Racial hierarchy from top to bottom

1) Jews (they dominate everything and everyone for a reason, you can hate them all you want)

2) Germanic (Scandinavia, Germany, Netherlands...)

3) Anglosaxons (UK, USA, Australia...)

4) Slavs (Russia, Yugoslavs, Poles, Czechoslovaks...)

5) High IQ Asians (Japan, China, South Korea...)

6) Latinos

7) Arabs (and Persians)

8) Low-IQ Asians (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam...)

9) Turks (and -stan countries)

10) niggers

11) everyone else


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I'm not too triggered. People think I'm Jewish.. funny as fuck.. But, you put Latinos above Arabs? I think you have that backwards. The rest of your list I agree with.

Excuse my autism, but I think 10) is everyone else and 11) niggers.

Lmao putting Iranians in with Arabs. They are at least on terms with slavs if not more so

wheres italians

>jews completely dominated by Europeans for thousands of years
>only get the upper-hand after Europeans go to war with each other.
It was last schlomo.

Iranians with Slavs? Lmao absolutely not.

I'm 100% Slavic and I'm aware that we are no match for Germanics or Jews (perhaps only physically), but to put Persian imbeciles alongside us is insane. We gave the world Tesla, Copernicus, Marie Curie, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky...Persians gave the world mongoloc-style conquering hordes...

I forgot to add Latins (Italians, French, Spanish...).

They are below Jews and Germanics, bit a little bit above us Slavs.

>they are below germanics

I can't even talk to you anymore you're a nigger for sure. Goodbye.

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that is a bunch of bs, if you go to Ti all the bosses are people from diferent nations, chinise korean even indians, most of americans do management and they are not really good at it.

>not putting slavs on top
1-3 wouldn't be top if they had to wage war for a millennia against 7-9

You are talking about pre-Christian Romans and Vikings dude; modern Latins have nothing in common with them. Take a look at any statistics, be it HDI or GDP or any other, and you will see how dominant Germanics are.

Germany's GDP is bigger than Italy's and France's COMBINED!!! Today, they are a much more productive race.

The ones who are still ethnically Persian are indo-European and and if not for getting buttfucked so hard by the west for millennia and getting their wonders/literature/culture cremated they might be even higher. They are at an unfortunate geographic position that leads to everyone trampling them. Currently their diaspora is one of the most successful and best educated of any other country

Low IQ Asians are still better than Latinos and Arabs

I'm honestly shocked Slavs are so high, good for me if Ukrainians count.

pretty sure czechs are part german too

Croats are basically pale monkeys

Whitoids are bottom-tier because of how cucked they are. I can respect the hustle.

The smartest man and the smartest woman in history - Nikola Tesla and Marie Curie, both Slavs. The best authors ever - Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, both Slavs. First man in space - a Slav. More than 50 Nobel laureates - Slavs. Tallest people and best sport nation - Yugoslavs (Modrić, Đoković, Dončić).

Communism fucked us up. You probably hate is because of that, but we hate ourselves cause we allowed it, too. If we didn't have it, we'd be up there with Germans and Jews.

The Anglos are Germanics. Angles, Saxons, and Juts are all German. The other Bretons aren’t inferior either.


This. My whole dad's side and half of my moms side came from Bohemia in the 1860s. The people on my dads side only bred with czech americans (farmers in a major czech settlement in Nebraska) and the czech ancestors on my mom's side did the same. I took a dna test and despite being technically 75% czech and thinking I'd mostly be eastern European genetically, I ended up being 18% eastern european and 63% German, the rest was Scandinavian and Irish/scottish/welsh. It's weird because I have no known german ancestors and the last names of all my czech ancestors are czech.

Lmao the cope

high iq asians are not dumber than slavs, sorry pal

Where are mutts on this list

Old Bohemia overlapped with Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic
>63% German
tragic user. Finding out you are 2/3 cuck.

That would be 11.

Reasons, user, plz.

