Do you wish for war? Are you so tired of this world in which everything is slowly decending into madness...

Do you wish for war? Are you so tired of this world in which everything is slowly decending into madness, that you wish for the extreme, for the last and most problematic solution?

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Why wish for something inevitable? Just enjoy the peace even if it's become stagnation.

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No aussies in the next war, sorry

I get the the feeling that I was born for nothing but the inevitable war to come.

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Si vis pacem, para bellum

Go to sleep germany, you cant even own an army anymore.

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I often feel the very same thing...


It's not just about Germany. The next war will be big.

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Can't wait if I'm honest. Peace is "nice" but so boring.

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Show me your war face!

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Yes brother

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You better have tissues on hand user

No, because wars are the Jews' harvests.

Peace is nice, but it bears terrible people who make terrible decisions


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Not if we go at it again (hopefully we won't though)

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I'd have to agree. Peace has to be deserved/fought for, otherwise it's worthless. You can really see that with how most people are behaving nowadays. The good old good times create weak men is not that far off.

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If I want war then I would have to give up my children and grandchildren to the war machine.

To answer your question: No, fuck no, I do not wish for war.

Your question only makes me wonder, how stupid are you?

War is a test of man's body
Peace is a test of man's mind

I guess people are just not seeing the incredible worth of peace anymore (including me). In school history is taught in a disillusioning way so that nobody even gets thoughts of revolution

>Do you wish for war?
>Are you so tired of this world in which everything is slowly decending into madness, that you wish for the extreme, for the last and most problematic solution?
I'd rather a have military putsch to oust the clique of bureaucrats/post-modernists/pseudo-intellectuals to curb stomp all of their aspirations to redistribute wealth while installing themselves as the elite class doing the benefitting. That or some parties finally slipping their leash or inhibitors and actually engage in violence, right now it’s constant threatening, censoring and attacking peoples livelihoods; I want them to just engage already and show their true face.

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Very well said Bulgarianon

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>Peace is a test of man's mind
Sure feels like it. I feel like becoming more insane for every day to goes by. I feel like a fucking time bomb waiting to go off.

>In school history is taught in a disillusioning way so that nobody even gets thoughts of revolution
Yeah, our history teacher could not emphasise more on the fact just how evil and bad the Nazis were back in WW2.

>I want them to just engage already and show their true face.
This too.

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This is what makes me so angry about politics right now, especially how the EU is constantly censoring their citizens voices while continuing to play nice with every nation that is constantly insulting them

Only if its White(the 10%) vs Non White(the 90%).

If its White vs White.
That's a no from me, Mr Goldstein.

Just another excuse to flood European lands with more non whites after losing millions more young men would serve the white genocide plan very well.

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Frankly, I am unfulfilled by my work as a programmer and my government is pure leftist. Sure I do, it would be a new experience to savor.

War is also only ever talked about as if there were absolutely no good aspects to it (of course war is bullshit but it also seems that pure times of 'peace' (which, in fact, are only the cold war 2.0) are also bad for society

Because I am a conscript and it's fucking gay, no. I do not wish for war.


Are you me? Well I'm currently finishing my Ausbildung but ultimately am also going to be programmer.

"Real" peace hasn't existed for I don't know how long. There have always been conflicts all around the globe. Even today with what you can witness in the middle east. And yeah war in and of itself is not good but I always like to look at it differently. What was the war fought for? Power? Resources? Peace? There can be multiple reasons why a war is fought.

It doesn't matter if you want it or not, we are poised and the situation cannot be remedied by voting. At this point it would take one significant political action to kick off the violence from either party.

Trump is playing his cards close to his chest since the investigation has finished. He even said last night that he didn't want to give anything away. He's letting the AG handle things to maybe distance himself from what's about to go down. If heads start flying, that will do it.

Either way, I do not see how we can not CW 2 after the next election. If Trump wins, the left are going to shit bricks... if Dems win we will almost immediately fall into SJW libshit hell.

Two other things that might kick it off are Senate bill 894 and the Nation Popular Vote Alliance.

Just stock up is all that I can say.

