ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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I just don't like weddings/parties. I don't want to see my whole family get drunk and embarrass themselves. I don't want to hear the cringeworthy words during the main thing.
Why is this unacceptable?

It's perfectly acceptable. Just don't go. The only wedding I ever went to after I turned 18 was mine.
Is someone putting you at a gun point and forcing you to go?

Why do you avert your gaze as soon as I look back at you? It makes me insecure.

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Girls, are you more careful with your bath water now? Are you making sure that you draining it entirely? Otherwise, someone might steal it.

I pour 3 gallons of bleach into the tub after I'm done. Just to be safe.

It’s not personal.

I was told that women would stop trying to pinpoint potential insecurities after highschool, but I'm 27 and I still get challenged in strange, immature ways at the local bars.

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I don't have time to waste and only take showers anyway.

When should I let my boyfriend fuck me without him thinking I'm a slut?


Can you provide examples? I don't want to be a bully

On your wedding day

>Me: Soooo.... How YOU doin'...
>She: Hey, uh, how old are you?
>Me: I'm 27, what do you do-...
>Me: I uh...
>Clara: WTF YOU LOOK 16!!
>She: How tall are you? I bet I'm taller than you.
>Me: It's possible, I'm not that tall.
>*turns out I'm taller*
>She: Well, you're still short...
>Me: Ok.
Just stop bullying me please.

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Oh okay I don't do that but goddamn that's the kind of self-esteem sabotaging behavior girls did to each other in like middle school. Sorry man

I try not to take it personally but man. After the third or fourth time it gets to you.

Your a slut for even wanting to fuck him before you're both married. I just got a little sick in my mouth... uch.

Do alot of women do that or just the hot ones? I can't imagine shy/dorky women being so mean but then again I don't go to the bar to socialize so I don't know anything about it

>Do alot of women do that or just the hot ones?
I don't want to be a jerk but a friend of me "set me up" with his girlfriends sister. She's not ugly by any means but not a supermodel either. Still she went all out from the get go. I didn't get a chance. Spiteful, mean, downright vile, passive-aggressive shit was thrown my way from the start. Perhaps I'm just supremeley unlucky but I dont fucking know at this point.

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Women, how would you feel if a guy complemented your smile? There's this woman I see sometimes at work, a customer, and she always greets me with this spectacular and unbelievably warm smile. I'd like to tell her so, make it clear that I'm not hitting on her, but everytime she smiles at me it makes me want to ask her to marry me, and that her smile is so sweet I worry about becoming a diabetic when she comes in.

Would you be creeped out, or would it be something that brightened your day a bit?

It brightens my day. I had both women and men compliment my eyes or my smile, it's always nice.
Just don't be too flirty with it, keep it simple and tactful.

Tell her you're going for a piss.

Piss at home.

> I can't because she's my friends girlfriends whatever -

You need to ask your friend why he set that bitch on you.

That sucks. I don't understand why some women do that. Even if you arent interested there's a polite way to tell someone.

Quit caring what sluts think you stupid virgin

Girls would you ever give a guy a chance if his life was kind of a mess but he showed potential and was working on it?

Feel like Im rlly physically n charismatically attractive guy n women often interested until they find out my shits not quite together, no car, living in shitty shed, work min wage fast food job, at which point they either lose all interest or just use me as one night stand

I mean understandable high quality person don’t date p.o.s. loser but just wish someone would give me the chance while I’m working on it still. Not just only want to be around when things are going right like most women.

Sounds to me like the type of women ur going for and the bar environment.

I mean today women are highly over confident and get away w everything n treat men like shit in general lot of time, but especially this is expected of club sluts at bars and shit, don’t sweat it, if u talked to these same girls middle of the day in public they wouldn’t dare say the same shit

>Girls would you ever give a guy a chance if his life was kind of a mess but he showed potential and was working on it?
I met my boyfriend when he was a mess and helped him work on it. So yes.

re-posting from last thread since nobodys on it anymore.

>girl and I stop talking due to certain circumstances that arose
>I didn't want to be with her or around her, realized what kind of a person she is and as much as I don't hate her, I just don't want to be around her
>months of not talking as a result obviously
>I said to her that we could be friends one day if things settle
>she says she won't let me back into my life
>few days ago get text asking if I want to move in with her and her friend (we all go to the same college and plan on moving in)
>try and be nice and pretty much say no but wtf?
why would she even come out out of the blue like that and most importantly, why would she assume me moving in with her is a good idea? whats her game here? she can't stand to look at me or talk to me and then she comes out with this. I don't understand, can any of you?

