why are there so many incels on this board? Jow Forums is meant to be a constructive space for legitimate advice on real-world situations other anons are in, not a mindless shitshow of hateful verbal garbage.
Jow Forums should be the site-wide containment board for all incels, and their spillage on to other boards should *not* be tolerated.
Meta thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill all incels
Day of the rope, when?
this is Jow Forums you can't expect the jannies to censor too much, that's the whole point
Because they are stupid and ask females for advice that won't work and all women are hypergamous whores of no value
from 4channel.org
>All threads are expected to be constructive in nature; BAWWWing and venting is discouraged.
the jannies have every reason to ban incels from this board, yet they are still given a free pass to shit up the board experience for everyone else.
hurry hurry
I agree. Like a little dose of realistic criticisms is fine but it literally is looking like r9k with the severity of what’s being echoed.
Smh why do incels have to poison everything
Because thats computer culture. Jow Forums is one of the great cultural cores of computer culture and the inability to manifest a romantic is probably the most difficult goal to achieve if you are in deep here.
It just makes sense. If you were to offer counseling to community college kids, you would hear nothing but fafsa, money, jobs, classes are hard ect.
My suggestion is to utilize the hide feature. I hide all of the garbage threads like gioyc and ask the opposite gender anything threads because I don't give a shit about them.
Because Jow Forums is flooded with them too so they spill over to other boards. It all started with them getting kicked off reddit and looking for a new home.
>Jow Forums is one of the great cultural cores of computer cultur
You're so fucking retarded it hurts.
SA was internet culture. Jow Forums is anime culture. Cyber forums were computer culture. Guess which one is the most degenerate?
If you whores changed your culture of toxic feminism incels wouldn't exist
Because most people on this website are virgins who don't go outside so what else are they going to ask for advice on? They already know all their other shit so the only thing to ask for advice about is the one thing you want but don't have.
Some threads are definitely just bait threads though
Jow Forums got overrun with fags, trannies, and women. So robots came here instead. If you want the robots to go back to Jow Forums then get the admins to bad all faggotry and trannyism from Jow Forums and make admitting to being a woman also a bannable offense, so robots can get their board back. Until then they'll just occupy other boards like nigger migrants in Europe.
Maybe feminists exist as a reaction to shitty make incels?
It truest is a chicken or the egg type of situation. Each group ignores the vast majority of well rounded people in the opposite gender and bases their decisions on the shittiest behavior of the other.
It took 100 years of toxic feminism before useless roasties came up with the insult 'incel' pretty much everyone knows y'all are garbage from incels to mgtows to normies and Chad's. You still control government but you can't force me to want your fat sperm encrusted ass
You wish you could get my ass.
Stay mad xoxo
Enjoy being the first one in your lineage to fail at reproducing. What a waste of all their efforts, huh? If only you weren’t such a raging asshole and could stretch your mind just a tiiiiny bit to consider other perspectives.
Based and robotpilled.
Incels are a product of excessive babying, a culture of telling everyone they are special snowflakes, and neetbux. In the old days you would not be able to live in your basement all day long raging on the internet.
I have four kids you used up whore. Men who are successful with women hate them from experience
Even if you were telling the truth, you must have married an absolute piece of crap if you’re this miserable about women.
Enjoy your sad life
You are confusing neets and incels Ms roastbeef vagina
Why would I marry a non virgin. Pump and dump but some wanted my baby batter. Meanwhile you have a barren womb full of disease
All incels are neets but not all neets are incels. Just like all incels are virgins but not all virgins are incels.
>Having sex makes a woman barren
You incels are fucking retarded.
I know more about sex than you do, roastie.
>says the tranny anime poster
fucking kill yourself faggot
Chad doesn't even want you for a pump n dump, sad
Wasn’t me, and besides, are you really trying to criticize someone you called a slut by claiming to be... even more of a slut?
You are a garbage piece of meat, and not because of how ugly you are or some external circumstance that you fell victim to. You are miserable and alone because of your own choices and mistakes, and you will die that way.
