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Are girls really like this?
Elijah Hernandez
Other urls found in this thread:
Gabriel Brooks
>listens to music
Elijah Diaz
No. I know both males and females that do the shit on the bottom. I'm a female and I do the top since I want to start a rock band as guitar so I always pay attention to chord progressions, tempo shifts, key shifts, etc.
Ryder King
ok leave me your number
Jacob Rivera
The one on top looks more like a guy desu.
I’m pretty sure some girls listen to music in real life. I’ve not observed this directly myself, but I’ve read a couple of papers on it. It’s generally accepted as part of scientific consensus.
Bentley Barnes
>I'm a female
opinion discarded
Ryder Jenkins
obviously not if it promoted you to reply
agree with this. Also a woman and I'm a composer, producer, and singer so I know music well.
Jose Thompson
.t someone that's fucked heaps and heaps of girls, can confirm they are just like that and sometimes worse.
John Morales
Only shit women. Stop settling for vapid wenches with no personality just because they’re hot.
Wyatt Brooks
Why don't people just listen and enjoy music like normal people what's with all this music terminology?
Andrew Watson
that's the actual way to fully enjoy the music you are listening, and understand when you are listening to some garbage
Wyatt Morales
No, but you’re going to believe what you want to believe, so I’m not sure why you posted this.
Cameron Mitchell
If you like the sound it's all that matters.
Owen Rogers
Because they’re snobs who can’t just let people lie back with some headphones and listen to something that jives with them.
Jeremiah Hughes
Because I've been studying music since I was a kid and my parents were musicians so I never learned to listen to music like "normal" people?
Hudson Nguyen
I wasn't saying that I don't listen passively to mosic sometimes, but other times I like to actually analyze what I'm listening to, I find it relaxing and fun.
Aaron Robinson
This. Based Chad
Seething roastie be gone
Angel Torres
stop flirting with me I'm taken :3
Alexander Roberts
So, people enjoy movies.
There are people who have to analyze every movie they watch and critique it, have to point out certain edits and cuts and devices and remark on whether it was done well or not. They point out the worldbuilding, the logical consistency or inconsistency, the plot structure, character development.
Then other people just want to watch the damn movie.
I’m someone who does the former, but I don’t look down on people who do the latter. I feel like with music, people act like you have to have some pseudodeep intellectual bullshit going on. If that’s your thing, fine. But nothing wrong with just being someone who sits back and lets the music fill their soul without pretension.
Connor Murphy
I was just sayng that people that don't understand technical aspects of music half enjoy it
Brayden Hill
I talked to a really pretentious girl that played the ukulele (poorly) and talked on and on about how you need talent to play music and how talented she was
Elijah Reyes
>lying to someone trying to develop a skill.
>giving them an inflated sense of achievement by giving false compliments while simultaneously criticizing her for being pretentious.
WOW you sound like a GREAT person!!!!
Caleb Gray
>half enjoy it
No, that’s incorrect.
They enjoy it a different way than you do. It’s not better or worse. It’s not inferior or superior. Their enjoyment of it is simply different.
Jayden Johnson
>I talked to a girl who
Not him, but I would only dare to give someone a harsh reality check on a subject that I actually know enough about to be certain that I can give constructive criticism.
Saying: "Your music sucks, you can't actually play at all. Guess what, you are right about the talent part - and it's the reason why you suck", is really mean, and on top of that:
How certain are you that your own opinion is qualified? Perhaps you can't really judge what is poor and what isn't.
Perhaps she is bad when compared to actual professionals but is 90% there. Perhaps you just don't like the music she is playing.
Stop being such an entitled bitch.
Easton Torres
You're based for being the first person this year I've seen to spell ukulele correctly outside of music forums.
Anthony Sullivan
God almighty no wonder you're here on Jow Forums, Jesus.
If everything is gonna be qualitative to your life, you're going to end up in last fucking place a LOT.
Brody Ross
Well, for movies it is like this: Once you COMPLETELY deconstruct them, at a certain point you simply won't be able to enjoy most movies anymore because frankly most of the shit produced in the west is utter trash.
Ironically, you might end up getting more Enjoyment out of Michel Bay movies because you don't take them seriously then to fucking pretentious Oscar bait Hollywood movies.
Julian Miller
Diff user here, you're a moron who's apparently keen on being a moron if you earnestly believe that. Analyzing music is NOT pretentious and absolutely allows you to enjoy it on a much richer level.
Owen Green
He said
>talked on and on about how you need talent to play music and how talented she was.
