Why do women like murdering their children so much?

Why do women like murdering their children so much?

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rofl,talk to me when you have something growing inside your balls

you women should have no rights to begin with, it doesn't matter that it's unfair it's what you have to do.

>Why do women like murdering their children so much?
It might be because they can't afford to feed a child.

We do? Millions of little squirters.

Neck yourselves niggers

This is why I abandoned white women. Just utter trash unfit for humanity.

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I've made jokes about the similarities between a baby in the womb and a parasite, because there are many similarities. But I was still joking.

Cancer kills you. Foetuses continue your bloodline.

That professor's name? Dr. Sarah Shekelmuncher-Rosenblatt.

Because we live in mid-late stage collapsing empire...see Rome.

But more specifically because of Roe v Wade...brought to you by...wait for it:

And yes I'm sure some happened to be lawyers of the Jewish faith: But they were BOOMERS nonetheless.

Who the fuck cares? A fetus isn't a person

Women won't understand that unless you make an emotional appeal involving pure hedonism.

Even the human body recognizes the fetus as a parasite. It is literally, by definition, a parasite. I understand you are trying to twist this into "modern roasties bad", which is a noble pursuit, but leave biology out of this please

You have post birth abortion at this point dude

They need to keep their wombs empty in case they get a shot with Chad

Honestly at this point all white women should be raped and strangled to death. Non white women should be taken as wives. And male minoroties should all be murdered

Turn off the proxy, leaf.

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>these two sets have some overlapping features therefore they're exactly the same
Fuck off.

>legitimate parasite
>crashes party
was this slide written by a doctor or a 14 year old?

Cunts should literally and unironically be enslaved.

That's how w*men talk in 2019

They honestly just wish they could kill themselves with such ease and repeatability.

Female doctors, like all women, don't mature past 16.

>upper-level biology course
>use a few short buzz words to compare two dissimilar things

I thought college was about learning and education. There's not one speck of actual information on that slide.

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their called sperm and we literally have millions if not billions of them in our balls.

hahahah and who exactly is gonna all that you fucking pussy? you? you're in beta-town here

Just remember that a fancy title or degree doesn't mean jack shit.
Climb the corporate ladder where you work.
Then one day you will be able to get rid of the females and retards and send them back to flipping burgers and washing dishes where they belong.

Why did we give women any rights?

facty.com/network/answers/culture/society/why-is-it-so-hard-to-remember-there-vs-their-vs-theyre/?style=quick&utm_source=bing-network&utm_medium=c-search&utm_term=they re vs their&utm_campaign=FA-USA - Search - Why is it so hard to Remember There vs. Their vs Theyre? - Desktop&msclkid=02f5af2f851d1a229ce5f3edd97aca30

Illiterate retard. Stop making Americans look bad.

A political party needed more votes. Welcome to democracy.


Now its about social and political activism.

Because they do whatever society in general tells them to do.

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It feeds their ego.

Do you know the definition of a parasite? A fetus fits the bill perfectly. That is why it is considered a parasite. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true... I'm surprised you aren't a Democrat since you seem intent to blatantly ignore the facts when they contribute your narrow worldview, friend

I live in Kyoto, but, okay pal

>A political party needed more votes. Welcome to democracy.
Now it's time to put a stop to it.

they love to use every scrap of power they can get to lord over everyone else and what better than getting to play actual god over who lives and dies.

It doesn't fit the definition of a parasite at all. I won't even explain to you why since it's pretty fucking obvious if you aren't a retard or acting in bad faith.

>A fetus fits the bill perfectly.
No, it really doesn't.

Kill them when they take this stance as a way to stop the from breeding. Kill their fathers and brothers and uncles and grandfathers in front of them.

>Do you know the definition of a parasite? A fetus fits the bill perfectly. That is why it is considered a parasite. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true... I'm surprised you aren't a Democrat since you seem intent to blatantly ignore the facts when they contribute your narrow worldview, friend
This is the part where I laugh at how retarded you are because you couldn't understand my post.

the difference being one grows inside of an organ specifically for growing fetus into baby, and the other is a mistake of cell reproduction, and just because professor was a mistake doesn't mean he can call other people cancer.

It's not wrong.

Scientifically a fetus is a parasite

Hey if nature made it that way then ok. Don’t act like men did this to you... nature did it. So do us all a favor and kys. Don’t need you polluting the gene pool with this idiotic arguement.

this slide fits in with the cool wine aunt starter pack

Scientifically it isn't.