You’re a waste of space on this earth and I sincerely hope you off yourself.
Have a nice day.
Haha a dumb slut who thinks men are the same as women. LMAO at the seething roastie. Do you regret ruining your life?
Right but then this thread and this post and your post all also go. Every whiny post goes. Metathreads go. "Tfw no gf" goes. The 100 reply shitfests where OP is gone goes.
This is what this board needs: a sticky, a very very dedicated janny tranny, and a firm stance of 'no metathreads.' Trips and names need to be bunted and OP needs to be the single and sole identity in every thread; nobody should be identifiable except OP, who will have an ID. Jow Forums's OPs should be able to unplug their thread regardless of length.
Jow Forums either knuckles the fuck down ans becomes the pragmatic board it should be or it remains sadboi containment.
You're absolutely right. If your question isn't about "how do I get fuck" or "non virgins are the devil" then you're not gonna get any replies.
We should ban incels and any men who don't want to date fat diseased whores. That would ban all men and we could just roastie post about getting Chad to commit
Where the fuck else will they go? Jow Forums is not just containment, the method of the board is 0(zero) duplicate posts; your first duplicate gets a temp ban which elevates by exponents for each infraction.
Reddit killed r/incels (rightfully) and pretty much every other corner of the internet just bullies them out because holy FUCK they are S-tier annoying. And then in real life, they let their anxiety rule them tyrannically.
They have nowhere else, that's the funny thing, and clearly they're not imaginative enough to handle Jow Forums.
Absolutely seething.
Here's an idea roastbeef vagina why don't you offer up your spoiled goods to a few incels so they can see how hateful you sluts are
There are literally 5 incel rage threads on the first 3 pages right now.
Incels keep making websites for their communities but they never last because an incel NEET doesn't have the money or skills to keep up a website. All the incel forums shut down within a month or two because of their incompetence.
>a board on Jow Forums is meant to be a constructive space for legitimate advice on real-world situations other anons are in
>mindless shitshow of hateful verbal garbage
>Jow Forums
This place is a cesspool, you realize that right?
I’m a virgin because I have self respect and personal values. Not that I could expect you to wrap your tiny misogynistic head around that.
You’re truly worthless. If you ever want a shot at being with a respectable woman you should start acting a little more respectable yourself.
Incel hate by raging roastie sluts who can't get Chad to commit to their worn out holes
You aren't a virgin female because those are not full of hate for men. You are a used up slut who let 100 men cum on your face and they all dumped you
It's at most you and one or two other incels who are shitting up this board.
I'm definitely a man. I'd snap a cock pic since I'm on the shitter but, blue board.
If your only argument against people is "YOU'RE A WOMAN" then you need new material dude.
It's pretty much three on the first page. In fact, we have almost three exact copies of the same thread.
It looks like just one really angry underaged incel who wants attention.
yeah this incel is raging at virginal men for some reason
The entire internet is you, and one thirteen year old girl who is also the FBI.
You're probably right. It seems to be a surge, so this guy probably got rejected or banned from Tinder for telling girls who reject him that he's going to kill them.
I hate incel men like you because you harbor a deep hatred and make generalizations about women based on the shittiest, lowest rung of women.
For all the effort I put in to self improvement and a modest lifestyle, I refuse to accept being disrespected and treated like a piece of trash by men who, very often, wouldn’t even be able to hook up with the whores they criticize.
The lack of awareness and overwhelming worthlessness is sickening.
Roastie is seething that a male virgin exists
I frequently post here. I'm a/the 22 year old virgin. I feel partially responsible for the state of this board. I came here first probably seven+ months ago. It was before the anti-incel craze really took hold. At first I gave just general troll advice. Eventually, however, it became apparent that anti-women sentiments gave me many (you)s so naturally I took to that. Several bait threads with >100 replies but I gave it a break after several bans. But soon after I took it slow, the board really changed. I had little to do with this surge of incel posting beyond cheering them on. There are obviously other incels here as well and I don't want to be too narcissistic, but I did see at least a coincidence with my original posting and the emergence of inceldom here.
