Why are white people so ignorant on race?

why are white people so ignorant on race?

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cuz we secretly hate you

because boomers were brainwashed into selling their children to jews

White people have the fantastical ability to not be a thin-skinned little bitch and throw a tantrum when someone makes a remark. You should try it yourself sometime, dipshit.

We rule the Earth. Curse the day that you were born with shit skin.

because they don't have one

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i literally didn't think about my whitness until college because i grew up in the suburbs. it's the same way how men can be ignorant to the issues with women or straight people can be ignorant to the issues of gay people.

Fag. Know your master, darkie. Bow the fuck down. Kek

>why are white people so ignorant on race?
The same reason rich people are so ignorant about poverty. Why bother being knowledgeable or even remotely aware about an issue that doesn't effect you? Trying to explain race dynamics to a white person is like trying to explain color to a blind man. They don't even have a frame of reference to even begin comprehending what you're saying. They're ignorant because there's nothing forcing or encouraging them to be anything else. I mean, if you could walk around all day being blissfully unaware about race and how it affects people everyday wouldn't you want to?

Yeah, it takes a lot of guts and intellect to have thick skin against a problem that has never affected you.


I tried to not be ignorant but nobody really gives a shit. Nobody cares if you are a white person who "understands" race. It's better to just live your life and be good to people regardless of societies bullshit petty fights they have.

Because we secretly don’t give a fuck

Wish niggers would off themselves really

Some are. I think a lot of us are more aware of it than anyone else. We are at the top of the food chain. Things are looking grim for us, and the worse it gets the more we will consolidate.

Basically this. -> But don't worry. They only make up about 14% of the population, will become 5% by 2060, and will soon become extinct. That's why they're so autistic about muh white genocide from the da joos
>Mfw white genocide will happen in your lifetime

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Because we don’t fucking care

>Nobody cares if you are a white person who "understands" race.

Hilariously enough the woke non-whites tend to hate them even more than the racists

We aren’t ignorant, we just think you’re lazy and lack work ethic.

Because they don't have to deal with race in a significant way compared to everyone else, so there is no penalty to remaining ignorant.

It's ignorance without awareness of its existence, which is about the worst fucking kind

>White people have the fantastical ability to not be a thin-skinned little bitch and throw a tantrum when someone makes a remark
their bubbles are frighteningly easy to pop and they'll lash out exactly like you just did if you dare bring it to light

In what way, nigger?

Every fucking week, you post this thread

Then why not give a proper answer you nigger

People trying to use my whiteness to manipulate or guilt me into doing something will get nothing, race is a social construct and unscientific.

Phenotypes are real, race is for the ignorant.

>I bet they’ll think I’m black, jokes on them I’m just into cuck porn


Lol you are kidding right they get your tax $$$ a free pass to rape and steal, affirmative action so they don't have to be qualified. You are the slave but don't realize it

Pretty much .

I know this is a bait thread, but anyome seriously intereated should skim: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_consciousness

And then watch: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Not_Your_Negro

American whites don't have think about race because it has no meaningful impact on their lives. European-American history is the default narrative, and is culturally segregated from the history of minorities. They don't have to reconcile being both American and a minority in a country constructed around white identity. You'll never hear of the leaders of slave revolts or rebellious Natives spoken of as "American heroes" because they don't align with the triumphant narrative of white American exceptionalism. Rejecting the official narrative means placing yourself in the same position as a minority, which itself is too uncomfortable for most whites to grapple with emotionally or psychologically.

Because Aryan is the master race. Suck it nigger

This. Why so shitskins always say they're superior to whites and that we're so weak, when we dominated niggers and every race of dark skins for thousands of years?

Why is the black race so pathetic and turbo-cucked by every other race?

Jesus how many holohoax classes do you have to attend to believe this crap. No wonder your degree is worthless

Why would I bother? I'm a white man living in the civilized world, constructed by white men for white men.
If you want a life where race doesn't matter you are always free to go to whatever place your race is the majority. I doubt a black dude would be discriminated against in Somalia. But you don't want to go there, right? You want to live in the civilized world, the one built by white men.

It's not about being white it's about being recognized as the same. White people just set up the systems so they are still involved, and would treat each other just as poorly if they knew more about each other.
>You pick racing games over open world

sir we cannot serve you here

>He says while posting on Jow Forums
>The same Jow Forums that has an unhealthy obsession with 12% of the American population

Yeah ok.

Because the government tells us that everyone is inferior to the straight white male and enshrines that into law. Our government can't be wrong because it was voted in by females who in our society we are required to believe

A big oven for niggers too this time would solve the race problem.