Worst ever anti-Semitic hate crime in Canada was a Jewish hoax

Why are Jews so dumb and evil?


And watch their replies! They are outraged that goys are outraged!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Remember it’s a hate crime to be outraged by Jewish evil

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Thats raycys

Twitter responses

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Make ovens great again

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I think I’m shadow banned. Normally posts like this are eaten up by oldfags

slow day

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>Why are Jews so dumb and evil?

Will we dare to penetrate the darkness of the greatest mystery of all?
Who are the Jews, really? For Alfred Rosenberg they are the organic lie.
And Nicolás Palacios, author of Raza Chilena, years before at the beginning
of the 20th Century, also asserted that: "the Jew can never tell the truth,"
recommending that before reading a book we should learn its author and, "if
it's a Jew, do not read it, because it is false."
Among the millions of beings populating the Earth, who is a Jew? Not an
animal (although he could be a sheidim); he is not a human being either.
He is most probably a "robot," in the service of Jehovah, an extraterrestrial
being. And as such he has to obey his orders, if he is to continue in
existence. Thus "God's people" come into being, those who are of Yahweh,
Saturn, Sat-an (Satur-day, Sábado, Sa-bbath)

Jehovah lives and feeds on the flesh and blood of Earth's inhabitants. His
"agents" describe him in their Biblical myths where Abraham is willing to
sacrifice his son to feed Jehovah. The wars and great killings are banquets
for Jehovah. And as Kaliyuga approaches its end, that obscure Demon (that
Archon), increases his appetite and is in urgent need of a final banquet, since
for over fifty years, since 1945, he has only been fed with small wars. He is
fasting! Jehovah needs a new World War, where the Aryan blood of goyim is massively spilled. Instead he is running the risk of disappearing as
Satan, Saturn, the Archon imprisoned by the Demiurge.

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they built the temple of solomon on the center of the landmass of the north atlantic plate. This building is a "talisman"

Very nice pasta my fren
What is the source

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That particular one is from pic related.

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Thanks, will buy and read
Till I do, can you elaborate on kaliyuga
Mainly what is it
How to see it has began (or is about to end)
And what are the consequences

kek, this is the best one

>ratchet up fake hate crimes
>the “crime” makes the news
>the faking later uncovered barely does
>observant people get sick of your games
>See!? Nazis everywhere!!!


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The pdf should be easy to find online..

We are in the Kali Yuga, the darkest Age, or the Iron Age, and in an accelerated involution. Kali Yuga must be defeated inside you, the Golden Age will first return in your soul. This mystery is unknown to the age of Kali Yuga, because it is beyond the comprehension of animal-men.

The only escape remaining to the hero is not to escape from his earthly ‘I’ but to strengthen it so that he can transmute it into an Absolute Self, through the Tantric ecstasy called Kaivalya, meaning ‘separated’, ‘apart’.

There is no other escape. And this escape was zealously sought for in the alchemic, Genetic-Tantric Laboratories of the SS in the Initiation Castle of Esoteric Hitlerism, in Wewelsburg.

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Anyone want to do the work of digging up the images of the vandalism on 4plebs? IIRC Jow Forums dismissed it out of hand as being a low-effort imitation of nazi imagery.

oy vey it could have been genuine you filthy anti-semitic slave pieces of shit


Everything these Golem attempt, to make the world forget Adolf Hitler and his comrade Rudolf Hess – Prisoner of the Myth, inventing their morbid fabrications and dissimulations so as to render the Myth illegitimate, will not have the desired effect, even going so far to use hypnotic influences on the masses will fail. Esoteric Hitlerism will win. His return is inevitable. It will prevail; helped by the very things the Golem do to fight against it. Jehovah and his Golem will annihilate each other within their automatized Universe, together with the society of ants they foster. That will be the end of the Kali Yuga.

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>checked, trips of truth
Even as a kid, despite brainwashing, I knew Hitler was a good man. I can’t tell you how I knew, I just knew and I never disliked him.
Is believing in Hitler going to be our salvation? Or is there something more we have to do?

I'm afraid the western world is in the hands of our leaders, unless we stand up and demand our traditions and white heritage be kept. No easy task with constant media brainwashing

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article I read about this, they think the other ones that they were committed in the past were by them as well

Belief and faith alone won't suffice. This is where the Christians have been tricked.
You must become Twice-Born. And salvation is not for everyone.

In Wewelsburg Castle, which directed its towers like the lance of Longinus towards the Crucifixion of Wotan in the Externsteine, the SS initiates also tried to be reborn, to resurrect as Aryans, becoming worthy to recover the Odil power through the magic use of runes, the Futhark of Wotan and the implosive science of the Palaeolithic. In the central hall of the castle there still hung an enormous stone in ‘critical balance’, unpolished, showing what Esoteric Hitlerism was and still is; the grand intention to create the God-man, superman, by means of the tantric alchemy of the stone, lapis, and the recovery of the blood purity of divine Aesir, Fire of the serpent of paradise, called in Sanskrit Kundalini.