As says, Jow Forums is lost. I stopped visiting there over a year ago because it's so shit now but I'd be lying if I said many of my earlier years weren't on there.
So basically, normies are too easy to bait and connecting with people like me is a nice change of pace
No one values the opinions of any female and certainly not a used up whore
>Virgins calling other virgins incels
>Incels venting about "no pwusssy" to other incels
Bump. We need to get to the root of this issue
State issued gfs,roosh has a plan all sluts on welfare have to service a dude or be deported
>Jow Forums got overrun with fags, trannies, and women. So robots came here instead.
Basically this OP. Bring all the women and trannies back here first.
>Right but then this thread and this post and your post all go.
this post wouldn't need to exist if there weren't any whiny incel shitposts in the first place.
>The 100 reply shitfests where OP is gone goes.
from my experience it is called sleep, or doing something else with your time. not everyone wants to, or even can, dedicate the entire day to managing a Jow Forums thread.
>Trips and names need to be bunted
why? they are a legitimately useful feature and staple of this website.
>This is what this board needs: a sticky, a very very dedicated janny
>OP needs to be the single and sole identity in every thread; nobody should be identifiable except OP, who will have an ID. Jow Forums's OPs should be able to unplug their thread regardless of length.
>Jow Forums either knuckles the fuck down and becomes the pragmatic board it should be or it remains sadboi containment.
these are the parts where i agree. specifically with the op being able to shut down a thread regardless of how long it has been up; this should be implemented across the whole website.
honestly this. ofc not because i agree with any of this morally, but because it is much easier to make Jow Forums the designated containment board for all incel trash and this seems like the easiest way to do it.
this mentality of "Jow Forums is supposed to be bad which justifies my stupidity" seriously needs to fucking end. not every board needs to be a cesspool. ideally only Jow Forums, Jow Forums and maybe /b/ should be the cesspools.
honestly, just remove the robot from Jow Forums. it has never worked and there is no good reason for it to be there.
the only way the "originality robot" could ever work is if a small AI were built that could recognise patterns in posts rather than just logging all the posts and scanning every new post to see if it's exactly the same as a previous post. and it should be a blue board to prevent things from getting too toxic.
you've shown that you have skill with changing a board's culture with bait posts, and were responsible for normalising incelposting on this board. so now, the right thing for you to do is use your talents to make incelposting unacceptable here again. make tons of threads like this one complaining about incels posting here and surely enough, little by little, they'll start to feel like they no longer belong and hopefully get back to their containment board.
S E E T H E, roastie
Basically lack of moderation. Or maybe incel mods.
>incel mods
i think this thread would be gone by now if this were the case.
not an argument.
I'm not arguing with you. Keep seething.
Well, they can't go around breaking rules completely, just have to tolerate the incel threads for longer than it'd be appropriate if it was other off topic shit. Though might be just the number, who knows.
i'm seconding OP. i'm pretty sure people like are just baiting but it happens so often and it really makes me lose hope in people. i'm not even female, it just pisses me off that people are insulted for no reason.
Look at this thread, it's just one or two incels who keep spewing their cultist mantras. But since incels have nothing else to do, they will keep posting over and over again. They don't have jobs or friends or hobbies.
Area 51 Day.
Truth hurts
Isn't it funny how even most child rapists and murderers experienced more love than incels?
There goes your retarded argument that no one loves them because they are awful people
Incels are even more awful people than child rapists and murderers, is what you're saying. Sounds about right.
Awful people can have positive qualities. Incels tend to lack anything redeemable about them.
How many of you whores got pumped and dumped by Chad last night? Will he commit to you? Lol you know the answer because the wall is undefeated
>Waaaah girls only like assholes I can't get girls because I'm too nice
I don't think this is a good board to look for whores. I do remember we've had someone, once in a while, but it's pretty rare here.
incel lobby among the jannies
That would be sad. It is already bad enough that there is a gay and tranny force among jannies. Gays and trannies can literally break any rule and never get banned or even get their posts deleted. If you tell them to stop breaking the rules you get banned instead.
