Name one thing they are wrong about

Name one thing they are wrong about

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Having sex

Not all women are cunts.
Repetitive negative viewpoints over time reinforce and heighten paranoia at the cost of happiness.
All good things in life involve risk refusing to play again only costs you

Cost me what? A reward not worth the effort?

See that’s what I’m talking about.
You’re allowing yourself to be brainwashed

Brainwashed how?
Most people become MGTOW by experience

No, it's pretty self evident, at least for someone like me. I came to realization myself before these guys even caught on. I've never actually engaged with their material

Oh no I won't get aids and wallet raped by some 300 pound whore how will I ever recover

Incel: pathetic and disgusting

>tfw MGTOW have achieved more in 10 years than MRA in 50

Seething whore

To be fair, MRA is old school and was around before the internet. The internet was ground zero for Mgtow and they used it successfully as a tool. Plus more radical opinions typically garner more attention. Not saying mgtow is wrong

good post

why are you in this thread if you can't handle people disagreeing with you retard

I think that is because females are getting worse at an exponential rate. Even as recently as ten years ago they weren't all massive bitter land whale nasty sluts

>hurr incel
Nice argument bruh

>Just wife a used up slut goy

MRAs tried to argue rationally with feminists and not only did they manage absolutely nothing but they got labeled as a hate group while radical feminists are allowed to speak freely with no consequence.

True, it will only get worse from now on, unlimited female choice and male thirst are recipe for disaster.

Literally "Oedipus Complex: The Movement"

I am not protecting anyone here. I'm just saying MRA had circumstancial deficiencies so that a 1:1 comparison isn't fair. Now, ideologically, yeah, MRA are a bunch of cucks and beta bois who tried taking the high road. They failed and will be remembered as failures

MGTOW are right on one point: men should always pursue their own goals and never pursue women.

but that wasn't my argument. stop being a victim you obnoxious cunt.
who the fuck are you to deserve a virgin?

>tfw MGTOW have achieved more in 10 years than MRA in 50
I don't know anything about this subject, but what did MGTOW achieve?

Literally advocating for used up cock carousel cunt lmao

Very true.

What does MGTOW have to do with incest

Pretty much, worrying about getting laid only makes your life worse. No matter what they say women need men much more than vice versa.

You seem upset

Women are getting scared because their supply of beta boys are running out

It's funny how less I care about women, the more attention I recieve.
MGTOW is cope, however. Getting girls/women isn't really that hard. They're almost like boys.

no, really. why are you entitled to be a women's first?
>You seem upset
you know how when you see someone act pathetic and refuse to fix their own problems and you run out of pity so all you can feel is seething rage? it's like that.

This mainly. After Jamal leaves her cunt sloppy and her pregnant, who will "man up" and clean up the mess?

It's a preference and I can refuse to settle.

Yeah I know how tried that is.
MGTOW is just abut refusing to engage in long term relationships because marriage is turning into modern slavery.

>refuse to fix their own problems
Sounds like modern women

>Getting girls/women isn't really that hard.
The hard part is maintaining and being consistent in a relationship

No one thinks they deserve any kind of female but real men respect themselves by rejecting all non virgins. Would you eat dog shit just because you want a burger? Used females are worse than dogshit

I've literally never felt that. Is this a common bug in Normie programming? It doesn't sound healthy

Why is it that when women refuse to commit and give up their gender roles they are called strong and independent but when men do it they are called childish and irresponsible?

Because incels

They don't believe anything they say they just want to control you. Never listen to females

sounds like someone who wants the entire world to bend to his will because he doesn't want to deal with it
i mean ok but you're going to remain a virgin unless you get really lucky or give in
you should try getting more human interaction
what the fuck are you on about? why are only virgins worthwhile? are you THIS insecure?

>sounds like someone who wants the entire world to bend to his will because he doesn't want to deal with it
You just described every woman

>get more human interaction so you can start hating people in worse conditions of life
I do not follow
>you will remain a virgin
Yes, a reality I've accepted.