Sure it does. I think what you either don't understand or refuse to accept is that the fetus is primarily doing harm to its host (i.e. the mother) and is obviously benefiting, that's the most crucial part of the definition filled. An additional requirement is the adoption of this stage in the life cycle, obviously the human life cycle includes the fetal stage. The mother is programmed by evolution to accept all of this because the end goal is reproduction, the ultimate goal of life. Even so, there are parts of the mother's body that will actively work against fetal development.

Don't waste your breath, friend, these virgins don't want to accept the truth because it means they can't be mean to women on the internet anymore

>now working out is harmful
By your definition fitness routines are self-destruction.

Women : a legitimate parasite
Rapidly grows
Manipulates immunity of men
Redirects cash flow

spare the child, sacrifice the mother. the child has much more potential value to society.

>There are idiots from reddit that think a truck is a car because they both have wheels
Just because two sets have overlapping features does not make them identical.

>there are redditors that think a hot air balloon is the same as a plane because they both can stay in the air
Just because two sets have some overlapping features does not mean they're identical.


>there are some redditors invading that think a man and a woman are the same because they both have blood
Just because two sets have some overlapping features does not mean they are identical.

I don't think I ever said that. Your desperate attempts to put words in my mouth are pretty damn telling of how you're quite aware that you are wrong. You cannot characterize a single thing that a fetus does as beneficial to the mother. It exists to suck nutrients out of her bloodstream and grow using her body real estate. That's all it accomplishes. Not to mention the total hell it will wreak on her mental state, and you may say the mother is happy to have a kid, but that's evolution brainwashing her into wanting a child - the fetus is not responsible for it.

Are you really so desperate? Too cowardly to reply to me anymore? I've shown you twice now how the definition is satisfied. I'm sorry you can't accept that.

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>there are some moronic redditors that think a dog is a cat because they both walk around on four legs
Just because two sets have some overlapping features does not make them the same.

I hope you understand how fucking stupid you sound now trying to argue a fetus is a parasite.

If a fetus is the same species it cannot by definition be a parasite.

Garbagebiology teacher

>inb4 muh rare jellyfish as counter argument

Because they're evil

Haven't you heard of Hypergamy? Abortion is meant to ensure they women can ride the cock carousel without the slightest fear of contraceptive failure. That's the real reason, okay? That's the "choice" part of the argument.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics.

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else.

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>Are you really so desperate? Too cowardly to reply to me anymore? I've shown you twice now how the definition is satisfied. I'm sorry you can't accept that.
You just now responded to me, cuck. Go double check the post IDs.
I did respond. You haven't addressed my point at all. I would call you intellectually dishonest but that would imply you have a mote of intelligence.

Shouldn’t creating and nurturing the most intelligent life inside that will grow up and love and take care of you and change the world be one of the greatest moments of pride and joy? Why can they not enjoy the privilege of being a mother, when a soldier dies he calls out for his mother. Clown world has destroy motherhood and natural instincts itself.

>evolution brainwashing her

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who fucking cares about the mother. keep the child, it actually has potential

You got it, I'm the one making the same post over and over and over, fingers plugged firmly in my ears throwing a tantrum because I was wrong on the internet around a bunch of complete strangers. The post ID is how I know you're having a meltdown, you know, the way a child would?

It is very much the greatest accomplishment you can achieve in your life. It is your duty to your own race. It doesn't change the fact that it objectively meets the definition of parasite, which wrecks the narrative that this Dylan Griswold fellow is trying to spin

wow you are a real living stereotype

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rofl, talk to me when you chop off your clit and labia with a steak knife

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Yeah there’s a 50/50 it’s a boy and a net gain

>that url
Computer illiterate retard. Stop making Americans look bad.

Imagine sharing a filthy, disgusting, whore's hole with another dick. How did this ever become a thing?

>You got it, I'm the one making the same post over and over and over, fingers plugged firmly in my ears throwing a tantrum because I was wrong on the internet around a bunch of complete strangers. The post ID is how I know you're having a meltdown, you know, the way a child would?
The fact is I have to post the same type of example over and over to get you to address the point.

Just because a set has some overlapping features doesn't not mean they're interchangeable. You're completely ignoring the fact a parasite and a fetus both do not share and share the same genetic lineage, respectively. Or the fact that a parasite has no biological support in its host while a fetus has an overwhelming amount in its mother's body. Or the fact you're misusing terms like "brainwashing."
As I said: you can't be intellectually dishonest if you're not intelligent.

