What pushes you over the edge...

What pushes you over the edge? Everyday you Scroll this containment board and express your rage and angust through words. the time is ticking...

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>containment board
oh, op.
you still don't get it.
this is a starting gun.

White men are still too comfortable to revolt. The SJWs need to keep up the pressure so we get another Holocaust

im not telling you. you just have to keep guessing

Post with source next time, Israel

It's real it's from last year though

>tfw more triggered by what comes after the 'if'
rules made by morality have no place in modern society, laws should be based on the actual material well being only, not even to be nice, but because a healthy and happy population is a stable population, and a stable population benefits all its members.


This shit is what will kick off the next civil war. Mark my words.

boy, not russian propaganda or anything

No coverage, just found out about it, spread it.

So you're saying it's a made up story?

Also those waiting for a Messiah forget about that possibility, do your part.


Stop trying to derail tranny/kike

Yeah, he got charged for sexual abuse, but not for rape according and all thing considered what can be read from the Yle article it is the "correct verdict" even because the verdicts you get from rape or sexual abuse are super small anyway

Yeah forget about it, the girl probably wanted it anyways, have you seen infinity war tho that's more interesting

Omfg why can’t we invade their fucking country and hang who ever helped pass that

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Not my problem, i'm not finnish and won't waste my time and resources with that that's for the finnish men to handle. All i want is to raise awareness and discomfort

you're such a tryhard

>Be Pedophile.
>Get Caught with child sex slave.
>"al salam alaikum, how can I help you?"
>"oh, you're muslim. Carry on, then."
>Allah Akbar, brothers.

Primo Clown World.

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are you retarded?

/ourbaron/ would spit in your face right now if he could get up from his chair...
Also remove memeflag and kebab

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It's just a badly translated/written article.
Finnish law doesn't have a statutory rape title for non-forcible sex crimes.
Those kind of crimes are prosecuted with titles like sexual exploitaton and aggravated sexual exploitation.
Punishment scale is similar to rape, without prosecutor having to prove coercion by force or violence.


Many white men are giving in to the soft and emotional demands of women to be politically correct to get fuck and not be socially ostracized.

Unfortunately this has truth in it, Finland has propably the most cucked court and shortest sentences anywhere in the world. And yes. They calculate cultural differences and effect of sentencing on migrants social lifes.

If you google Finnish sentences you wont see the truth. The true sentences are hidden behind a complex, opaque system which i happen to be familiar of.

You can subtract 1/2 of almost all sentences. If the perpetrator is young, subtract 2/3, and if he has done the same crime and gotten a jail sentence of it inside 3 years, subtract "only" 1/3.

Basicly this means you can kill somebody as an adult and get out in 3.5 years. Even less if young.

Its badly written but it has truth in it. I can link the cases where these news are based. They are true crime cases.


Note the subtracts i wrote before. The sentence is not 3 years, its maximum of 1.5 years, of which part can be in open prison, where you can go shopping and leave freely but you have to come back before late evening. Idea is to accustom a prisoner to a civil life.

but, then how will we know when you've hit your limit

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I didn't realise there was so many British immigrants in Finland.

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>and one day, for no reason at all, everyone voted Hitler into power

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>get sentenced 3 years in prison for having sex with a kid
>this means it is permitted

yeah boi
Time to get some fresh Finnish puss puss. Im'a fuck their children out of spite.

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