Ladies, do you find it unpleasant when a friend, classmate, or co-worker checks you out? What determines your reaction one way or another? Purely hypothetically, mind.

Well if he's good looking and rich it's good but otherwise fuck off incel rapist

It makes me uncomfortable when someone does it if I thought we were platonic.

Stares with wide open eyes or for toooo long.

I understand the game we're all playing, I just try to cut through that shit, you know? Still, adult women just fling shit my way without engaging with me at all. Where I live there aren't many options either, local bars or tinder, really. But I'm fixing to move anyway, so I've got that going for me.

>You need to ask your friend why he set that bitch on you.
His girlfriend felt sorry for her sister most likely. I understand why though, she seems exteremely jaded.


shit tests are the international standard of determining whether you're worthy of attention

>shit tests are the international standard of determining whether you're worthy of attention
But why? Most of the time I don't even care about fucking the woman in question. I just want to have a chat.

Is it that?
Women act that way to other women when they fucking hate each other and want to alienate the other person into leaving. I think shit tests are how women show they think you're beneath them, and men don't realize and inadvertently validate their egos by putting up with if. Like, do women do shit tests to men that are clearly above them (wealth, looks, education, etc)?

It's not just women who do it. It's like a kid telling you you're stupid to see how you'll react. Everybody does this to discover your boundaries.

Sure (s)he can ask you what are your hopes and dreams and what are you doing to achieve them, and after 30 minutes (s)he'll have a pretty good idea of your personality. However, it sure as hell is much faster to put you in a few stressful situations to see how you'll react.

Fix your responses, don't try to blame. Even if they're wrong nobody is gonna give you pity points just because you were treated unfairly.

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>Everybody does this to discover your boundaries.
But I don't though. I just assumed that this was childhood shit. Fuck I guess you're right. Who the fuck starts an in-depth convo at the fucking bar.

How the fuck do I ask a girl on a date and what do we do on it

Imagine all your worries and anxieties just fading for a moment. Ok, so judgement can fuck off, introspection can fuck off, consequence can fuck off. Sounds dramatic but it's not. This is just the way things are, it's sort of accepted. Just ask. If it doesn't work out, it will be forgotten in 42 hours.

that's not how humans work

>that's not how humans work
It's simplified but it's quite literally how things work where I live. It's a fucking shithole to be honest. But it has its virtues.

i meant people can't choose what they feel lie that. You can't really "fuck off" things that you think about all the time. fucking hell, i still remember the time that i did a bad thing in preschool when i was 5 yo.

Polite ways don't work. Men don't shut up and fuck off immediately at the first 'no', so women learn you need to be hurt or you won't shut up and fuck off. Give respect if you want to get respect.

I too still remember the time I fucked up over the years, but the feeling of shame that I once felt has disappeared because I have learnt to process, accept and let go of my emotions. It's a thing that happened, I should try not to repeat the same mistake again. That's all there is to it.
You are just making excuses to cling to your stupid immaturity.

Nah, my bath water is plentiful. Sometimes I even wash subs in it.
Depends on who you are to me.
Same as above.

Every time a man says bullshit like that, I am immediately reminded of the assholes posted on r/niceguys whining how nice they are when they're nothing but rude selfish assholes who can't respect a polite rejection, and I believe men like are completely lying.

>You are just making excuses to cling to your stupid immaturity.
did i come off as someone who's trying to excuse themselves? I am immature, i know that. it's part of me and to claim that everyone can overcome it is not really a fair statement.
and please do say "everything can be done" i'm begging you. you're pathetic, just like 90% of people. Come up with an original thought instead of generalizing everything and anyone.
>I have learnt to process, accept and let go of my emotions
what does that even mean you retard? it means nothing to a human that's actually a living being and not a robot. Process... okay??!!?? It's like if someone asks you how to build a ship you answer: you just need to analyze the problem, find an appropriate solution that satisfies required parameters and implement them in a physical object. Although true it doesn't have any practical value. Tell me, what are the practical steps of successfully process emotions?

Remain strong. Allow no cracks to show. This is your curse.