Their name. I mean, that's pretty basic, I dunno how they managed to fuck that up.

>hating people in worse conditions of life
well no but actually yes. some people put themselves in that position and refuse to move from there, they just whine about it for pity points. they deserve all the shit they get.
>Yes, a reality I've accepted.
why do you hate non-virgins so much?

No people have been calling all women sluts since the word was invented
Wait half a century you'll see everything is cyclical

That's not true MRAs would threaten women with violence and demand freedom for convicted rapists
Maybe a few good points
Mostly just incels (we called them nice guys back then) doing what they do now

>they deserve all the shit they get
From normies, yes. I have compassion and don't feel the need to go out of my way to make already destitute people feel worse.
>why do you hate
I don't think "hate" is the right word. It's more like being unattracted to fat or deformed people. It's a biological preference and it's mostly subconscious

MGTOW are just guys who want to put a woman on the same pedestal as their mother.

They act like men are good and women are bad. In reality men are also shit, I mean sure a ton of women are horrible people but so are a ton of men.
In my life when I've been bullied in school it's been almost always by men. When I had trouble the ones who cared about me where always women, not men. When I've been backstabbed it was always by men.
I've met terrible people of both genders.
So sure men can go "their own way" and not date women but I think that really shouldn't imply that men are good and women are bad because that's false. People suck in general.

I have been waiting more than 50 years if you don't think females are getting worse you must be 10 years old

>women can't be criticized because some men are bad
I agree

>MRAs would threaten women with violence
And feminists have demanded men to be castrated
>Mostly just incels (we called them nice guys back then)
Ah more shaming language

Proof that all MGTOW are illiterate crybabies who would rather take a point out of context than possibly change their mind by debating the actual point.

Beta isn't a real thing the man who coined the term spent the rest of his life decrying it. He thought he was observing natural Wolf behavior, but they were in cages. When after his book came out he had enough funding to study more wolves actually in the wild. They behaved way more civilized than what he had previously observed. What he actually documented was prison behavior in animals. If you aren't being raped constantly you are not a beta.

That's not what I said, dumbass. I only said that it's wrong to think that only women are bad and that men are good.
Dumb posts like yours is why everyone hates MGTOW.

Men are objectively superior to women, they are responsbile for almost all artistic and scientific achievements of humanity, they have maintained multiple civilizations on their own while women didn't and every time you point it out they start babbling about patriarchy.

They are ugly though

To me mgtow is the recognition that all non virgins are used up garbage

i wouldn't say it's that strong but whatever
>I have compassion
i'm not talking about people who are down on their luck, i'm talking people who refuse to fix their problems then whine about them. like homeless people who are given a million bucks then waste it on drugs and booze and remain homeless because of that. they deserve being shat on because they had every chance they needed and refused to even take the first step. fuck those people

>and every time you point it out they start babbling about patriarchy.
It's true though. If men make sure women can't compete (for example by denying them proper education) then it's not fair to compare them.

"Going your own way" accomplishes nothing except making you alone.

Generalizing half of all humanity is wrong.

Women are not evil nor are men, they're just people, and people are fucked up.

They're just like the incel community. MGTOW are brainwashing men so that they can bring people down with them. There's a serious crab-in-a-bucket syndrome when you try to leave or improve in the MGTOW community.

>Beta isn't a real thing
t. beta

Women are evil you stupid incel I can't believe you endorse slavery

Hate whoever you like. That's not my bag though. And I'm not sure how saying "preference" is too strong but you saying I "hate" non-virigns is acceptable but whatever

We now have extreme matriarchy and yet women still can't achieve anything without massive diversity quotas and cash thrown into them

hHhaha MGTOWs being right about anything is hilarious, they all just dumb dick who don't even understand they use the EXACT same rhetoric and ideas as the feminazi left just with a different viewpoint. There isn othing more pathetic on this planet than self-confessed MGTOW..
They're pure cancer to manhood and manliness. Weakling who run and hide and whine instead of standing up for themselves.
And no running, hiding and whining is NOT standing up for your self. It's just being PATHETIC!!!