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Modern women in a nutshell:

>I hate mega corporations! Im going to fight the system by slaughtering my offspring so that I can find time to work for the mega corporations even if it means becoming an unmarried spinster, because empowerment!

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>It doesn't change the fact that it objectively meets the definition of parasite

except for the fact that its your own species and flesh and blood rather than a foreign invasive microbe, but obviously you know that and are just playing devils advocate

See, you keep using the word "set" and "overlapping feature" as if I haven't tried in vain to drive through your skull that what we have is a case of matching definition. I really don't get why you can't accept that. Can't stomach the idea of losing an argument to a stranger on the internet? Don't worry, nobody here cares, least of all me.

It fits the definition of symbioses or symbiotic relationship far better than parasite thus its a symbiotic relationship. In exchange for food and protection the baby will continue the mothers genetic lineage and eventually grow up enough to take care of her when she's too old or sick. This is a mutual evolutionary adaptation between the mothers body and the baby that significantly benefits both. The mothers body wants this to happen, so much so it gives up a lot of nutrition through her period cycles every month for most of the mother's life in order to facilitate this relationship.
Parasites absolutely do not do this. They only take.





im 100% serious. in cases where medical complications put the mother at risk; keep the child and let nature decide if the mother dies


>Only microbes can be parasites

Come on, really? You're telling me ticks aren't parasites, then? I will admit I am no fetus specialist, but what I am is a microbiologist, so I take particular offense to that statement.

We are made to make children, that's why you have a fucking uterus, it's designed for it and nothing else. Parasites are foreign organisms utilizing a host. A fetus is by definition not a foreign organism. Please be joking.

it is, that's why you get double homicide when a pregnant woman is killed.

Good. Having children literally makes me seethe with anger. I am childfree and an antintalis/nihilist. I embrace the fact that most young women will never have kids. Its cruel to impose life on a sentient being that cant consent to it. And kids are annoying and a waste of time. I cant imagine spending thousands of dollars on a child and taking care of it and dropping it off to school etc.

good larp bro but you've run out of roastie arguements

Japan made a mistake, realized they made a mistake, and they're trying to set up a, "Oh, I was just pretending and I don't care!" response.
See: >Don't worry, nobody here cares, least of all me.
Literally a case of, "I was just pretending to be retarded."

Lack of evolutionary pressure.
For all of history men have coddled women and saved them from stupidity induced deaths and bloodline deaths. There was little incentive to become smarter over time.

I can’t imagine thinking of you as a human being

weak attempt, roastie

lmao you're still a dumb child yourself, you should be post-birth aborted

Didn't read the whole thread, still, I'm in biotech so my words came out.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Gestation and especially childbirth are extremely taxing on the mother. I'm too tired right now to tell you the case study that was used to teach this to me in an evolutionary biology class, but it shouldn't be too hard to find - it came about as a discussion of how live birth came to be in mammals. The highlight was exactly that such an extremely distressing process on the host (mother) would not normally arise except for that it - obviously - confers an advantage in passing down genes, which is what you are trying to achieve after all. The mother has some work to do to prevent her own immune system from attempting to destroy the fetus, because the immune system wants to destroy it... no points for guessing why that is the case.

The fetus is foreign. It didn't get there spontaneously. It is only partially a product of its mother. Remember life hasn't always been about live birth, it's actually somewhat of a new and crazy fad. Ultimately, like any adaptation, life birth has its pros and cons. The pros outweigh, or else it wouldn't have persisted as a trait, but you can't ignore the cons. Come on, everyone knows it's difficult to be a pregnant woman. Stop kidding yourself.

tits or GTFO

>I think we should have the right to sleep around
>I also think we have the right to get the tax payers to fix our mistakes
>I also think we have a right to murder
No fucking wonder people created religion. It was to tone shit like this down. Too much free will can be so bad.

Chances are you wont have kids either as you post on Jow Forums budd. Keep telling yourself when you respond to posts like mine that your gonna one day have kids with a hit broad. That "one day" wont happen

You did _not_ study biology.

Thanks for your input, now go play somewhere else.

Dodging MY posts now? tee hee

the real problem is they are not learning anything useful in this supposedly a science class. not even learning a good joke. all that debt and they won't be able to find a job.

> Gestation and especially childbirth are extremely taxing on the mother
then dont be a slut, roastie