting (maybe)
>Who founded the facilities man is foretold of that lie in Antarctica publicly known information?
lots of them, see
>Why do ships from every nation patrol those waters?
see above, also to prevent illegal fishing
>In the 1930's Admiral Byrd a four star admiral came to an interesting conclusion am I wrong?
conventional warfare is obsolete, and even if it weren't, an attack from inside the US is infinitely more likely than the scenario byrd described 7 decades ago
>What is Antarctica?
a continent permanently covered in ice
Every clear night, I can see thousands of suns.
Why did he describe that the way he did then? For what reason did he come to that conclusion? Why did he do that? You are shitposting for the sake of it. Do not encourage a lack of discourse between the son's of man.
>You are shitposting for the sake of it.
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Nice proof you utter faggot
Correct they do. So tell me this, as I seek an answer. Why did you come to the conclusion you did? What I ask is why Admiral Byrd came to that conclusion. What about him was wrong? You distrust the fact that he found a deep endless 100 mile hole? He said that live on radio then he is ok. You shills try to close all discussion here, always. Fucking nigger.
I've heard stories of gigantic labyrinths fulls of traps and secret knowledge, or underwater tunnels discovered by the Nazis that lead to the hollow earth, or maybe ruins of past civilizations preserved under the ice after the last cataclysmic magnetic polar shift. Pic related is from a website that tracks walking patterns via a phone app. Unbeknownst to most users the walking data was available publicly for some time. Seems like someone was moving in a BIG C very deep in the ice land
its so remote and difficult to travel, that everything we know of it is filtered through large governmental entities that may, or may not, be concealing stuff
i want to know whats under the ice. everyone's jerking off to the thought of mars colonization while antarctica, grueling though the work may be, is ripe for exploration and much easier to access and survive
im especially interested in it after reading all these hypotheses about cyclical earth catastrophes, and how it may have one day not too long ago been located in a warmer band of the earth and could be covered in the ruins of civilization
its best way to do testing out of reach of satellites
Your written English is a fucking joke. Holy shit.
i think it is this OR they know there is a high probability of some kind of natural disaster crippling the worlds governments so since about the 1960s multiple secret government programs have been going on to dig massive underground self sustaining bases. This seems to be the only slightly rational explanation for the TRILLIONS of missing dollars. That or a secret space program, but for what purpose? probably also to preserve humanity should something happen
Ugh the earth is flat. That’s just an ice wall. Jezz /pol. Have some of /pols national flower
Go fuck yourself you shit eating faggot hybrid
>newfag thinks sage is a flower
top fucking kek your newfag is showing
You're retarded, the earth is flat and (((space))) doesn't exist
There's a few massive and secretive digsite in Antarctica where it's clear they're shipping something out. Possibly covert uranium harvesting? My geology professor told me he thinks there's an exclusive mineral or resource hidden in Antarctica which came from meteorites that help promote a secret technocracy which artificially creates a gap in technology from the public in order to maintain a level of power we would view as magic
why don't you get a phd in structural geology and then do postdoc studies on the continent and then leak info to us plebs
oh wait
anyone who's done that you think is a garbage eating shill
Hollow Earth is making more sense.
Explain this then, atheist.
Base 211
thank you my man
This, people forget about the heat maps that discovered movement in Antarctica
Can you prove any of what you said?It isn't even legal to visit antarctica. Try to find one source of antarctica pictures released from an organization that isn't firmly in the pocket of the U.S. gov and globalist corporations.
>Mfw I want to open my mind
I would love to shit on your face.
Why aren't there any fictional stories about this? Every time I come to an Antarctica thread I begin to theory craft and make a short story. Posting would just get my idea stolen from the hollywood goons who lurk these kinds of threads by shizos for ideas.
Lizards, user
Jesus Christ WTF is this???
Who Goes There 1938
The Thing 1982
AVP 2004
Not many that I know of.
Was a chopper pilot with the Australian defence force I did time in Antarctica. I fly choppers for company contracted to oil rigs now. I would transport a lot of science equipment and a lot of scientists in and out of areas. There are actually a lot of no fly zones. I flew through one and it ended my career. There is a large hole that you can't see on Google Earth it is an entry to a large cave system. From my time talking to the scientists there is a lot of geo thermal activity down there. I remember dropping off a excited exploration group of french German and Australian geologists who where extremely friendly and talkative and within 24 hours flew back to pick them up under a emergency evacuation. They were all silent and looked terrified none seemed to be injured which struck me as stange as it was a emergency evacuation on the trip in and on return I was ordered to fly through a certain air space that was always restricted to cut down an hour of flight Time then I was sacked for following orders. .
here's fun exercise. open google earth and see how many magic grayed out area you can find.
must be that global warming causing the gray smudge menace.
>creates a gap in technology from the public in order to maintain a level of power we would view as magic
I'm stealing this for my future book.
That's fucking mysterious. And checked.
Just think about all the awesome shit that is preserved under the ice of antarctica
we're talking an entire continent which froze hundreds of millions of years ago, preserving all sort of shit under the ice. Maybe dinosaurs
>who where extremely friendly and talkative and within 24 hours flew back to pick them up under a emergency evacuation. They were all silent and looked terrified
Jesus. Any theory?
I’ve been to Antartica twice. It’s cold as fuck, teeming with life and extremely pretty in its own weird way. Everything glows iridescent blue in the sun. There’s nothing weird about it though. Nothing mysterious. It’s a polar ice cap. That’s it.
here's another from google earth. it's not even a subtle shoop is the hilarious thing. like it could take somebody 30m in ms paint to do a better job. i don't get it.
