How many of Brentons shitposts have you found? These two are good

How many of Brentons shitposts have you found? These two are good.
If anybody wants to come and dispute the legitimacy of Brenton's actions or its effectiveness, take a timestamped pic with your skin showing. If you're white, we can talk, if not you'll be ignored.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-26_00-28-14.png (1296x255, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What makes you think these are his posts?

Because he's mossad and more false flags are on the way to frame Jow Forums and censor the internet.

Attached: 1550396737129.jpg (2048x1791, 1.75M)

Attached: 1533716337471.png (812x495, 190K)

Big collage here

Attached: 1553275924292.png (1612x1594, 1.76M)

Well you've convinced me.

Attached: d3d3550b4d1da4ebec8f90bc17cac36c0d9b89e0b1d47f124adfe62c5172427f.png (1465x1209, 245K)

Mossad knows mossad posted on Jow Forums because mossad is trying to frame Jow Forums for their hoaxes and false flags. Trump is exposing the deep state and you kikes are scared shitless trying to push more censorship.

Attached: 1531948559613.jpg (2224x1697, 602K)

Attached: 1554364415055.jpg (360x614, 47K)

so he really was a zionist cuck? confirmed?
I knew the situation smelled fishy from the start

>please do not wipe our sorry asses off the planet just because we are liberals, pol!

he knew these were tarrant, because of the australian flag, goys

Attached: Deep-State-Trying-to-Cause-Civil-war.jpg (1612x1260, 502K)

Attached: Israeli shills calling for violence.jpg (1438x1720, 1.08M)

Discord tranny

So you're the pussy posting all the scary FBI threads?
>you libs are so cucked

Where's his doxx?

he played the song with the I am the god of hellfire and his gun said kebab remover and his manifesto said dance on their corpses
show skin color muzzie

You kinda have to follow these two images closely.

Not sure if it's really him. He (or one of his discord tranny friends) could very easily have just picked the face of some random fat guy and given him a name, then created this web of online profiles.

Attached: 1.jpg (3796x1860, 1.06M)

But there's too much real shit connected to his name for it to be a total fabrication.

Attached: 2.jpg (2266x1742, 492K)

lolol. you're serious, aren't you
>lets ally with the jews, goy!
get the fuck off this board

show skin color

>he played the song with the I am the god of hellfire
the user he replied to initially said the word "hellfire", NZanon just re-used the word back on him.

sloppy job MOSSAD

Attached: 1554625645741.jpg (728x374, 64K)

The thing faggots like you (singular) don't understand is that we know why you're so afraid. You'd like to cope by pretending white nationalists will never do anything, that we'll just sit on Jow Forums and shitpost all day until our rage subsides and we move on with our lives. It assuages your crippling fear to know that we're just nerds who live in mommy's basement and that this is all tough talk...

So when Tarrant showed the exact opposite, that we ARE a bunch of angry white men (and many of us are armed to the teeth), that we are prepared to kill and die for our beliefs, YOU GOT FUCKIN' SPOOKED! And you're still trying to "prove" he worked for Israel, even though it's been sufficiently demonstrated to you thousands of times why that's total bullshit.

Get used to feeling that boot on the back of your neck. Today it's just shitposts. Tomorrow it's gonna be rubber.

Attached: FBI this was just a school project.png (1000x750, 300K)

>He (or one of his discord tranny friends) could very easily have just picked the face of some random fat guy and given him a name, then created this web of online profiles.
He's too dumb to pull off something like that.
Thanks user.

when real men begin to act, it wont be indiscriminately killing unarmed innocents en masse, schlomo.
your repeated false flags are obvious to anyone whos been here more than a few months

No problemo.

He listed himself as "M2F" on his pornhub profile, BTW. And he made a lot of "sissy hypno BBC" "music videos". So he's pretty much a discord tranny. Not only that, his reddit account "Lapper" has communist shit all over it and he follows antifa accounts on his twitter.

It perfectly explains over-the-top shit like this He's trying hard to ingratiate himself with us by throwing our memes about haphazardly. He thinks if he says "kike" a thousand times we'll accept him and begin to agree with his anti-white shilling.

that song is "Fire" by The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown

You're stupid about innocents. Pawns are never innocent in the game of chess you ignorant fewl.

>He thinks if he says "kike" a thousand times we'll accept him and begin to agree with his anti-white shilling.
This is the shit that pisses me off the most, every argument they lose turns into them slinging around "kike" and shill", and more recently "mossad". Fucker needs to get griefed in Minecraft.

Attached: JFMayo.jpg (598x699, 105K)

not rly "they", more like "him"

That's the other thing, all the samefagging through VPNs. But there is a couple other retards that are his discord friends, I guess?