Why do shitskins living in America pretend they are white?

Why do shitskins living in America pretend they are white?

Remember, you are not white if
1.You have a single drop of Semites' blood in you(be jews/turk/or any kind of middle eastern blood you might have, you are not white nor European)
2.You have even a single drop of African blood in you
3.You have even a single drop of Native American blood(be spic or whatever the fuck) or other kinds of Asian blood in you


Attached: Diagram of mutts.png (900x506, 464K)

both my parents are off the boat from western or central europe and my wife is swiss. my kids have four passports. sounds like I'm more white than you nigger.


Honestly, I think being mystery meat of different European nations is worse than having a drop of black blood in you.

>my kids have four passports
And where are those passports from other than the American one, kike?

Post your dna result proving you are 100% British


Literally no one cares about this outside mutt americas. Everyone else got their ethnicities and national identities already.

Attached: c802f735.jpg (400x400, 16K)

You self-hating cucks are always amusing. Only because you are half kike, that doesn't mean other European Americans are lumped together with you

>thinks that having four different gentile european bloodlines inside you is mystery meat
>hails from a nation composed of four different countries

>implying a meme flag's opinion even matters
I will have a discussion with you once you quit being a faggot coward

Britain, Denmark and Slovenia.

Im half honkey half nigger
White wiminz get fucked

This one spic at McDonald's called himself "mostly white"
. Dude looked like he crossed the border yesterday

Thats white in amerifatt lmfao

Attached: the ghey.png (882x531, 438K)

blacks in the american continent dont know what part of africa they are from, its the same mystery, but different continent.
>inb4 the all look the same

Good job, traitor. Why does one need more than one passport unless he's some kind of kike who always carries more than one passport, being always ready to run away instead of fighting for his born country?

Consider the Pitbull. It has a history and a heritage. It's a shit one, and it leads to a horrendous nature. But it's something.
Compare that to a mutt of a Corgi, Husky, German Shepard and Pomeranian.
It is a horrid abomination, regardless how honourable the bloodline. It means nothing. It has no history or root.

Of course you prefer a nigger dog. Now I'm waiting for you for proving you are 100% British

(((one drop rule))) is a jew meme

Wrong. A big part of eastern Europe cares about not being a fucking nigger

So you are just a nigger

This happens a lot among the jews, spics, and half turkroaches who claim they are white or "almost" white

t. 1/4th nigger

Being from Europe automatically means not nigger. The whole continent of Europe is originally a nigger free zone.

I think people have better things to worry about than whether they are niggers or not.

No im amerimutt but i fuck white wiminz

*fat liberal wiminz

No white wiminz from moms side since she is white blonde hair blue eyes and dad is nigger.

You probably have minority blood floating around in you as well dumbshit

Literally how do people end up as mutts? My family arrived in the 1620s and I'm 100% european and 96% britain and ireland according to dna testing.

>1.You have a single drop of Semites' blood in you(be jews/turk/or any kind of middle eastern blood you might have, you are not white nor European)

So you want a state of inbreds ?

So you iz %292 white? damn boi.

> (OP)
>You probably have minority blood floating around in you as well
Not all of us are 68% African blooded like you, dumb mutt

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I mean if they are living in Western Europe then they might care about it since some of these countries have now plenty of niggers inside.

>Good job, traitor. Why does one need more than one passport unless he's some kind of kike who always carries more than one passport, being always ready to run away instead of fighting for his born country?
Chill out Juan. The only way this country is going to war again is if Bibi tells us to go kill some mudslimes 5,000 miles away. Even if DOTR came you know it's going to be done by Comrade Jamal and Comrade Jacinto on behalf of some leftist assholes. You can go back to Guatemala in that case while I take my fancy finance job and go to London or Geneva with my kids.

Nigger infestation is quite a recent phenomenon in Europe due to globalism post war, so there shouldn't really be that much confusion in comparison with the americas where racemixing with niggers has happened for hundreds of years. Sure, there might be isolated cases but it's not really comparable.

If you think London will be safe, you are quite wrong. And you literally admitted that you will run away as soon as an opportunity arises. You have no true root and a coward, and a traitor. I pray your whole family will get into a deadly car accident soon

True I guess, but in some countries, where there is a lot of gypsies people care about that

t. Pajeet

europeans are the same race but different cultures

>nigger reading comprehension and arithmetic ability

The white population is plummeting because of fags like you and your inability to accept the Chadstizo masterrace.
One day, we will rise up and hang everyone with more and everyone with less than 12.5% native American blood.

tl;dr: look at me, I am the white person now.

Attached: 100%white.jpg (640x602, 46K)

cuz im half white wiminz and half nigger boi.

user, how fat are you?

>100% white

6'4" and 202lb

>4'6 404 pounds

How is life with being a half nog? The darker ones must've bullied you to death

I cum in white wiminz so all is good