That is fascinating. Any more stories/info?
This thread has officially spooped me, thought I was on Jow Forums not /x/ ffs
There is an anime called A Place Further Than the Universe that was an okay watch.
>There’s nothing weird about it though. Nothing mysterious. It’s a polar ice cap. That’s it.
Go away Mr. FBI
I have a cousin who worked in the military, he told me shit about New Swabia.
He said that the map you see today, is mostly not the real map.
He didn't go on flat earth, and I dont believe it or do, but he told me that there are things out there that watch you. Not like all the day, but when certain things happen. Lets say you play a video game, one of those, (((Things)) can take form somehow, and telegraphy communicate to you.
Now, he could be fucking around or serious.
But its a cool brain thinker.
Why were you there?
>one of those, (((Things)) can take form somehow, and telegraphy communicate to you.
I don't get it.
He's definitely fucking around.
What does he do, that hed be in a position to experience that sort of thing?
I know he is, but he seen some fucked up shit.
To the point he wont tell me about it, even we are both redpilled
elites been building underground shelters there to survive upcoming 2046 magnetic polar reversal and accompanying recurrent solar micronova/superflare because continent projected to be verdant afterwards. the new world order will have a new world to rule and we're not invited.
>Implying it will even happen or we will be dead by then
>he posted video evidence to support his position
>hmmmm how do i refute that?
>I know! Ill call him a faggot
-73.1731238, 63.7780831
Did you get in the army with the intention to ride helicopters, or, when the avenues opened up for the position, you simply took it?
is there anybody here that went to ocean color college that can explain these circular globs of zero visual reflectivity? it looks like swamp gas to me but perhaps it's just weather balloons or some justaprankbros
at this point i think the entire continent is just fake and photoshopped and some in joke scientist ruse to see how long they can keep it up.
>"change your blinker fluid"
>"looking for jackalopes"
>"check the muffler bearings"
>"exploring in Antarctica"
There are large research stations that Don't show up on Google maps they are not blurred they just don't exist. I believe Google maps is using very old photos older then 2009. Also there are a lot of Russians and Americans there. They work together. For a quick run down Antarctica is bans armed troops the whole time I was there it was heavily guarded. Russian and Americans provided security. I thought that was stange as they worked together. I honestly believe that I was fired because I was ordered by the Australian air force to fly through a restricted air space even though I didn't see anything but ice and snow but there are roads and buildings going up in that area. But nothing that was considered abnormal. Just supply roads and service buildings. There's a lot of transport going into the cave system. Hence the roads NZ and the Dutch control the transport logistics Australia was doing it but they now do all the air support. Hell it's like a massive joint initiative. I had no idear how big it really was till I got there.
There's a lot going on over there
-73.1483857, 63.9413943
But WHATS in the CAVE?
I initially thought it was volcanic but I don't know too many places where geologists go with military backing this is a trillion dollar investment of governments around the world
You want /x/ down the hall, last door on the right.
Would you say public interest doesn't match government interest? I see nearly zero public interest in Antarctica. Obviously there is more than just some geolical surveys going on, which is where most public understanding ends.
And one day we will conquer them all
Im tired of the Biden shills, I want something new
Not really I will say a lot of equipment goes in and nothing comes out I worked personal transport but I shared a room with logistic transport and they said they don't know what They are even carrying.
Gold/alien tech/remnants of a lost civilization. Just some guesses
Naw, the earth is flat. The only thing below is the abyss (hell)
German arctic research center that gets overblown with snow every couple of months. In the pictures it's thawing and the runway is slowly showing itself.
But why do they want to cover it up for?
Humanity should share together
>they dont know
They dont recognize/understand, or they cant see it, cause its crated?
Straight outta Prometheus desu. lmao.
No I got into the army to fly choppers so I could eventually go to the oil rigs that's why I joined to get experience. I got sent there because I was trained in arctic rescue . Then went from There. It wasn't hard to get in.
Open up your mind Quaid.
Have you seen the nature of the average NPC? They are changing the gender of the children and pets for fucks sake!
If I were able to run things, id hide all the good shit for me and mine also.
A fuck load of our tax dollars haha. Man I got no idear.
Yeah I believe it's very resource Rich coal oil ect big then I don't know
>That area.
I'm sure, you being a trained pilot, you have retained the coordinates Long/Lat and will provide them ITT. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
I don't even know anymore.
Do you guys seen that video with the Alien races?
He's not fucking around.
All alien life forms use telepathy because it's too hard to learn a language when you can just send brain signals that is the equivalent of saying hello.
Here is a real case of a researcher deciding to walk away from his base to follow something and then gets lifted up mid route.
About the maps. If you go back a decade ago, Antartica was a mess on Google maps. Everything was airbrushed and badly stitched together. Then it was found out that Google was importing faulty maps and creating fake islands all over the world which was exposed after someone tried to explore one of those islands.
Are you the same user in the French Riot thread?
Because you seem like a reptilian
Wait What
it's neat how half the regions are potato quality and the other half are brazzers quality. cloud cover/atmospheric moisture?
No they get in the cockpit and fly they leave the cockpit and wait in the station facility till it's unload. Germans are loading the equipment. It's very expensive technology I'd say because there are a lot of German engineers. It's all boxed up
Way to go Sherlock! I am a reptilian. Don't worry tho. I'm a peaceful draconian.
-71.4146672, 71.0182617
Earth is hollow
its easier to airbrush high quality images than low blurry ones because of artifacts. Resampling allows you to airbrush a whole region with no trace while a blurry photo would show you that something is definitely wrong and that the colors are missing