>We now have extreme matriarchy
lmao sure we do...

i mean it's too strong to be instinct like you say it is. i would also like a virgin but it's not nearly as much of a turn off not to be one as someone being deformed or obese

>we now have extreme matriarchy

Imagine being someone who actually believes this.

this, i've never met a MGTOW that wasn't a weak little beta faggot.

Women have equal rights to men and in a lot of cases more while having none of the responsibilities, modern society is extremely gynocentric and they are still not happy.

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Oh, I see. Well, considering I'd have to put in extreme effort to even get a used up slut, I'm not going to accept anything less than a virgin if I actually put in that effort. But I'm not going to so it's a null point in the end

If I don't feel sexually attracted to women am I a MGTOW?
>inb4 no you are gay
I never had sex with a man either.

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>Hurr durr MGTOW is feminism for men
Watch this retard

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If we lived in a matriarchy, we'd have nationwide walk-in abortions, mandatory maternity leave, free birth control, and one week off every month for period cycles.

I won't except less than a month off for every period

I am sure we will get there in a decade.

This is the typical mgtow, a 6 foot 6 ex marine Chad who can have his turn with any female but chooses not to because they all are garbage

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None of that has anything to do with mgtow

holy shit this autism. this guy is treating selfishness, defeatism, cowardice, constant anger, and overgeneralization as good things

>I must defend m'lady so she will let me sniff her socks

Thanks for proving my point, do you have any actual arguments instead of name calling?

I'm a guy, but I agree with free condoms and 1 week period leave for some female collegues.

this guy is treating selfishness, defeatism, cowardice, constant anger, and overgeneralization as good things. this is clearly wrong. do you still need me to elaborate?

There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first
We realise that current system is fucked and not worth preserving
Yeah not wanting to marry a used up whore and getting divorce raped is true cowardice
>constant anger
We am not angry, we are just giving up
You are doing exactly the same

Literally you

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Bitching about women when you've supposedly gone your own way.
Their own ultimate nature.

>warning other men not to fall into the marriage trap = bitching
Ok roastie

>There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first
but there is. not only does it mean you are extremely vain, it also fucks you in the relationship because you don't care for your gf
then do something about it you lazy fuck
it is. the chances of that happening are minimal.
>constant anger
don't lie to me. you are fucking angry. there isn't a single ATOG thread without you calling someone a whore for daring to be born female
but i'm not. i'm talking about this one guy.

The pool of beta providers is shrinking and this genuinely scares her

Why should you care about society that gives you nothing in return? Fuck off I am not obliged to fix shit, it's not my falut that my ancestors were dumb enough to give women voting rights.
>chances of that happening are minimal
Hahahaha more than half of marriages end in divorce with woman usually initiating it
Yes I am fucking angry so what should I do? You also would be angry if others constantly treated you like shit.

>not a single rebuttal in the entire thread
Why am I not surprised

So the incel reveals himself? That image is cope and so is your whole existence. You can't argue your side and are generally pathetic. Have sex

>Why should you care about society that gives you nothing in return?
i'm not a psychopath. stopped reading.

Kek that is the way it is. My sjw daughter was telling me feminism is to make everyone equal I asked her if they had a mens center at her school like they have a woman's center and she basically responded no mysogynist fragile males blah blah. All females are garbage I told her to fuck off

>having a daughter

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>have sex

Is this fucktard trying to hit as many points on the NPC bingo?

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I should have aborted them and had sons they really turned into evil people in high school

Yeah you are just a cuck

It's an individualist movement that would lead to the collapse of civilization. It's an extension of liberalism as opposed to solving the problem with anti-feminist collective politics like fascism.