What the fuck is with girls?

>be me
>have girl on snapchat
>ask her to hang out multiple times
>always unavailable, but never says no
>keeps talking to me

Is she interested or nah? if she wasnt you think shed stop talking to me. Theres more history but this is the bare bones.

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a girl responding doesnt mean shes interested. it depends on the context of her response. most girls are just bored and have literally nothing going on so they will usually respond to just about anything.

Keep trying but don't get emotionally invested. One day she'll be feeling down, ugly, undesirable, horny...then your flirting and invitations will be exactly what she needs and she'll swing by for a pick-me-up fuck to feel validated and pretty again. She won't consider it exploitation, and neither should you. Most girls have tales like this. Multiple tales like this, even.

The female is an emotionally weak creature, swayed by her emotions, especially when she's young (up to mid 20s, but often older yet). A true player never cuts off a girl or ends contact, he simply cuts emotional attachment and keeps flirting until her moment of accepting him arrives. Do this with multiple girls at a time, plus your girls who are already steady fwbs and you've got a nice range of partners to fuck

Ask once, if rejected. Put the ball in her fucking court user, whats wrong with you?

>Send me a txt when you are free and want to go out

Then slowly ghost her, reply every so often.

thats the thing, its never a straight up rejection. its always a maybe. Should I just take it as a no and start ghosting her? She has offered to come visit me in the city Im in but something tells me it wont happen based on this

Not the user you are replying too.
Yeah slow ghost her,
If she was truly interested in you, she'd take time to make time for you.
She doesn't have the spine to fully ghost or reject you. Happens to me all the time.
She softly, vaguely turns you down until you give up.
Do the same to her,
I learned the hard what that a oneitis is bad,
Mildly seek at least 3 girls or as many as you can handle,
They might all ghost you, but, being so focused on 1 greatly cuts your chances of getting anything.

I hate that it works this way but, that's how it works.

Is this fine to send to a girl as a date idea?

Since we are both lacking some adventures I have been thinking that we should spice things up by hijacking a tour group from the NGV and leading them around pretending to be an art aficionados. Would you like to join me?

NGV is National Gallery of Victoria

Cringe and fail.
Gringe and faill.
Are u from India?

already on it. thanks m8s

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Who are you quoting?
Just ask her directly if she's interested or not because you don't like mind games.

The real question is why did you continue to talk to her?

I've been less than subtle before and just got ambiguous responses. as I've said theres more to this story if it helps
When we see each other in person its really fun and we really vibe together. I know I've been on the hook for waayyy too long

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Time to cut your losses and block her number.

yall are right. not worth it. Im pulling out

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Proud of you. Now go chat up some fresh bitches.

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Pic related. You are either her backup or just source of attention.

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yeah just moved to a big city Im really hoping school will bear a lot of new potential

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Fact: if she's interested she'll make it work.

All women are scumbags and they all like to play games like this as a way to stroke their ego.

Maybe cuz I dont want this poll to be true, but isnt 2000 people a pretty small sample for trying to say all of women?

Its not about how frequently is this happening, its about proof that such behavior is even possible. Many men are raised on various fairy tales where women are always pictured as submissive always honest monogamous creatures.

That pic is just reality check for unlucky men like OP.

Yeah Im pulling the plug on it, just going cold turkey

If she wanted to make time for you, then she would. She's just too polite to shut you down. Women generally don't like to blunt with men because it could potentially lead to incel rage.

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Yeah I figured. I mean we would hang out in groups and Im pretty sure we considered each other friends. kinda disappointing but its whatever

Talking to thots on Snapchat then complaining when they act like thots

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she wanst a thot, just a girl I was buddies with

>get a 2nd phone
>add her under a sock puppet account
>aggressively flirt with her
This will tell you everything you need to know