So you admit you would rather date a murderer than boring shy guy
I'm not gay, so I wouldn't date a guy. Stop projecting your own fantasies on others.
Find just one woman who would agree with that. Oh, you can't, because you are making shit up. Nothing you say is based on reality, it's all inside your head.
>boring shy guy
Which one are you talking about now? At first you said incel, now you changed it to something completely different.
Only losers get with whores. I'm more about telling these wannabe sluts that no man wants a slut and that they shouldn't throw away their only asset
Didn't you make this thread yesterday? How many times are you going to post it, faggot?
Selection bias. It's Jow Forums which is generally male and generally abnormal. Abnormal males make up 90% of forever alone losers so the sample is skewed even outside of the loser containment boards.
i'm a guy but yes. i would much rather date someone who killed for a justified reason then someone who hates my entire gender and wants to kill members of it for being that gender, possibly including me before i started dating him, and wants me to pamper him, and is completely oblivious as to why everyone hates him for that because of his victim complex
you literally made me like a murderer more then you by making 2-3 posts
Well, I'm not a female and if I were one I wouldn't go for a murderer either (and the ones who fangirl for them are a very small, specific sub group) if it the choice was between dating one, I'd rather stay single forever. But if I had to choose between writing a prison letter to some murderer or some incel who harassed people online, I'd sure as fuck pick the murderer, at the very least their story would be more interesting.
If it's some boring shy guy (which is vasty different from an incel) ... shit I'd probably still pick the murderer. Boring is pretty bad when it comes to interactions and only salvageable in a context when you would have to pick interacting with someone boring or obnoxious.
No. There is a definite shift. Ever since they got kicked off reddit, incels have been flooding Jow Forums. And Jow Forums is just one step away from Jow Forums so they leak over here too. It's because the sticky of Jow Forums literally says to come to Jow Forums. What a mistake. So that's why you have "advice" threads of "Why are all women whores?"
when will people realise that NO WOMEN EVER wants to date a boring shy guy. That's like the ninth circle of hell level of sin when it comes to attraction. Yes, women prefer murderers, pedophiles, and rapists of those men.
You are drinking the roastie koolaid and believing that the Chad's and sub Chad's here are incels. Never trust a roastie as all sluts are leftover women and thus bitter
All women aren't whores you incel, there are a few virgins out there
Women never say what they genuinely think because they are dishonest
Incel equals boring shy guy 90% of the time
Exactly, convincing women to like pussies is like convincing guys to like landwhales
t. retard who doesn't understand what AWALT means
Not all women are whores but every one has potential to be one while facing zero consequences.
>Incel equals boring shy guy 90% of the time
Blatant lie. What is more accurate is that incel equals an angry violent psychopath with narcissistic disorders 100% of the time.
>hurrr women would rather date a child rapist than a shy guy
>durrr no u
>Incel equals boring shy guy 90% of the time
If you add hatred, bitterness, delusions, lack of any initiative, entitlement and so on. Boring shy people still have chances as beta orbiters or even beta providers. Hell, they can make friends assuming they aren't 100% boring (as most people aren't). Incels are a very specific extreme with zero redeeming qualities.
Well that's a huge blackpill to swallow
you didn't already know this? lmao
It's pretty easy to tell a successful misogynist from an incel LARP. There aren't very many of the former here.
If you are boring shy guy you are basically undateable unless you decide to become a white knight
Those incels started out normal but due to constant rejection and they turned out more angry and bitter because they found out everything normalfags told them about women was a lie.
Good point. People don't start out angry and bitter.
>If you are boring shy guy you are basically undateable
Repeating this falsehood will not make it true. You are factually wrong. There are boring shy guys out there with gfs and wives. You just refuse to see it. You don't want your fragile bubble to be shattered by reality.
Fuck no, incels have always been angry and bitter and hateful. They didn't start out normal. Elliot was always a narcissistic shithead. Like all incels.
Shouldn't it rather be motivational? No matter how ugly and pathetic you are, by unironically beeing urself and living your life actively, someone is going to find it attractive and will lust for you.