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Now all the world and the stars revolve around you. Now visualise the ancient crypt below, go through it down into the earthen hill, then back up through the column of the ether that revolves around it. Let all be silent, the silence of the dead mingles with the silence of the birds of the forest, silence reigns, Valhalla falls silent as it listens to the breaths of the Initiate. See in your mind’s eye the lightening bolts of the SS, now focus them inwards like the Iron Cross focuses inwards, with energies converging at the central point…See into the void of the Black Sun, into anti-matter, understand that the True Masters have overcome this world: they do not die in their bodies, they left this world of corruption and death in a glorious body of Resurrection, springing the lock as a divine key unlocks a gate, the Magic Gateway opens and their true body forms as a fiery chariot freeing themselves from the chains of matter that implode in the centre of the Black Sun – The Spiritual Illuminator, the Midnight Sun, the ultimate Stargate of Death and Resurrection – opening of the portal of Eternity where all matter is dissolved, all materialism is undone in its terrible vortex of ultimate destruction. Only the Astal Body of the Ig-Nazi passes through the Black Hole of the Black Sun, the breakaway Astralkorper of Fiery Man passes through it.

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Charge your phone, user

Miguel Serrano has published in 2002, his belief that all of Judeo-Masonic symbolism is fakery and lies, and he mentions the Memphis Mizraim, or the Rite of Memphis and the Satanism of the Masonic Lodges. The Rite of Memphis dates to approx. 1838, instituted by two French Masons, Marconis and Moullet, in Paris. I will point out that Paris was the headquarters for the Suez Canal Company. Mizraim means “Egyptian” in Hebrew….The Managers of the construction of the Suez Canal were Jews, many of whom settled in Egypt after construction of the Suez Canal. Serrano refers to the Cainites or the descendants of Cain as the “Sons of the Widow” who “were responsible for the initial spread of Gnosticism as well as the esoteric of Memphis Mizraim in Ancient Egypt.” Which of course points to Freemasonry. Now, Freemasonry is woven with the fable of “Ancient Egypt”. The “Widow’s Son” in the “Ancient Craft of Masonry” is applied to Hiram, the architect of the Temple, see 1st Kings 7:14. The Masons call themselves “Sons of The Widow”. In fact in French Masonry “Son of the Widow” is synonymous with Masonry. Now, Serrano begins in his book “Son of the Widow” that this millennial Temple-construct was built on a lie carefully crafted! And that the foundations of this history, this “story never existed in the first place.” Serrano also says that the Jewish Rabbis themselves admit this. That the Old and New Testaments are just fables and none of that “history” ever really happened, including “ancient Egypt” of course. However, Serrano makes it known, that he believes that the Son of the Widow is identified with the “Son of Man” which is the Astral Body. He identifies Parzival as the Son of the Widow also, and that Lilith is the Widow herself, the Bride of Lucifer.

My point here, is that in 2002, Miguel Serrano was questioning the entire History of humanity. And this is Esoteric Hitlerism.

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Here at the base of the rock-pillars of Externsteine the initiate of Esoteric Hitlerism can symbolically see the reversal of our time, beginning with death to the outer-self imprisoned in the false system of the World, it is congruent with the ‘Death’s Head’ totenkopf worn by the SS. The material body is voluntarily made a living sacrifice to the Self, and the formed personality is dissolved to allow the body to be hollowed out until it is just an empty vessel, a coffin of matter waiting to be filled by the spirits of the immortal Aryan Dead, because “only the deeds of the dead remain eternal”. The base of the individual; the true Self opens at the substratum that reconnects with the pre-existent. The previous worldly self dissolves into nothingness, leaving only a void, an empty vessel into which the astral blood of the Aryan Dead can be transmuted by the Divine Warriors, this is the way of ‘Mystical Death’ and the re-birth of the Aryan, this is the path of Esoteric Hitlerism, for death is re-birth. …The one who looks into the pool of Stygian alone, looks into the mirror-well and will waste away alone, because the Stygian pool is symbolic of the ancient water-rites of binding oaths between folk, the oath is made to someone else, it cannot be to yourself, only after re-birth can the initiate make the oath, the holy oath of Esoteric Hitlerism is Meine Ehre heisst treue; “My Loyalty is my Honor” and the oath is made to Adolf Hitler, the eternal Avatar of Lucifer and the Spirit of the Fuhrer.

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Interesting user

I was in the bunker as bullets and shrapnel flew, I asked the fuher in a hoarse voice, "who do we fight for if you die super-man-god?"

He said: For the jews, for I am jew


Hitler said that “whoever thinks that National Socialism is only a political movement, doesn’t understand anything.” National Socialism was always Hitlerism, and Hitlerism always had an esoteric background. At the end of the 1930’s and during the war years, it was not possible or convenient that this theme be widely known. However, after the war and its apparent loss, there was no other way for Hitlerism than the esoteric development. For me Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious which the Greeks used to call Gods – among them Apollo, which is really Wotan for the Germans and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus – and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors. That means a new/old religion, with all its rituals and myths which are necessary to discover or rediscover. Its central drama is the apparition on this earth of the Person of Adolf Hitler, the last Avatara who came to produce this enormous storm or catastrophe in order to wake all those asleep and to open the New Age which will come after the Deluge.

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