I'm trying to train my mind to stop assuming all women are like the female pedophile and other truly awful ones I've run across, but whenever I go out and try to socialize with them they usually either try to get me to have sex with them, treat me like dirt, or attempt to use sex appeal to exploit me. What should I do?

>are completely lying.
I wish. I really fucking wish because it's made me a fucking husk of a person. For a moment I felt that I could let go, not gaf, and just be secure about myself but life just seems to find a way to bring me down. Bitch, cunt, fuck, i want to die, thanks.

You sluts don't understand what nice is

It means you can look at past actions without feeling shame or being embarassed anymore, recognize you fucked up, understand why you fucked up, know what to not do next time and go on about your day without obsessing about it. It's literally called a learning process you dumb ass. Yeah, humans achieve this. It's called maturity something you clearly don't have.

Meet women in different ways. Don't go out to socialise with women, meet friends and see who you get along with.

>wah wah wah whine whine whine it's not me why are girls always so meeeeean I just never listen to them and piss them off on purpose

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Stop trying to become a braindead npc

I will preface this with as an average looking woman I will never fully understand your experience and idk how hard it is for you. However Can you try Meet up groups? Go for the hobby of course and get to know someone slowly. After a few weeks of attending maybe talk to some one and slowly build rapport then ask then out . Would that work for you?

>piss them off on purpose
Listen man, I hate playing the victim and feeling sorry for myself because there's no point. I don't hate women, I don't hate anyone to be honest. I get your compulsion to label me and/or apply whatevever gymnastics you have to just to dismiss me, I get that. But guess what, I'll escape Elba and eat every fucking bagle out there, and you won't be able to stop me.

You might kill a pervert with this. Kek

>Nah, my bath water is plentiful. Sometimes I even wash subs in it
Submarines or submissive people?

You'll get stopped at Waterloo, no worries.

This reminds me of the time a guy insisted I break up with my bf of 2 years for him. I had to tell him that I don't want to do that, and even if I did i'd be a horrible person to do something like that. Like who wants to date a girl who dumps their 2 year relationship over some guy who sat behind them in physics class. Makes no sense

>You'll get stopped at Waterloo
>Sir Wellington defeated Napoleon...
>But he will still never be Napoleon.

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> are completely lying.
This is some weird kind of anti-nice guy cope. Do you know why r/niceguys is so popular? Because the shit posted there is completely beyond the pale of normal behaviour, to the point that it's rare and notable. Plus they're even more likely to be lying and making up stories for that sweet karma.

If an Ex girlfriend asks you if you hate them for having dumped you, is it because they may feel guilty for it and possibly looking to reconcile or is it because some people just dislike being disliked. She was drunk when she called and asked me, so I'm leaning more towards guilt.

none of those are really practical advice. It's not like >put water in a pot >put pot on heat >wait for bubbles to appear >put in tea bag
That's my point, i guess you're not mature enough to get it. And what's with you, you retard, you acting like it's no problem at all and that it's our fault makes people like me stop trying. I personally stopped doing anything even slightly uncomfortable long time ago and I have no regrets, i love my life. I just do my things and i love it, no confrontation. Just remember that there are people (most of them actually) who are immature for a reason. I don't know, maybe at some point in their life their dad became really violent and drunk and never stopped. People lock up in the state they were in before it happened. You're explaining things from a point of someone who went through it and someone who never experienced those things you talk about can not understand. You're explaining it to people who need no explaining. And then when i tell you it's not at all practical your response is "YOU'RE IMMATURE! stop being immature". It's not like people choose to not understand something or don't try. Just like a blind person can try to understand sight, he just can't. and your explanation for sight would be: just open eyes LOL

I'd say guilt most likely. Don't even bother replying, it won't make you feel any better.

I wish I was saying this ironically just to trigger manlets but it's the ugly truth. I'm not spouting this shit to prevent basedbois from trying, I'm just sharing my (very limited) experience, that's all.

