Please at least consider this post. WARNING

Posted this on /b already, but i thought id copy pasta for you guys too since i know some of you don't leave Jow Forums
Hey guys, i thought i would post this here. I was going to go to pol but i think /b has the best reach. I do a comically low level job at a Fed facility. I been on here for many years i always loved this place and i still surf on breaks. The reason for my post is that i feel like somewhere has got to know this so here it goes. I have heard something is on its way here. They got indications around 12 noon yesterday, lunch was insane, alot of girls went home crying early. People were all pretty pale in the face and some where crying but stayed on. Since i hold a low level position i don't know exactly what is coming but i do know it will be here soon enough. I know or well heard its coming out of the direction of Vega in space. Heard the word asteroid tossed around but some of the others seem to think "they are moving to eradically" and as one coworker put it to me on the phone a few minutes ago "they are in there thousands". Says hes gonna do the deed tonight, his wife left him, he has no one to rely on him so theres that. I am pretty terrified. I know full well no one will take this seriously, so i guess what i am saying is i love you austist. Remember to fight against the darkness.
>I wish i was a larping faggot
>i feel horrible no one is going to take this seriously enough to take percautions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bad larp...0/10. And spiced.

So who is Ele??

Post this turd on /d/ next time.

Learn to capitalise you stupid faggot.

Niggers tongue my anus

not a single time was the word turin scale tossed around
you need to work on your shitsposting

> i don't know exactly what is coming but i do know it will be here soon enough
then why bother posting this?

that would be awesome

Proofs you work a fed job

unncessary. Amateur astronomy would find anything like this

pud me in sgreen gab pls thx

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Google images says op is a fag, but we can still prove his larp, someone needs to check space radars and cams.

so good i thought it was real for a few seconds...till i read the comments kek

Just tuck it away in the back of your mind. Call me a kike, faggot, disinfo whatever just please if shit seems like it could be going south get somewhere safe. If shit goes bad in the next few days just please attempt to take action immediately to ensure the survival of you, your family. Help each other, please, just keep this with you.

My brain hurts

to be fair op didn't claim that pic related was anything special. But this is maybe the only exciting thing that could possibly happen at this point

i invited them.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind clown world going out with asteroids

Be good people. Help your nieghbors, ECT and fucking fight if it comes to it. Fight hard, i don't know exactly what it is, could be a planet killer dumb ass rock or it could be a fleet of slavers ect. They are already doing test currently in some major cities for "asteroid danger" ect.. you'll see this more and more. I don't trust fema, they are creepy spooks and definetly have some other shit planned, met them once, not cool people, please just take this with a grain of salt, toss and insult or two my way now, but if it comes to term and this shit happens just get somewhere safe and help your nieghbors.

your grammar is shit and I honestly don't believe the government would hire you but in todays day and age with discrimination and other affirmative action I'm honestly kinda convinced this may not be a LARP so okay

nintendo employee here
this is literally nothing and OP is a fag

will they teach me hands free fapping?

The graph is a poster i have in my office and my desktop background. Its just the observable universe, was gonna try some MS paint shit to show somewhat a diagram of what and where it is but thats way to dangerous right now. I love you guys, got to go now, just taking my percaution now and not risking getting caught in the open if they are not nice. If its a planet killer, fuck it then i guess.

Heil Hitler! Deutschland uber alles! Sieg Heil! Seig Heil! SIEG HEIL!!!

Don’t worry Doctor Who will take care of the Daleks he always comes through!

No. I will pillage and destroy.

God is doing what must be done
The Earth is too corrupted and must be destroyed in order to start again
He did promise that He would never flood the Earth again
>But, he never said anything about sending asteroids our way
This is honestly the BEST news ever!
The only reason I haven't killed myself is due to the fact that I know I will burn in hell forever if I did
These asteroids sent by God will finally allow my spirit to escape this physical world without blowing my brains out
>mfw I am actually feeling joy for once

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I been working for the last 48 hours, you do better. Bye now for real, discuss among yourselfs and look into it, maybe this can be a jump point for some form of defacto awarness campaign about this shit because they are not gonna tell you. Got to go, friends here with trucks, bye now.

Are you stupid... just reading a sentence or two reveals it was the work of a 9 year old.
>They got indications around 12 noon yesterday, lunch was insane, alot of girls went home crying early.
Sounds like something crazy is going to happen at the tot’s middle school.

Ok. Doctor who, tho?

Please be real I dont even care if I die. This shit needs a reset

gay ass off-topic LARP


I hope some based aliens save us from this gay earth

That grammar looks fine to me, are you low iq or just an angry kike.

This dumb little faggot is lying. The sun novas and fucks up the earth periodically. There are no aliens coming to get us. That is garbage. The only real threat are the thinking machines once they take over, but don't worry because the Butlerian Jihad takes them out too. In like 10,000 years, after all the slavery. Be happy friends, you will all be dead before this happens. But rest assured that you are living in a universe that is identical to Frank Herbert's universe. I wished it so with my last wish.

