pol approved games
Pol approved games
Other urls found in this thread:
Stardew Valley
Total War series, Red Orchestra/Rising Storm.
fuck off schizo mutt
Dark souls
tic tac toe
YEE HAW go home!
Succubus Prison
Nationalism will bring us victory!
God, I love Generals.
Why does pol hate pubg?
one anthrax bomb and they're all wiped out and its all completely pointless
china sucks
"We are pretty busy here"
Go to his thread, thats why hes posting. Its still doughy though
Making me feel like a since i like it
Also Minecraft
*crowd cheering*
The whole "1 life" thing doesn't jive with my play style
>Only posting shitty brainlet games
fuck tf2 nigger
>Got room for 5
Wargame: red dragon
>closest to real combat NEETs will ever experience
>simulators turn away low-iq (intimidated by all the keys used)
>kill ruskies and mudslimes
>great and helpful community
Truly the patrician's game. Oh and
>no women
Empire Earth
Shame it's not Windows 10 compatible.
Because it’s a poor concept for a game.
Fort nite did it better, but it’s still a poor core concept.
Forgot to mention PS2
Live free in the NC
>kill ruskies and mudslimes
what about killing jews?
What is this?
??? I bought this ages ago and I don't get the point of it. The political compass never put me out of the left libertarian quadrant.
Command and Conquer is like the shitty version of Starcraft
Love Vic 2
Democracy 3
Nah the growing resources had their own flair
>no panzer general I
Klyourreselvf irregardlessly immediately
postal 2
It's Fascism and race realism the game.
>pikmin are clumsy, weak, and divided until Captain Olimar comes along as an authoritarian leader to lead them to their full potential
>None of that "all races are equal" bullshit propaganda seen in games nowadays. In fact it's the exact opposite, you must utilize the unique abilities of all the different colors of pikmin to beat the game.
>Man carves nature to his image.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Takes place in 15th Century Bohemia when Turkish mercenaries under Sigismund of Luxembourg's command attack.
Game doesn't feature a single PoC outside the turks. Media had a shitstorm over it for not having black people and the game developers told them to fuck off.
Amazing graphics too; probably the best I have ever seen
Fuck yeah brother, I'm in a unit and we do like 6 operations a week.
No :( My friends and I always yell "for the glory of israel" everytime we beat an objective because you play as NATO in ArmA 3 at least.
>mfw there was a mod to make the only nigger white within hours of the game launching
Democracy 3 is the best of these games, you can pass a law that forces the News presenter to sing the national anthem before each broadcast.
just be more oppressive, ban homosexuality
this took far too long to get posted for a game that's literally
no, fuck you 6th sniper
i-is there a swimsuit episode in gabriel dropout
Kek based. Also overlord
Checked, although one of the characters is an actual my wife's son.
>this far into a Jow Forums-approved games thread
>no one has posted the ultimate Jow Forums game
playing fps games makes you retarded
>every conspiracy theory is true
>perfect reflection of reality
It was made by a jew though
>clearly hasn't played deus ex
i'm actually jealous
Based, but I'm a demo main myself
Metal Gear, but only if you are ancap.
Henry's come to see us!
>t. Chink who gets motions sickness from fps
Genocide simulator
i generally agree if you're talking about stuff like call of duty, apex legends and other npc games but deus ex is more of an fprpg. if you try to use guns without upgrading the requisite skills you won't hit anything.
Most of the time that's true, this is one of the exceptions to the rule.
t. retarded dipnigger shit who's too autistic to play strategy games
Play this, pick related are an analogy for the Jews
>proud euromutt
post scriptum, WW2 squad basically.
>if you try to use guns without upgrading the requisite skills you won't hit anything.
it's definitely very rewarding how you can spec into different playstyles and be forced to adhere to it. most times i played slow and tactically but recently i've just been getting bullet sponge augs + speed + max melee skills/augs and running around like a cyborg ninja. shit was so cash. i hate how you can just jack-of-all-trades in the sequels.
I'm part way through it it looks like the Jews really might have done it. Not kidding.
*download intensifies*
>you're dumb for not playing the game where you habeas much time as you want to make decisions
slow poke cope
>developer tells sjw game journos to fuck off
>they try to 7/10 his game out of existence
>sells millions, mainly because of all the press from the controversy
is there any example of sjw game journos getting btfo worse than this?
I loved that game!
i really enjoy incinerating anyone with shitpeero's name
get in before people ruin it
Has anyone here played pick related is it worth it?
russian roulette
wrong pic
yeah the removal of skills from the newer games really drops them down a notch for me. mankind divided was still pretty good i thought though.
Hearts of iron 4
> ea tiburon.
Eww normie nigga. That series died with yuris revenge. Eveything after was just souled out fiction. The real war was played out in the tiberium renegade chapter. Graduated to halo wars are regressed back into fallout new vegas age of empires.
great fukin game
Right? 2 was a lot easier that 1 I thought, both were really fun
Arma is the buggiest, unoptimized son of a bitch but it is one hell of a game
>Command and Conquer is like the shitty version of Starcraft
CK2 is better
Stelaris is literally a multicultrualism simulator made by cucked Swedes.
Yeah, some things the enemy does story wise is pretty jewy monetary wise
Probably not. I really love the KCD mods for not caving into SJW pressure. Although Notch no longer works on minecraft, he is pretty based too.
>mankind divided was still pretty good i thought though.
i think the DLC campaign was way better than the base game, especially since it gives you the option to forfeit all augs for the duration of it
We Happy Few is dope