Go away roast your input is not helpful

People don't really know how to explain things that come really naturally to them. How does one stop being immature? he just needs to take some resposibility right? but that's an abstract concept, no kid understands it and obviously immature person thinks like a child regarding emotional problems. responsibility for what? like if i break a vase? like to say: i flunked school because i didn't study? it's not easy if you don't get it, it's extremely easy if you do

I'm pretty sure deprogramming the reflex to every woman us a sexual predator won't make me a "braindead npc"

100% wrong, dude. It's popular because it's extremely commonplace shit that guys pull constantly and no, that does not make it any way acceptable or less irritating. Lots of women suffer the same thing > subreddit that talks about it and lets those women vent becomes popular, whowouldathunk? It's only "rare and notable" to men because men live in denial and refuse to acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room.

>it's not me that's lying it's those women argh
Niceguy detected.

But it will, you are denying reality because the roastbeef squad requires it

He might be lying but it's still a completely believable story. I'm not a short guy but I've seen how they can be treated out in the real world. It's one of the few socially accepted -isms still around so a lot of people who swear up and down that they're not racist/sexist/whatever will have a field day with them while getting to keep their "socially conscious nice person" status. They're easy targets.

Everything you said has been 100% dismissed. Good job.

That is practical advice, dude. I literally told you what to do. You're the one that refuses to listen. And you're even trying to accuse others of what YOU are doing, which is typical of shitty men.

my internet stories are real but yours aren't!

I always dreamed to be a father but I want to literally plan all steps. since sperm and egg quality, my wife's routine in pregnancy, to what college my kid will go. do you girls, think that is creepy?

>describe things by their name
>everything you said has been 100% dismissed

Why do incels always come up with the most retarded excuses not to listen? That's dumb and stupid and things will always be shit for you if you don't stop that.

Yeah, men who whine about women have been shown to be liars. Plus it's much easier to shitpost on Jow Forums than it is to fabricate a bunch of convincing screenshots.

NO, that's what I'm saying, I'm a smolboi and I have to take this shit firsthand. I just wish people would, at least, listen to what I have to say sometimes.

>Yeah, men who whine about women have been shown to be liars.
So you're saying 100% of men are liars?

>dumb autistic unjustified rage rant when she says 'no thanks' in 3... 2... 1...

>Why do incels...
You're not even trying are you? Fuck right off, NPC.

I think there's been a mixup. I was trying to defend you man, I didn't realise it was you replying.

>age rant when she says 'no thanks' in 3... 2... 1...

Yes, especially if they complain on Jow Forums.

Its not creepy but just not feasible and control-freak like. I understand wanting to plan, plan and plan. Planning and strategizing for your future is a great thing to do, but its literally impossible to 100% control even your own life, much less another human's. Parents especially are the ones who gets the least say in how the kids will turn out (since they mostly learn how to act from friends and other people in society)
Why do you want to do that, user? Not judging, just a direct question.

I get your point. Thank you for understanding, really. People won't take this shit seriously, but thank you.

>misquoting on purpose
Is there no low incels will stoop to?

I just want make sure they will have a life better than mine

What are you going to do when they do what they want and not what you planned?

at least they will come healthier and taller than me

What are you going to do if your spawn find out your plans and intentionally sabotage to spite you and gain individuality?

>That is practical advice, dude. I literally told you what to do. You're the one that refuses to listen.
you said
>understand why you fucked up
sure, i didn't save chestnuts for my brother
>know what to not do next time
save him some chestnuts
>and go on about your day
hmmmmmmm VERY PRACTICAL INDEED!! see what i mean you retard? how do i go on? i know what i did and why was it wrong and that i won't repeat it. it's not that, it's the fact that harm was done and can't be undone, ever.
Here's my practical advice how to bake a bread? step one: take the pan, step 2 butter the pan, step 3 bake bread. I told you everything huehehe
this is how you explain
>typical of shitty men.
wtf is even this? and what did I do? could you stop being so fucking abstract and say some actual things? what am I accusing you off that i did? greentexting isn't that hard, look, just click > and write something (on my keyboard it's right alt + .) (this is what practical advice looks like)

>What are you going to do if your spawn find out your plans and intentionally sabotage to spite you and gain individuality?
this is planned to, many plans A,B,C...
even if they ty make all opposite what I planned,that will be planned.
jokes aside, it's not super micro control, just moderate macro

My therapist said I am afraid of being single and alone and feel intense loneliness. I think it's true but is that not normal? I do want to be married some day. I do want to have a family. I do want someone to share things with. I do feel intense sadness about being alone. I just dont know if it is because I value family so much or because i have a problem.

No one wants your used vagina on a Friday night? Which box wine are you drinking