He is butthurt Chinese diaspora on a mission to steal from 1-4 Cancucks

You're probably right.

I thought I read somewhere too that there were waves of German immigration to bohemia during the times of the hre. Maybe I should dig further back with my ancestry shit to see if I come across any German names.

>Kick Germany's ass twice
>somehow beneath them in the hierarchy

Jews are on top because they protect their reputation while acting immoral which is the optimal strategy, not the "best".
If everywhere remained ethnonational I wonder what the outcome would be.

I'm pretty sure that genetically Germans are closer to Anglos than Scandinavians. Hence the name Anglo-SAXON. Saxon being German. Surprised OP didn't have Meds. I would put them on top.

Americans aren't an ethnic group; unless we've decided that the anglo descendants here are the only ethnic Americans. We're mutts, Juan. Our place on the hierarchy differs depending on how mutted we are or where our ancestors came from.

dude compare the average of practically any measurable statistic (gdp, iq etc..) of each of the nations you listed for both high iq asian countries, and the slavic nations you listed. Without even checking, I can pretty much guarantee most will weigh in favour of your listed high iq asian countries. China has a high possibility of fucking up this from-the-hip guess of mine, nevertheless I stand by it, and would wager most others would too.

ya got me

The Jew is truly an advanced specimen.

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>be China
>proud to be oldest nation in the world
>usually largest population too
>5k years later
>got 4 "great" inventions to your name
user plz. You couldnt even invent the fork.

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fuck off, most Persians are predominantly Arab with nigged dna, 10-15% white. they have the same white admixture as many African Americans

China has one of the highest IQs measured (average being around 105) and they still couldn't get their government right, they still have less than 10 Nobel prize winners and their nation's father is the biggest mass murderer in history.

Slavs have their flaws, but Tesla, Copernicus, Curie, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky...more than 50 Nobel laureates and winning the space race, despite being attacked by nazism and internally molested by communism.

Slavs are above high-IQ Asians, atleast for now. However, I won't deny the possibility of a potential future Asian master race

>he fell for the IQ meme
user, if you ever go to China you would see the real situation. The average Chinese is at best 90IQ (and that's being generous). They inflate their IQ scores by only testing Hong Kong and Beijing chinks who also happen to be the .1%. That's like having the US's average IQ calculated off of scores solely from San Francisco.

You come from a former communist shit hole. Never trust a number given to you by a communist.

I'm actually o% chinese lol. 1/4 dutch 1/4 belgian 1/8 english 1/8 swedish 1/8 french 1/8 lebanese, but believe whatever makes you feel better I guess. Off the top of my head I can tell you they've had accounting for over 8k years, invented gunpowder, a form of the printing press, crossbow.. Four great discoveries on their own I can name off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more

I'm cautious about lumping china in there for some of these reasons, but they're changing. I'd include more specifically Singapore and Hong Kong in my shit analysis

Jews are second. The jew only dominates and subterfuge which isn't an outward or positive expression of greatness - their greatness is shown more in the intensity of their ability to leech and sap, which while impressive in itself, doesn't actually qualify them as anything great. Germanics and AngloSaxons are equal in the general sense and are #1

communism fucked both the chinese and the slavs, so you get them on that front. Both ethnic groups have their greatness and the downfalls, creatively the slavs are far superior, but systematically I'd put the asians way way ahead

>Slavs are above high-IQ Asians, atleast for now. However, I won't deny the possibility of a potential future Asian master

Spoken like a true Mongol mutt.

>uncultured mutt
That shit you listed is literally what they call the 4 great inventions. Google that shit retard. They have probably had 10+ billion Han Chinese alive and thats all they got.

For the amount of people they have (and yes that includes the Japanese and Koreans), they do not compare to the histories of any European country. Not even in fucking arts. Have you ever seen East Asian art? Its trash compared to any European art and thats the most fundamental measure of IQ - creativity.