CW2 is a possibility. trump winning again could be the trigger that sets everything into motion, essentially making people go apeshit crazy and take up their arms

Shame your nationalist soldiers were caught before they exterminated said government. It would have been so kino.
One of the Lieutenant's blabbed about it to the wrong person which got the coup troops caught just a week before it was meant to be carried out at the opening of the German parliament in the so called "Day X plot"

Shame it led to a purge of the Bundeswehr where it turned out over 40% of barracks in Germany were openly displaying National Socialist ideology,aesthetics and dreams of a reborn Reich. Troops that weren't imprisoned or sacked were demoted and placed on "radicalisation" watchlists. Full numbers are classified as are ranks of those involved all we know is there were a group of at least 20 army officers orchestrating it with soldiers under their command. They still aren't sure if they've stopped it fully.

They then ended up finding another plot by German special forces to take out the President of Germany lmao.
No wonder the white traitors want a non white army to "defend Europe and reflect its modern status". More like "to suppress European uprisings against the anti white governments"

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the neonazis here are stupid fucking idiots who hate everyone with migration history, even those who are already perfectly integrated. No need to hope for those idiots to turn the tables


No, but it feels similar because the German experience is fairly comparable. My life is solid middle class by its outter appearance but it does not offer me anything. There is no glory in anything, nothing to strife for. No adrenaline rush. Its just plain boring. I hate it. Everything different is welcome from my pov at this point. I am also conscriptable as I have completed standard military training so I have put my money where my mouth is. Even if I had to pay the toll by not surviving it does not really phase me. My life is boring anyway. Why continue till I am 80 (cause that is the likely retirement age anyway)?

EVERYONE here is more or less middle class. Nobody here grew up starving in a slum. That's why we're essentially a clone army

whenever a /ww3g/ pops up i feel alive like i never do

Not everyone can afford the same amenities. By middle class I mean a nice house without sand nigger neighbours with an Audi, BMW or Mercedes in the garage. Still didnt help. I am still bored and annoyed.

Could have been based

That's literally upper class man. We're upper middle class and everyone here owns either a VW or an Opel

Based and Bundeswehr pilled

Feel the same way.
Europe feels like a boiling pot. When people wake up and realize whats going on, an all out war is likely.
I hope it happens and the Nationalists win this time, so we can Nuke the EU and everybody can live at peace in their country.

The coming war isn’t something one wishes for it is something one recognizes as being inevitable.

So is it really ultimately inevitable?

My hope is that someday soon they will have to do this to the US Army, crippling it as a tool of Jewish power:

Depends. I wont give too many details but I own a performance car of one of the 3 said brands (M, S or AMG). Still, my life is comparable to yours. I still shop at Rewe, Aldi and Teegut. I still watch the same mcculture shit (if I had not thrown out my TV altogether).

you're literally waiting to do something until it becomes popular. go full NZ, pussy.

They weren't (((neo-nazi's)))
Anyone who uses that term or identifies with that term is either a controlled op or legitimately stupid. The National Socialists only ever referred to themselves as National Socialists or "The party".

>perfectly integrated
They've still invaded and occupied your nation. They have no genetic background,cultural,racial or historical links to your homeland. They will never be German and they most certainly will never be European.
You're dying out quickly just like most of northern and western Europe. (((Civic Nationalism))) is the suicide of the west.

Nice try Schlomo

That's kinda why I said we're all somewhat middle class, sorry i we misunderstood eachother or whatever

No I am afraid of death

The ringleaders definitely know what they're doing, the rest of them are benefiting of it unaware of how it became. They preach to solve everything without violence while using all the proxies available to them to erode away individual freedoms until no other option than giving up or physical violence remains; then they'll use slander and set their loyal henchman and bloodhounds loose on you. I'm honestly surprised there are no parties or political movements right now calling them out on this behavior and showing they are fully aware of what they’re doing. This violence by proxy is as underhanded as it is sickening, it is the mark of the hypocrites and snakes slithering through the loopholes of the system.

Good Times create weak men after all...