So clearly he displayed himself as “someone who knew what he was talking about”, and went on to deliberately delude her purposefully.
It was a shitty thing for him to do mate. Not saying the girl is like a great person or anything but if you’re going to notice something negative about someone and criticize it (then being pretentious), why add to it and make them even more pretentious?
Nothing about what I said was entitled. Just calling that dude out for being a dick.
Leo Allen
i would liken myself to the top one, yes.
Parker Jones
He also doesn't say that he complimented her on it.
You are acting entitled because you are making demands of people.
You DEMAND that this person made the idiotic move and criticized the music of this girl, without knowing anything about the social situation. It could very well have been socially suicidal to do it in this situation.
But you don't care about that. All you care about is to call him out for something because you are emotionally offended by the fact that he thinks that pretentious people are pretentious(probably struck a nerve.)
And this is why I am calling you out for being an entitled bitch. Most of all in order to make sure that he does not fall for your retarded shaming language, roastie.
Levi Baker
Are you retarded? Where did I say he had to call her out and criticize her. I never demanded that he do anything in particular, therefore, not entitled.
But since you’ll probably reject that and ignore it since you don’t want to be wrong, i’ll Go ahead and say my “entitled” opinion about what I think he should have done.
He should have just said something mildly positive instead of sucking her cock and making her feel like she had some special god given gift. He could have said something like “hey that’s pretty good” or “hey, you’ve only been playing for a few weeks? You’re off to a strong start”.
As in, offered socially acceptable affirmation without telling her she’s the next fucking Israel Kamakawiwoʻole
Nolan Parker
Ok, now I get your problem. Your problem was with the grammar of that sentence:
>I talked to a really pretentious girl that played the ukulele (poorly) and talked on and on about how you need talent to play music and how talented she was
>girl that played the ukulele (poorly) and talked
>girl that played the ukulele (poorly) and TALKED
The girl talked about how you need talent to play music and how talented she was
Not the guy.
That sentence does not contain any information about what the guy did or did not say.
Matthew Lewis
OH yo my bad dude.
I actually totally misinterpreted what that dude meant.
He said:
>I talked to a really pretentious girl that played the ukulele (poorly) and talked on and on about how you need talent to play music and how talented she was
I interpreted that as he was talking to a pretentious girl who was playing ukulele and HE was going on and on about how it takes talent to play instruments and he was saying that SHE had that natural talent, even though he didn’t really think it.
But now I see that SHE was the one who was going on about how natural talent is needed and she has it.
my bad I am retarded. I apologize to you and to the guy I originally replied to. Fuck that girl she sounds like a cunt
Lucas Miller
no chai lattes r actually good
Jacob Cox
>autism alarm
Asher Hughes
Dude I deserve this I don’t think I have ever misread something that badly haha Jesus I need to get fucking tested
Jayden Nelson
Yea, I get you now. It would have been fucking shitty to do what you thought it said there.
Ethan Price
Women don't really have hobbies. 99% of women are all into the exact same things.
Hobbies are almost entirely a male contruct because it is only really men who like to engage with things beyond the most basic surface level interaction.
The VAST majority of women just mindlessly follow whatever other women are doing and they rarely if ever interact with said things on a deeper level. this is why so many hobbies are dominated by men.
Women ONLY jump onto things if it becomes socially acceptable to do so. Just look at Dungeons & Dragons. D&D and tabletop games in general have always been a massively male oriented and nerd filled hobby.
D&D recently became popular though, thanks to a program called "Critical Role" where really good looking voice actors all play D&D on camera. Women have predictably started flocking to D&D (and ONLY d&d, the other tabletop games remain as male dominated as ever. hmm i wonder why?). In fact, there was even a twitter campaign recently where WOMEN started a trending hashtag by posting selfies to show the world that these new D&D players were all good looking "and not like those typical ugly male nerd stereotypes".
Women's superficiality is present in every single aspect of their lives and in the way that they interact with hobbies as well.
Ian Sanders
Stick to the containment board
Leo King
Yes. I remember shoehorning some respectable titles into myself so I have something to talk about. Stopped doing that tho. Although if someone asks me about my favorite music I have some decent stuff to mention.
Ryder Sanders
What kind of music do you like, user?
James Richardson
You mean as for myself or for showcase? As for me myself, it’s some super catchy bop pop
Jack Stewart
No need to be mad
Elijah Thompson
Post bobs
Dominic Jenkins
Not really, though I am sure some are.
