Nig list 2019

Reply if you are on the list

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Bring it. Waiting..........

>people who dont tip

Obvious joke is obvious

>female bubble letters
how cute.

Not this thread again.

I'm on the list 31 times.

>horny men on the TL
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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Fuck neggers

>people who stop at yellow lights

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Damn that’s most of the country covered I think, hell based on the sign it’s maker is on it too

>people who stop at yellow lights


finally something the batshit left and i can agree on

>people that don't tip

All right that one made me chuckle.

>people that don't tip

thats a dog whistle that means niggers

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Yellow means stop if you can asshole, I bet you don't even have a license

may as well just say:

>Attention Bigots: I am one of you

Damn, I'm on here at least 18 times.

that's a bet you'd lose, fucking leaf

Is the creator of the sign "our xir"?

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Somehow I feel motivated to tick off all of them

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Is it comparable to the misery in store for someone that cuts their dick off?

Imagine if there was a Presidential candidate that was everything on this list except Zionist, Cop, Bible Thumper, YAF member Libertarian, Republican, Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, Nice Guy, Rapist, Abuser, creationist, meninists, polluters, and frat boy. Would you vote for him Jow Forums?

I'm on the list 22 times. I'm already miserable because I have to deal with these fucking clowns.

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As a "Prison Guard" I was just honored to make the list

If anyone is Ben shapiro let me know. i want to say hello to you.

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Is this a bingo card?

>ben shapiro
>white supremacists

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sup ben big fan keep destroying libtards and niggers

i hate minorities



>Nice guys
Who ISNT on that list? Might as well say "everyone but Jews, Muslims, and niggers."