I assume you need at least 50 Million bucks net worth to dramatically change your life

I don't mean the middle east's people, I mean polish, russian, italian, asian and turkish people (though those are a case for themselves...)

The latter 2 gotta leave

Daily reminder:
(((White Nationalism))) to Americans is beyond retarded as under US classification "white" is every racial group in existence except for East Asians and Sub Saharans.
Arabs? White
Pakistani's? White
Indians? White
Eurasians? White
The mixed race "Hispanics"(US only term)? White

No wonder the sheep think "whites" are the world majority instead of the world minority. The ZOG really got the US good.

It should be European Nationalism. Not "white" to differentiate it between the US classification system.

>Turkish people

What the actual fuck?

>Even if I had to pay the toll by not surviving it does not really phase me. My life is boring anyway. Why continue till I am 80 (cause that is the likely retirement age anyway)?
Pretty much this.

Pretty much.
They aren't European. They are central Asian invaders that occupy European land and committed genocide and slavery(both menial and sexual) against the European people for centuries.

And asians are european? The turks which live in my area are mostly nice people with only a handful of them acting as retarded as the special ed kids

quick answer: yes
long answer: yes

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Asians aren't either whether West Asian,North Asian,South Asian or East Asian. None of them are European.

plenty of us here brother

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They both gotta go and they arent nice people

yeah that was a rhetorical question since my post wasn't exclusively about europeans

If you say so mate, I don't have a problem with them

Germans always starting wars. We can totally win with democracy. Be in a 99%+ white state elect only white people how hard can it be guys we're white we can do anything.

They unironically rob us of our ressources, vote leftist crap, commit rape to the degree even feminist Alice Schwarzer admitted it and have a low IQ. They started the transgression by moving here

Preach on, nigger.
>but do it back at Reddit

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hey if you say so mate it's alright, not gonna argue with you about race politics

Bring it on!

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Why does migrant human garbage like you always roll into these threads to post your worthless "opinions"?
You don't belong in Europe, case closed.
Fucking shitskin

>Do you wish for war?
stop ruining europe. you fucking niggers

I dont get what drives people like you to like them. They are unironically the biggest threat here. They vote right wing in their home country while going full gibs me dat and racism victim here. There is literally not 1 trait that is good in the Turks

>Do you wish for war?
Nope, and I can guarantee not one of you autistic fags would volunteer to fight.

>[Insert country] ruined X!!!
Classic turdroach rapebabby who doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together
YOUR country got "ruined" by banks and your shit-tier """"nationalism""" the likes of which can be expected from some goatfucking arab, helps nobody
I could take a look at 5 random greekroach politicians and guess that Germany had nothing to do with the state of your tourist trap shithole other than profiteering off your misery, much like the chinks who now own your ports, well done Spyros

Because they fuck their women, dont chimp out and dont understand the long term implication of them growing each year.

>not one of you autistic fags would volunteer to fight
Says you.

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>Do you wish for war?
absolutely not. I just built an new gaming computer and I want to have plenty of time to enjoy it in the near future

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"People" like him are those "integrated" turdroaches the faggot was going on about. Either a mutt or a full on turd, the scum feels like he belongs in Europe. You can see it fron his point of view, his ratfuck parents ran off from some shithole, so Mehmet will kick and scream and post every single cope possible before he'd leave

The only thing your turdroach overlords fuck, rapebabby, is funnily enough east euro village bicycles

>I just built an new gaming computer and I want to have plenty of time to enjoy it in the near future
Gotta be 18 to post here

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I dont remember asking the opinion of an immigrant

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I'm half german, half polish you fucking piece of shit, don't assume bullshit you don't know about motherfucker


Its true. The entry into the working class has also damaged their community. Many cannot marry Turkish women here anymore since they demand more or arent willing to marry at all. Hence they resort to importing women from Turkeys poor areas or even Thailand.

Don't use it.
I do lurk on it a few of them though mainly for grand strat news and geopolitical discussions.

OwO, Freikorps

I am half German half Norwegian.

Oh no, the fucking streetshitter of europe is trying to put me down by pretending Im an immigrant, ohnonononoNNOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

post your sister's camwhoring page, Im done with you