Hunter Gutierrez
girls really are like that though. See
Sebastian Nguyen
Mercer says yes
Daniel Baker
and who is mercer?
Tyler Gonzalez
He's referencing Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
Ethan Rodriguez
If they’re between 18-25 women and men are morons who think they know everything. Then life hits them like a brick wall and some kill themselves because the shit they invest so much emotion into is meaningless and counter productive.
Ryder Lee
If your only idea of a hobbie is table top games then maybe there’s a reason you don’t see many women in your friend group.
Elijah Morris
Nah. But 99% of all music I listen to is instrumental music and movie or game OSTs so I hardly fit into the Belieber crowd or whatever they call themselves these days.
I care little about the technical aspects of how the song was created, I mostly care for the feelings it invokes.
Nicholas Jones
Seems like you're taking something I used as an example and are building a strawman out of it.
Try again
Jason Lewis
Yeah that’s not entirely true. I know just as many guys who don’t have hobbies as girls who don’t have hobbies.
I’m a woman and a lot of the hobbies I have are from when I was younger. I do digital art, I crochet and sew, I press flowers, I play piano, I play video games, and I do gymnastic yoga. I mean most guys could relate to me on one maybe two of those things, but just because my hobbies are a big feminine in general doesn’t mean I don’t have them.
Nathaniel Adams
>I hope someone asks me what I'm listening to soon
Definitely not. Girls wear headphones to prevent guys from talking to them.
Brayden Hall
>I’m a woman
>I know just as many guys who don’t have hobbies as girls who don’t have hobbies.
lol. they just aren't talking to you about those hobbies because they know it's pointless to speak to women about said things. also, notice i talked about how women's don't engage with things on a meaningful level. the vast majority of women never explore something past the most surface level interaction.
*this* is why the vast majority of hobbies are male dominated.
Nathaniel Edwards
I sometimes put on music I know people like or enjoy so that they see it on discord and start a conversation, 7/10 times it works.
Joseph Stewart
So you’re gay, that’s fine you don’t like being around women. Doesn’t mean you should lump them all together because of your limited experience with the opposite sex.
Levi King
roastie cope
Thomas Cox
Many of my hobbies are very creative, how is composing my own piano songs, creating animations, creating and donating clothes surface level at all?
I pity you if you think hobbies are the only way to engage in a meaningful relationship with someone else. What about deep conversations?
I’m interested to hear what “male hobbies” you think are “legitimate.”
And for the record, I didn’t say that men don’t talk to me about my hobbies. Many of them admire the things that I create and we have engaging conversations about them. But there is a difference between someone who can appreciate something and someone who can relate to something.
To be perfectly honest, you are extremely rude. Why do that? Does it make you somehow feel better about yourself to frame everything around yourself? Do you realize how selfish that is?
Just because someone engages with life in a different way than you doesn’t mean it’s useless. I’m much more religious than many girls my age, because living by a set of values helps me stay emotionally and mentally well balanced , introspective, and open to new perspectives. You might think such a thing is “useless” but if everyone focused on something that made you feel fulfilled and introspective, maybe people like you wouldn’t be so needlessly hateful.
Isaac Taylor
i dedicate this video to you...
Austin Watson
What about literature?
Aaron Scott
Knowledge can make you enjoy stuff more and on a deeper level. It's not required obviously but it can make shit even nicer.
>and understand when you are listening to some garbage
What does that even mean? Most music is very simple in the first place and most lyrics even more so, the effort it takes to create a cookie cutter pop hit is pretty excessive compared to some sonata Mozart did for the fun of it.
Nicholas Howard
Jason Bennett
shut the fuck up you pretentious roastie and go suck a penis whore
John Hill
B-but I'm a guy. And I can't say I'm a big fan of penises unless it's my own.
Levi Collins
>chai latté
Oh, fuck off back to your skinny tall frappamochahunkachunkahubbabubba bullshit with fifteen pumps of flavored sugar syrup and whipped cream. Spiced black tea in hot whole milk is relaxing as fuck.
Ryan Watson
oh sorry about that then.
Dylan Jones
James Harris
ok give me your facebook so i could im you them
Connor King
>muh albums
>listening to modern garbage
Maybe you should listen to stuff that's actually good, for example:
Protip: if it was composed after 1850, it's probably shit.
Liam Brown
Brainlets like you is why kids don't even want to give classical music a try.
