My best friend strung me along for months. I told him in January I'm in love with him...

My best friend strung me along for months. I told him in January I'm in love with him. He said he wanted to wait until his Bachelor's program was finished to date. I said okay.

Occasionally I would send him messages saying that I couldn't wait until we were together. He would respond with a smiley face. I would tell him I love him. He would say "I love you too."

Today he sent me a message saying that, although he's graduating in a few days, we won't be dating. He loves me as a friend, he says. He just didn't want to hurt me and so he's spent the whole year pretending we'll get together once he graduates.

We have the same mutual friends. Should I tell them about this? I need a shoulder to cry on, desperately, because I'm in a lot of pain right now, but I don't want to make our friends mad at him. They're protective of me, excessively so sometimes.

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Tell everyone
Don’t wait so it now while everyone can see your pain

Thanks user, but why?

Ugggh... he's a sweet guy... he's never been capable of saying no... but I wish that he had and that I'd have had six months to heal...

he was being nice and trying not to hurt your feefees by prolonging the inevitable.
having someone you're close to tell you that they love you is fucking annoying to deal with.
Leave the friend group out of it and distance yourself from him, he owes you nothing.

Have you talked to him? Maybe it took him that long to work out his feelings. I've felt strung along like this before too, but on the other side it's not always easy to know how you really feel either.

He owes her his heart like promised and people deserve to know what a game player he is

Yeah I have. He knew the whole time that he only likes me as a friend, he just wanted to put off the inevitable. There was no doubt or confusion on his end.

yeah because having some cunt who posts anime wag her tail at you whilst sending unrequited 'i love yous' is totally normal behaviour.
She should have taken the hint at the first whiff of 'no' (which was immediate, guys usually don't reject female attention)


Have sex seething incel

Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing by letting you down easy. Does he feel like he did anything wrong?

then take the hint and fuck off.

I only sent them every once in a while, and he told me the feelings were requited. Sue me for showing occasional affection.

He does, but I just woke up to this text and an hour and a half ago and am still in shock.

did he ever send them first?
jesus how old are you?

That's a shitty deal. Do any of your friends know you told him any of that?

this is one of the most autistic things i've ever read on here, and surprisingly it came from a female.

CONGRATS on being more autistic than literal incels.

relationships aren't like anime. if someone wants to be with you they'll gind a way to be with you and not make you "wait until they graduate".

I'm not an incel, I've deapt with this sort of crap before.
I hate having an uggo barnacle on my tail.

I'm 21. He's 22.
He told me he was in love me (after I confessed) and that we'd start dating after he graduated, just how much fucking analyzing and overthinking was I supposed to do?

They do. I excitedly told everyone because I thought a relationship was in our future... I can tell everyone I lost interest in him, but then I'll look like the bad guy and as though I led him on...

People like you are going to make that term lose its actual meaning. Stop throwing it around so loosely. Fucking piece of shit sjw

It didn't seem like an unreasonable request when it was only a six month wait. But yes, I'm just an autistic whore. Fuck me. I'm worthless. Fuck you, me.

just let it go and distance yourself from him, he isn't interested.
No guy who is interested will make you wait, they'd be thrilled.

I was kind of in a similar situation, I cut off all contact 2 days ago don't know how I'll get through cause i can barely even think, it sucks

Ask him what he wants to tell your friends. Since you told them that he "confessed" he loved you back, they need to be told something. To me it sounds fair that they should hear the whole thing, that he didn't mean it and was trying to let you down easy i guess. They can decide if they want to be mad at him over that.

it's not his fault nor their friends' problem.
She should zip it and move on.

I don't want them to be mad at him...
I messed everything up... this is all my fault...

I think you can tell maybe one friend but preface it with that you don’t want them to hate him and you just need to vent. When you are able, you need to tell him that by him putting it off, it ended up hurting you a lot more than it would have if he had outright rejected you. He needs to not act that way in the future. It’s great he wants to avoid hurting people but sometimes that can backfire.

Of course it's his fault. And if nothing his said their friends are simply going to speculate that someone did something shitty. If nothing was told to the friends to start with it might be okay, but now they need to be told something. Most appropriate thing to tell them is the truth most likely.

It's up to them if they want to be mad with him. Regardless, what will you tell them otherwise? Take the blame yourself? That's hardly any fairer. Your friend accepts he fucked up, you didn't do anything wrong as far as I can tell.

I'm sorry... I can't answer your questions right now... I can't think. I'm burning up... my head hurts... I want to puke... feel terrible I hate this feeling I don't know what going on...

Drink some water. Get some air. Go for a walk. Clear your head.

When you can, find a good friend you can talk to about this.

Please remember to talk care of yourself. You are loved, and those who love you worry about you.

don't tell any mutual friends until after he moves away

tell whatever non-mutual friends you want now

i'm sorry user, that's a shitty situation

I highly doubt that he just suddenly turned evil and wanted to hurt you. He knew he didn't love you from day one but because he didn't want to hurt you he kept delaying the inevitable until he ran out of time.
Some things just aren't meant to be.

guys don't have girl friends. we have girls that we would like to fuck. at all levels. him not jumping your bones was the only sign you needed to look elsewhere. the good news is that since you are female, you will have no issue finding somebody else, so truly do not worry. just find some other interesting dude that has the same interests as you that actually wants you in the same way.

Like other anons said
Just tell them and let them decide. He decided to lead you on so he can deal with the consequences. If anything I would again second and say talk to him first about what you'll tell everyone. But still I recommend telling them

Dont tell all of them as that will ruin all of your mutual friendship. some will stop liking him some will stop liking you. Last thing you want after a breakup is split up your friends. But tell one of them that you are closest to that will be a shoulder to you while keeping a lid on the case.

No use crying over a beta cuck that gives hope in an attempt of being nice while not sounding what the truth would have been for a whole year. Though being a dude i believe he's interested in someone else and have been for quite some time.

He didn't want to hurt you.
I made the mistake of doing the same thing with a girl when I was in high school.
Some guys have a hard time flat-out saying no to people, he thought he was sparing your feelings. I know it sounds stupid but this is how stupid men like me think.

Eat shit and die