Regardless of the reason...

Regardless of the reason, is it bad if a healthy Jow Forums 30 year old male did not spend his twenties dating and hooking up?

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Yes. Absolutely unattractive. You don't know how to pleasure a woman and that's the most important thing in a relationship.

Yeah, because you're either mentally emotionally socially maladjusted, or you're religious or something.

Why? I decided to exercise, take care of myself, and focus on building my career and wealth. What’s so bad about that?

I literally already said it. You'll be a dead lay, clingy, and just gross in general. Have sex

but from what everyone says, sex will die off after a few months to a year

Read my post dipshit.

Nope. Happens all the time, but im sure Jow Forums won’t agree. Should tell you enough.

>or you're religious or something.

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Why the fuck are you asking us if you already heard what you wanted to hear?

You’re only talking about sex

Which is the bedrock of any meaningful relationship. Grow up, bud.

How is that so when you don’t have sex everyday, maybe not even everyweek

Yeah, you've got some serious maturity problems. Literally just fuck a prostitute and come back

>grow up, bud.
Lol. So the OP is mature and not a sex obsessed person, and you tell him to “grow up”. I bet if all he cared about is sex you’d tell him “grow up”

Why the fuck would I do that? That’s degenerate

Prostitutes are for losers real men fuck unpaid whores

Degeneracy implies a system of morals. You have none. You're just a scared virgin.

It's based and alpha and you have successfully set yourself free of the chains of low tier impulses.

This. Fuck off op, you creep

I’m not a virgin


Anyway, you're a little behind but you can easily fix this, especially now that you're older, Jow Forums and have a career. How much actual experience have you had with women up to this point?

1 gf a long time ago