A nomadic family of 22 subhumans is living on my lands, basically these niggers live in 3 groups of something, each with a bunch of tents, goats and shitty trucks, the area they are in has many properties 80% which is owned by me, these abominations move every couple of months, bringing their filth and goats with them, i want to get rid of them but i do not know how, government does not play a part in this btw, so how the FUCK do i get these stinking mutts off MY LAND without killing them (it is in my power to do so)
A nomadic family of 22 subhumans is living on my lands, basically these niggers live in 3 groups of something...
Enslave them so that you have a labor force.
Or give me the properties they are on and I'll do it.
Don't you have property rights and a government enforcing them where you are?
Try to do some """occult""" shit which will scare them away. You need to think of something spectacular, flashy and memorable, so they will consider the place cursed and never come back.
shut the fuck up attentionwhore, serious answers only.
If it's in your power to kill them, why not?
No, i informed the authorities and they told me to wait until they move to another area, but the problem is as i have mentioned the entire location is almost completely owned by me, so wherever these mongrels go its my territory, my pleads to this stupid ass government are to no avail.
Well now I’m just rooting for more people to show up.
Have you tried diplomacy?
I am not a savage, and i take into consideration the fact that they are creatures of lower intelligence, yes, creatures, those things are not humans, so it would be cruel and barbaric of me to kill them for something they cannot control, however my patience is running out and i need them the fuck off my lands so i can start working.
Yes, i tell them to fuck off, but when i come back a month or 2 later they are still there, and i ask again and again and they assure me they will leave, yet they stay.
Hire some mercenaries and come with them. Their presence will reinforce your words - you leave or I shoot.
If this is your property. How come no one is enforcing the law and remove them?
Have a sneaky suspicion they are on public land near where you live and you just don’t like that kind of freedom, lol.
And where do you suppose i hire mercenaries from? anyway those subhumans are numerous, there are thousands in my area, they back each other up, so i need to be smart about this, otherwise they will cause too much trouble that i do not need.
I was serious, you dimwitted peasant.
>humans on my land need direction and a home
>killing is bad
>why not offer them a spot that I can spare in exchange for their menial slave labor
Well you're on a Moldovan lacquered pottery enthusiast imageboard asking for advice from random internet strangers so you're not that much higher on the totem pole than them.
You can try to hire some muscle to force them to move but it would be expensive and risky. If they live off your land then make it so they can't. You mentioned trucks so they rely on technology and you apparently have a lot of land. Try a home made emp or frequency jammer that blocks their use of phones or internet if they use it.
But really honestly just kill them. If you can't kill them your only other option is to hire muscle to constantly harass them and just start your work in the meantime.
Because the shithole i live in is corrupt, and there is a big amount of these nomads and the government does not care enough to deal with them.
Where the fuck do you live? Is this the middle east or some shit? Eastern Europe? Get a couple of guys, rifles with suppressors and just kill them.
Why do you even need that land? Are there any valuable natural resources?
So where are you from that you can claim these nomads are subhuman?
Hint: it is a trick question. You are garbage.
Yes, that is my plan, i was thinking of hiring some thugs to blast loud musics all day and night and follow them around, and if that doesn't work i will poison their goats that stink up the entire fucking property that they are currently plaguing.
yes middle east
That is not your concern
shut up gypsylover
You're not actually a property owner if you can't think of a diplomatic response to this situation. You're just a nigger yourself.
Classic example of vain materialism causing problems for its possessor. Protip: if you can't protect your "property," it's not really yours
>That is not your concern
I am obviously going to find some mutt from a completely desolated shithole and steal his only chunk of land, on which he cannot even work because some sandniggers are too problematic to deal with. Kys
Lmao whore, the combined lands i own are enough to start a country, what about you, do you live in your uni dorm that you rent for 600$ a month and share with your roomate?
Lol if they're gypsies OP is right to call them whatever he likes.
Dumb faggot, like I said you're not much smarter than them. Poisoning the goats leads to retaliation. Killing them quickly ensures that doesn't happen. But before you do that, what do other landowners do? Maybe they have a successful strategy to deal with them.
they let them work their lands or some shit, they're stupid farmers, i am not a farmer.
Nah, because I have people that work for me on my lands. Unlike your shitty "country" with the population of you the dumb nigger op that can't write a labor/rental contract.
Well let's go over what we know.
You live in some shithole, there is enough land to hide bodies, a government that cares for little, and you are desperate enough to ask for help on Jow Forums despite being some landowner. You go figure out which solution works best.
Low IQ thot, post pictures of your lands.
Answering your autistic no intelligence statement, i do not need people to work for me on my lands.
i am civilized, unlike you.
I'd like to have sex there.
>I'm civilized
>complains about people using un-improved land
Looks like a high res screenshot from ARMA 3.
And civilized men sometimes resort to violence as a last resort. If you are asking for advice on Jow Forums for things like this then you are already on your last resort and your misplaced superior complex makes you pathetic. Because what we also know for a fact is that a bunch of subhumans have cucked you out of you being able to use your land and you went running to some anime imageboard for help.
it is my land you commie, i chose who stays and leaves.
>won't make them leave
I'm sure it really is "yours" lmao
>Looks like a high res screenshot from ARMA 3.
cope, you're obviously screeching due to the fact that i am a land owner that is about to develop his territory into something great, this is only a minor bump that i am actually using to entertain myself.
Kidnap the women and rape them.
i would rather cut off my genitals than go anywhere near those ghouls
Shut up namefag
Nigga you're asking for help on Jow Forums regarding land. This is even worse than when anons ask for urgent medical advice here.
I'm not going to because mine isn't a desolate shit hole full of gypsies.
And it's quite apparent you do need people to work your lands because they are being invaded by gypsies, nigger.
OH NO NO NO go cook up some instant ramen whore
Shoot their goats. They'll move on.
Nah, I think I'll walk around the corner and make some asians serve me sushi.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to anonymous image-board culture!
300 dorra, gaijin
LOL raw fish, seaweed and rice? enjoy i guess thot, hope you choke and die.
If you weren't such a massive bitch, you could just go over there and explain the situation to them.
Pic related is ()
Your lands are a shitty desolate wasteland. Tell them that they can stay as long as they work the land. Become a patron you retard.