

If you put a dark haired women next to a blonde one. The dark haired girl looks better 80 percent of the time

Attached: 54F9F54F-E218-4BF1-BA6E-7AD76850EC26.jpg (750x834, 177K)

Blonde hair and excessively pale skin just looks unhealthy

Attached: 1535614170502.png (336x502, 162K)

>falling for the brown girl meme
Brown women are all savages

Attached: browngirlmeme.gif (750x658, 141K)

Yeah there needs to be a bit of colour to the skin to look nice

Bitter brown skin

Found the niggershits

Attached: Colorized_beauty.png (319x420, 191K)

Who said all blondes have pale skin? Many blonde have a almost olive skin tone, especially in Poland and Hungary

White skin looks way better

I'll take the right, you can have the blackened nipples and shitty buttholes and horse pussies

if you put two women together one of them instantly becomes 80% hotter no matter what either one started at


There is a reason why that phenotype is in decline. It's genetically inferior.

That woman is not a real blonde, look at her roots..

>pooskin sour grapes thread

Attached: D3EB1C15-D2E3-4F5F-A12E-1A80B2C3DB60.jpg (600x400, 27K)

nope. i'd rather fuck the blonds in the OP picture. sorry.

Attached: blonder.jpg (552x800, 36K)

Do guys actually find this attractive ?

Is that a political point?

Blonde lending strip looks shitty

No you're just gay

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Both are far too skinny and have no tits.

Attached: TheArchitecht.jpg (736x736, 83K)

I would never be attracted to a woman whose skin is the same color as the shit that comes out of my ass

fuck off kike

Attached: francesca chillemi.png (898x557, 1.2M)

But that's a dark skinned woman, and doesn't look better at all.

Um, no.

White women are superior. I just don't like poo poo colored women.

What are you smoking?
>Whoosh, I think
You're trolling, correct?

Agreed. The patrician combo is the palest, whitest skin, very dark hair, and giant blue eyes like picrelated.

Attached: Aryan Beauty.jpg (1222x1920, 544K)

Why did you post a pic that immediately disproved your statement?