Can't wait to chill while watching the world burn

Also good bait 7/10

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"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
-2 Peter 3:10


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If it was true you would've gotten digits.

lets go boys

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> I have heard something is on its way here.

It's called "layoffs", dude. Polish up your resume.

The rest of the shit you're Larping about is just attention whoring bs. So fuck off.

That is just a reference to the sun nova that the ancients saw and recorded in all their histories.


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The grammer in that sentence was decent... but really
>12 noon
>got indications
>alot of girls went home crying early
>lunch was insane
Sounds like some crazy school cafeteria stuff is goin down

Post your work ID. What does it matter if the world is ending anyways.

When world ends because of the asteroid, I want you all to remember I died supporting Donald J. Trump

Bring the Polarity Shift
We're overdue for some true chaos.

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As if ayys would travel at least 4.4 light years to get resources that they can find anywhere else in the galaxy.

keep shilling boyo

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Based aregentinanon

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weak as fuck. (((they))) try this fake same shit every week or two. never scares anyone. try harder.

dont make promises you cant keep op

They mean Mexicans, not comets

Good luck.
>I been working for the last 48 hours
>Friends here with trucks, bye now

Who knows, maybe they just got the signals from Hitler, and now they want to befriend him. They are going to kill us because he's fucking dead and they just wasted their time

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If they can bleed, I'm safe.

The televised Berlin Olympic Games was the first one with a signal strong enough to breach the magnetosphere.

How do you know the ayylmaos won't be frens?

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This. First contact will probably be with merchants of some sort.

Ok, it's hitler congirmed. Fuck, now i want to see a nazi alien vs subhuman commie race war

I believe you OP. I’m going to off myself on fb live.

The Doctor actually he doesn’t have a proper name. He’s just The Doctor. He likes humans and saves us from evil aliens alot though not without casualties.


if aliens come here they will be so far ahead of us technologically that all resistance would be utterly futile

on the other hand such aliens have no reason to even bother us since it's far easier to extract resources from moons and from the asteroid belt, and human labor is useless when they probably have robots and shit

unless it's the urquan lmao

"If aliens came here they would be so smart that they would've surpassed the concept of war" - Idk, probably black science man

>i know some of you don't leave Jow Forums
I'm at peace with this.

Does he have a name?

war isn't a concept limited to humans or even merely to earthly life pal

did you guys try telling them 'fuck off space niggers we're full"

Or maybe "We already have enough illegal aliens, kill them and maybe we'll let some of you in"



>i don't know exactly what is coming
>Heard the word asteroid tossed around

t. intergalactic warlord

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I think aliens being more intelligent is just a myth. I think its more likely their environment has rare elements that we dont have and they evolved differently. Their level of intelligence is probably equal to ours they just invent different things than we do because they have different elements at their disposal.

Yeah it’s not like humanities superpowers haven’t been resisted successfully multiple time.

The Wall just got 100,000,000 miles higher.

Like instead of having pockets of oil in the earth they have pockets of some other shit. And tungsten is as common as iron.

Omg...I would watch the fuck out of a star trek four remake if that was the plot.

Yeah, but to be able to travel thousands of lightyears you need a lot of smarts

>Remember to fight against the darkness.
This isn't Destiny

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No. Youneed the proper elements. Humans can travel light years. It just would take us a few generations. We would have to live and give birth and die on a spaceship and be burried in space or used as fuel or some shit.

nigger merely being in space allows you to instantly and without recourse be able to destroy human civilization

step 1: get big rock
step 2: direct rock at earth
step 3: repeat until everything is dead

if they have the propulsion technology to travel to our solar system moving a few smallish asteroids into a collision course with earth is child's play


>>i feel horrible no one is going to take this seriously enough to take percautions.
You should feel bad user, I’m not preparing nuffin but my anus in case the ayyys are coming for it.
>yfw when bank repo’d my blue beans invasion prep kit.

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Essentially everything about this is spectacularly stupid... however, the fact you are so shit at grammar/English and your final sentence is so radically idiotic makes me think you actually could be a gov employee. Planet killer asteroid or intergalactic aliens... yea, I'm sure our "precautions" will do us great if we take them seriously!

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There’s no point to a war of Annihilation death like that

Dont let Gary buseys kid near the spaceship


That's the plot of footfall.

you're right, because all the easy resources are in the asteroid belt, instead of on earth

earth sucks in terms of most metal resources


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Don't propose to Bruce Willis' daughter before you go into space.


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They don't have to big rocks my dude. One or two the size of house would cowtow us pretty fucking quick.

Just splash NYC, Moscow, Beijing.

Yeah, would we welcome our new alien overlords at that point.

They're coming back.

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It would be pretty based if the Ur-Quan BTFO all of the ZOG governments and slave shielded the planet so we'd never have to see space niggers again either.

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I would actually expect aliens to be very very dumb compared with humans.

The problem with technology is that it helps simplify otherwise complex problems. This assistance allows for a species to advance very quickly, but at the expense of natural cognitive ability.

The only way I can see an advanced alien civilization existing would be if they themselves were slaves to their own AI systems. They would be button pushers, not scientists...

Details mean your lying. Digits