Typical friendless loser

>typical friendless loser
>spend years on Jow Forums, became extremely far right
>kind of know I'm bullshitting myself, I'm effeminate and sexually submissive, try to repress this side of myself because I really want to belong
>temptation becomes unbearable, lose my virginity to a trans escort
>really like her, daydream about asking her out
>no idea what I believe in politically any more
>no idea how she'd react if I told all this to her
>maybe she's be upset and refuse to see me again
>maybe she'd get violent (and could I blame her?)
>maybe she'd just straight up laugh at me because I'm just another client and why would she give a shit about my identity problems?
>maybe I should just go back to Jow Forums and try to repress the fact I really like girldick

The fuck am I supposed to do?

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Just fuck it until she bores you. After this period of lust is over you'll be able to see clearer.


Well if you are larping as a far left cuckhold just find some roasties and let them abuse you

>no idea how she'd react if I told all this to her
I wouldn't go that far. Don't forget you're a client and the whole Jow Forums shit is likely to freak most people out. Talking her about you identity issues is pretty normal though and escorts are used to work as part time psychologists; and specially a tranny might know the best way to help you. Just keep it away from politics and fantasising about her. Clingy clients are a nightmare.

>maybe I should just go back to Jow Forums and try to repress the fact I really like girldick
Sounds even more stupid than usual at this point. Being a self hating girldick rider LARPing as Jow Forumstard is too comical. Why living such a meme life? Isn't /lgbt/ full of Jow Forums trannies to take a first step outside of the Jow Forums bubble into another that isn't too different but a bit less cancerous?

Start freeing your brain from Jow Forums crap but most important focus on your life beyond the whole identity (just let that shit develop without repressing it) and politics (can always educate yourself from any sane source) shit. What do you do? What do you want to do in life?

You have to be an idiot to believe him you permavirgin

Repressed fags is probably the third largest Jow Forums demographic after zoomer and boomer migrants from reddit. Why do you think the place is obsessed by cucks and black cocks?

Geez you are dumb and think you can read millions of people's minds and think there is no shilling on pol

Did you write that pol post about going to the moon with a fat Chinese hooker who fucked you up the ass?

>millions of people

Wait are you the guy that paid to get dicked down by a trans escort, ended up in massive pain and is still a virgin because you weren't the one doing the penetrating?

You're a legend man nice to meet you

If you actually think people are paid to post on Jow Forums you are mentally retarded

This is actually par for the course on Jow Forums. I suggest you look up Atomwaffen Division, some Jow Forums neo nazi terrorist group who got ripped apart by some absolutely based tranny slut fucking multiple members.

Is it fun pretending to be retarded?

what an ugly goblin this guy is

There is no such thing as girl dick. You are a man who enjoys the bodies of other men. That’s it.

Why don’t you want to be who you want to be? So you are intentionally holding yourself back, consuming a media you know isn’t what you really believe. But you figured let’s stick to it? Why?

This is the asshole of the internet, you're deluded if you think important people actually give a shit what people here think. If they did the website wouldn't exist.

alot of Jow Forumsacks don't acknolowedge it but would definitely fuck a tranny.

just because Jow Forums is so unpopular that no one wants to shill here doesn't mean no one else gets shills
stop being jealous

>temptation becomes unbearable, lose my virginity to a trans escort
That's it. I can no longer defend Jow Forums. You are all fucking homofags.

Only a retard doesn't see this is a raid from /lgbtpedo/

would you not fuck an pre-op FtM tranny? they're deliciously boyish yet feminine

be chill people change not everyone is everything all the time

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Isn't that just a normal female? Probably not been there done that enough times it's not worth it if you have to put forth effort

Who cares who you wanna fuck, OP?
China's raping our environment in such spades that even with all of Europe bearing down scientifically on it there's a fair chance we'll never recover the damage those pallid cunts have done to our snow globe.
Almost a fifth through the first century of the new millennium and the Middle-East and Africa STILL don't understand why EVERYone in the first world thinks they'd look better six feet beneath headstones despite the fact that rape, pillage and kill is all Africans do anymore and Middle-Easterners are so content to shit up the rest of the world that they think self-defense is racism. Friendly reminder the Qu'ran openly endorses lying to fool people you consider the enemy (read: anyone not a mudslime is the Qu'ran's enemy).
Don't forget that this far down far bigger problems, citizens of the USA are still more concerned with adding third bathrooms because they can't make up their mind on whether they have a penis or a pussy. Despite, you know, the rapidly accelerating demise of the world. It's literally gone from 'not in your lifetime, user!' to 'if NOT in the next fifty years, we'll be dodging a bullet.'

OP, this world is going to absolute Hell in a handbasket. At some point, you have got to ask why you care so much because there are such bigger, bigger fish to fry.

Me, I stopped worrying when I realized these guys score chicks too. Shit, if they can dress up like Astolfo and bang hot ass, why is anyone complaining when the tables turn and I bang THEIR hot ass?

You can be right leaning and gay. You just can't hate gay and trans people. Just be a regular gay Republican. You being an effeminate man doesn't mean you need to be a liberal.

Nothing wrong with girldick, just dont fall for an escort

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