Slavs went through the FALL of communism. Lets see how China and North Korea look post-communism before you try to make any comparisons. I guarantee you thats going to be 250+ million deaths.

Pretty sure the chinese invented the wheel, gunpowder, noodles (lol), superior boats, earliest form of mass print, .....and this doesn't count because it pre-dates the nobel prize ? lmao

pretty sure Tesla solo invented more shit than that lmfao

>implying I don't respect my ethnicities

their crafts and cuisine are miles ahead of the slavs, who we are speaking about exclusively. 7/8ths of my bloodline still shit on either, so I'm not bothered
still kys

I guess we'll fund out, bucko

love me some tchaikovsky though

Jews aren't a race so by definition they can't be in a racial hierarchy.

I was willing to listen until you actually brought up Best sport nation

>Anglos below Germanics

what language did you write this in again?

>Amber room solo bodies
You've never had real East Asian cuisine faggot. Their food literally tastes like disgusting foot water. What you've had is cheap Americanized MSG sauce made of 50% onions sauce, 25% ketchup, and 25% sugar.

Cant you read, the Jews are at n1

>Everyone Else

Touche, my user friend.

except I've been to Japan, China and Singapre. stop assuming, you fucking retard

>tfw mix of top 3. 95% top 2 and 3. People think I have a Jewish sounding name. Would fight for hitler/10.

Agreed. Arabs before Islam achieved some pretty cool shit. Latino’s? You have to be way more specific, because Guatemalans are not above Arabs

1. northern and western europeans + high caste indians / iranians + japanese and koreans
2. eastern europeans/turks
3. chinks
4. niggers

based on people i've met at a top 10 university, slavs are definitely lacking compared to how much they shit post on this board

I can practically smell the yellow fever. Your GF is a gook isnt she? Is that why you would put a gook over ANY European lmfao. Cause your nasty ass offspring is going to be a HAPA.

I've been to China, Japan, and South Korea. The only redeemable cuisine in that area is sushi and thats just based on the quality of raw ingredients.

>being desperate enough to justify why East Asians > Slavs solely on food lmfao

Arabs are overrated.

Single, but at least I'll breed.
If you think sushi is the only redeemable cuisine from any of those countries you 1. are lying and haven't been, or 2. have the palate of a 15 year old girl

HAHHAHAH a Slav defending himself. Persians are arguably even better than Slavs, there is a reason why Persians are the second highest earning racial group in America.

Niggers are already on there

Fag, your only argument is cuisine which doesnt even matter because South Asian cuisine > East Asian cuisine.

eastern europeans in general are completely disappointing and have always been throughout every single time period
iranians are definitely a very competent and smart group

my argument is, in a nutshell, slavs may have had more impressive individual outliers; but the general asian public is much more accomplished and thus why their societies are flourishing in ways the slavic nations can't shake a stick at. Crafts, and cuisine are a by-product of that.

Slavo-Germanic mongrels, to be sure.

>couldn't get their government right

Yeah, they got colonized by brits, then they caught the communist mind virus spread by kikes, and then they hard a return to sanity under Deng Xiaoping in the 1970s. He did market reforms in 1978 - so in 40 years they went from poor and backwards to an economic juggernaut. That's incredible to me. all it took was 40 years of good governance to become a top superpower

Much more accomplished how? By being the Anglo-Saxon's slave factory? I didn't know assembling an IPhone is considered a high craft lmfao.

>low IQ citizens literally shit in streets
>China/NK run by communists
>South Korea run by pussy cult
>only redeemable country is Japan and its been run by US for last 7 decades

Being an amoral piece of shit is not intelligence, in fact it is exactly the opposite. How many times have jews been expelled from countries and cultures around the world? Over a hundred? Much likely more. And how many times did they learn their lesson? Zero. Jews aren’t the best, whites just got soft with the rise of technology and thus mass media. Only a jew would be interested in mass brainwash. Eventually the jew will be expelled again, because he is incapable of learning, hence the parasitism.

