Free Bread

I just learned that Rome gave out giving free bread to the people. Isn't this a proof that "socialism" works? We just re-implement that policy and re-live the glory of Rome. It clearly worked.

Attached: rome bread.jpg (170x234, 21K)

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How's Rome doing these days? :^)

>ywn be a roman neet getting your daily breddies

As a single person, every time I buy a loaf it's inevitable some of it's going in the trash. I'd be happy to give my moldy bread to someone

Why not just bake your own bread, then? Then you can make it just as large as you want. Depending on the recipe, you can freeze your dough and just toss it into the oven when you want a nice hot loaf.

Well the city is still there, isn't that the important thing?

The grain dole of Rome was an excellent idea for Rome, but it was more complicated than just handing out free food. It had a restricted number of households that could receive it, and was restricted only to Roman citizens. This might be difficult for a leaf to understand, but in the ancient world being a citizen of a Rome meant something more than stepping on magic dirt. Rome was your mother and father, the other citizens were your brothers, you didn't let your fellow citizens go hungry because you wouldn't let your brother go hungry.

Show me a city where every man calls his neighbor brother, and I will show you a city where men do not go hungry.

You want a 1 hour rise straight dough, cook it in a dutch over for a better crust.

They also had communal toilets. People would sit and shoot the shit while shitting the shit.
Very achievable.
Hell, you can even make yourself a rice cooker bread.

Attached: rice cooker bread.jpg (922x1000, 270K)

Interesting. I've never seen rice cooker bread. I'm an early riser so I either make the dough while the coffee brews and let it rise while I'm doing the morning workout then bake while I get ready for work, or I let it rise overnight then shape/proof/bake it in the morning.

>Why not just bake your own bread
Because i'm not an enormous faggot
>you can freeze your dough
if i wanted to freeze shit why wouldnt i just freeze the store bought loaf?

bread is like $2. i'm not going to get bent out of shape of losing $0.30

They literally did it to buy votes you fucking pleb. Rome still had a free market, the bread was given by the wealthy to secure votes they did not to it for any type of humanitarian faggot reason only for power

Rome was vastly different than the nations of today. Also, we do give away bread; its called food stamps, wic, cash assistance, and other programs. Rome may have given bread; but that is not hardly proof that we should 'give free bread' to everyone. People have highly complex diets, bread was an enormous part of peoples diet in Rome as well. The differences are manifold.

>hasn't found joy in being self reliant
>the absolute state of millennials

Lol we give out free lunches and the niggers just increase

Hell, there are even microwave bread recipes.
It's stupidly easy. If you're ever looking at a way to teach a kid fractions, baking is fucking fantastic for it.
Shit white bread is 2 bucks.
You're not thinking with portals, user.
Cheese loafs, olive bread, pumpkin bread, banana bread, almond bread... Use your fucking imagination. You'll get better food for less money and being capable enough to feed your fucking family is a thing women appreciate more than you think.

lmao -

>self reliant

so tell me faggot how you grow your own wheat, then mash it into flour to use to make bread? please shut the fuck up

also: never once in my life has homemade bread EVER been better than storebought. homemade bread is absolute shit - even yours

waiting in bread lines for hours and not even getting any bread most of the time because it ran out. Or get off your ass and work for your own bread from the store. Look at how bread lines worked in countries such as romaina. I know someone that grew up there and they said it was shit. If you ask someone who has lived in a socialist/ communist socieity and came to a capitalist 99.999% of the time they will prefer the capitalist.

Socailsm is only appealing to those at the bottom who feel like they need other peoples money. Everyones a socialist until they get a little money for them selves through hard work and realize they dont want to give their money to niggers that dont work for it

self reliant in this case means working for your own money instead of relying on gibs from other people. If someone grows the wheat and manufactures the bread and sells it then you buy it using the money you worked for it's self reliant. Someone did work so you compensated them through your work and being able to pay them. Also you must not make good bread because that shit from the store is no where near as good as real bread from home. Although you are a burger so you probably have developed a taste for the white bread pumped with sugar in it

Socialism also appeals to people who view themselves as the protagonist who swoops in and saves society from itself by taking away any liberties those DIRTY FUCKING PEASANTS think they have.

It's not even sugar. It's literal fucking corn syrup.

Attached: wonder_bread_ingredients.jpg (800x633, 130K)

Cities have always bribed the pleb hordes to prevent them from eating the rich

i buy my own bread with my own money - not really sure what you're bitching about self reliance

not only my own bread but anyone's ever. i buy wheat bread from the store - homemade is never ever ever has soft or fluffy on the pallet, cant get it to cut as thin or stay together for a burger like store bought

These factors are all things you can easily change by using different ingredients and/or techniques.

Free bread = the dole
Colosseum = television
Circus maximus = sports
Not much has changed user

aint nobody got time for that bitch. life is too short

I'd argue that life is too short to eat bad bread.
I bet you've never even had homemade mayo.

No. Rome went through many periods of instability and prosperity.


Bread and Circus is what collapsed Rome you brainlet leaf retard, it was done to pacify the population.
What do they put in the water in leafland to limit your IQs to double digits?

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