Dominic King
>im a smart PASSIVE consumer of ENTERTAINMENT
kill yourself retard. unless you are doing something while listening to music youre just a goofy faggot
Ryder Gray
take it easy lady
Adam Mitchell
>Knowledge can make you enjoy stuff more and on a deeper level. It's not required obviously but it can make shit even nicer.
This is where I have trouble with the discussion that was taking place in this thread, because while it *can* make it even nicer, like you said, it's not required to enjoy it.
I met a magician once who kept showing us magic tricks, and we all kept trying to figure out the trick to it-- how he was doing what he did. And he told us that we should just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. That it's like going to see a waterfall and just standing there, tears in your eyes, admiring its beauty without trying to explain it. I thought it was a dumb analogy at the time 'cause I was a kid, but years later, I kinda get what he meant now. Dude was wiser than I thought.
I'd just like to see folks not putting people down for not enjoying stuff on a "deeper" level, where "deep" is a synonym for "analytical". People can get really into music just by riding the highs of it and letting it wash over them.
Eli Long
>t.passive consumer of entertainment #17283167293123
Zachary Sullivan
this is you now, embarrassing
Angel Cox
Sounds like something an NPC would say
Samuel Anderson
>BZZT. I- a passive consumer of media- am infinitely smarter than other passive consumers of media
Aiden Nelson
nothing wrong with listening music you like, for me it´s pic related
Elijah Barnes
I usually experience strong emotions, as a femanon who listens to music (I love musicals, especially Hamilton)
But I don't want everyone around me intruding on that
I just want to experience myself and enjoy being alive.
Also that is literally the only thing in there that even remotely applies to me.
I cut up my bf's clothes when I need new clothes (its always his old stuff he gives me)
I hate online shopping
I love chai tea, and black coffee
I never assume ill intent in strangers unless they're literally comin at me with a weapon
Blake Parker
nah. meme's and steriotypes that play off of people's fears are not real. you're too smart and deserve too much to buy this shit. talk to individual people and find out what's in their head if you really care. But do you? do you just want life to be what you want it to be? or do you want to make life what you want?
if you stopped being so afraid of women and life and live you'd wisen up and get off of Jow Forums immediately and try to just live your life and meet people and try to have fun while you're here, because when you die there's nothing after.
so why waste your life on here bein sad about a steriotype created for you to fear a whole gender?
our species needs to transcend and learn to enjoy life without worrying so damn much. we dont live in caves anymore so we don't have to make fearful assumptions in order to survive.
Jack Bailey
yeah bro I'm totally the top when I turn some music on I make sure to be overly analytical and provide canned psycho commentary about it because I'm incapable of just sitting and enjoying something totally normal and not remotely helpless robot autism nope no sir
Blake Watson
Henry Collins
Go to bed you funky lady, your friends dvd needs attention
Carson Moore
Jason Lopez
Kek this.
John Rogers
Male music buff:
>Man this album sucks, yes Pitchfork gave it a 5.3 but I formed that opinion on my own. Wait, Fantano gave it a 9? Hmm actually it's just a grower. Yeah, it just clicked!
Female music buff:
>I like this music, I'm going to listen to this song 500 times and never look for anything new and annoy everyone around me.
I don't tell people I like music, I think it's actually the worst hobby to have
Dylan Lopez
>I think it's actually the worst hobby to have
meh, i prefer Sputnik Music
Ryan Ramirez
>caring about Fantano's opinion
This is why men are retarded.
Samuel Clark
Classical is fucking gay. Traditional music peaked during WWI. Go shove a penis in your dick, faggot or I'll do it for you.
Austin Anderson
Some girls are like this. Some guys are like this. It’s a people thing, not a gender thing. Damn this board has deteriorated
Jonathan Phillips
Right? In my experience, the people who are into music has no personality. I stay clear. If i see someone with a vinyl collection, I’m fucking out.
Nathaniel Scott
I'm constantly daydreaming and the music I'm listening to essentially serves as the soundtrack for the movie. That is the only way I've ever listened to music
Liam Thompson
I like Exceeder. It's like, these 3 teens living in an industrious futuristic urban city going around monorails and fighting demons with their superpowered martial arts. It's pretty neat. And then there's a part where they go into the underwater section of town in these little tubes where the main boss is and they have to blow it up and drown that section and it's like: yeah.
Eli Brooks
>are memes real
no, but they always start from a speck of truth.
Christian Myers
>listening to guitars music
don't ask me how I know you have only an average IQ score.
Brayden Reed
>Go shove a penis in your dick, faggot or I'll do it for you.
Jack Brooks