Yes. Prague was majority german until the mid 19th century.

purchasing power parity of singapore is 90k, russia is 40k, hk is 61k, japan is 42k, south korea is 39k. every other slavic nation is sub 30k.

That's how.

Have you interacted with the common Asian? Most I've interacted with were bad at actual thought, just organic calculators that make good workers but not leaders or creators.

have you interacted with the common slav? Most I've interacted with are close to retarded. At least the common asian can perform a task

Mostly South Slavs who are typically impressive IMO. Maybe you just get all the Poles up in northland

>Hong Kong
Meanwhile China is at 8.8k lmfao. Russia is literally right on par with japan and south korea even after communism. Meanwhile all the other Slavic countries have less than 10 million people but you want to compare their economies with countries that have 5x-10x more people. Youre either stupid or dishonest. Looks like you got your IQ from that 1/8th

Agreed. Balkans are decent. I think you've assessed this accurately

High IQ Asians should be top. The age of China is upon us, most of y'all are too distracted by this right/left memery to even notice, which is pretty much exactly why it has happened.

Glad we could find common ground, leaf friend

City states*

I stated previously I could see China fucking up my shit analysis, but don't forget the have the second largest nominal gdp after the states. Less ppp with >10 million people actually makes that stat less impressive, as there is less competition especially taking into account the greater amount of land and resources in east europe

Western-style degeneracy still hasn't infected the collective consciousness of Chinese people, so their instincts aren't blocked by political correctness and they aren't afraid to create superhuman GMO babies, but they are still far from being on top. Perhaps in 50 years, perhaps not. We'll see.

russians are the best examples that slavs/eastern euros as a whole are completely incompetent jokes
any other race would have dominated the whole world with the same starting conditions , large area, infinite natural resources
it's very similar for all other slavs/eastern euros, they simply can't into high tech because they are too incompetent
or rather anybody that has a bit of a brain leaves eastern europe as soon as they can because they don't see a future in it

If we're playing the subdividing races by their IQ game, high IQ whites still beat out high IQ Asians

Also, I think that particular 1/8th helped the beard and cock department, which the lebs are not lacking in.

western degeneracy is one of the reasons why it is so successful and one of the reasons why slavs will never be successful or competitive
slavs have already lost to korea and japan, and will lose to india and china easily in the next 5-10 years

Fuck off slav nigger.

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It's so nice to see yankees and leafs agreeing, especially over us Yugoslavs. Now let's hope Canada becomes the 51st state, gets rid of Justin Bieb..pardon me, Trudeau and USA reasserts it's geopolitical position as the global superpower for the benefit of humanity with 35 new million people and a drastically increased territory.

Cheating =/= being better at the game. Anglo should be at the top, the germ(an)s go below slavs because at least slavs don't actively destroy civilizations on a regular basis

You're acting like the entire present day Russian Federation was Slavic originally, not broken off piece by piece while dealing with Mongols and Turks

>putting a race of autistic followers at 2

No, they are top already. The rate China has advanced in recent years is the greatest ascention of any civilization in human history.

The reason for it is the high IQ, a single party system and a complete commitment to the development of the nation over the wants of the individual.

I'm considering moving there just to be part of this incomparable moment in human history, but I like doing drugs too much.

I'm okay with you disliking us, but to claim that streetshitters will be better than Czechia, Croatia or Poland is just pure insanity, my dear Swiss user pal.

If you actually read Persian history and realized how much they have contributed to human civilization through their countless empires and dynasties you really wouldnt be saying these things. Persians have invented and created more than most European ethnic groups except maybe for Germans and the English.

If Scheer doesn't get in this federal election, I think I'd be okay with joining the states. The other 35 million would throw a fucking shitfit

Half of my family is Serb. I do like you Croats too. Would be down to try splitting Bosnia again

Why white countries going to shit then? The idiocracy is in full swing, white countries are on a steep decline and China is on an exponential rise.