Are there to many shitskins for them to recover if they stop immigration?
How fucked is Germany?
Other urls found in this thread:
Definitely not. They’re doing much better than we are. Because mass immigration has been entrenched in our country since the 70’s, while they had a spike in illegal immigration in 2015
another 800k heading their way with the Libyan war ramping up
Good whites will need a place to start a new homeland
At this point we're still quite white. If we stopped letting people in tomorrow and expelled everyone with non Germanic background, we could easily recover.
How soon?
I hope so, I’ve visited Germany 20 years ago and it was great
keep it in good memory
it gets worse day by day
>If we stopped letting people in tomorrow
But we won't though. How much time does Germany have till the point of no return?
doesn`t matter anyway
in about 10 years all the bayboomer retire
we cannot compensate this loss of qualified workers/taxpayers nor can we pay their rents
germany will crumble
EU is next because without german money it won`t work anymore
checked and nice
It’s completely fucked. I was there last week and literally every brown shot skin had a young attractive German woman. A lot of the women were wearing hijabs too and there were tons of shots kind everywhere.
pretty fucked, more an economics than a nigger problem, they loot european industry for they own benefit and soon it will be payback time, once again they manage to destroy the entire continent, and, like usual, other country are going to pay the bill, but don't get wrong they will be punish for they imperialism fantasy
Are the white men too weak there? Is that why the women seek out shitskins or did they fall for Jew propaganda
Surprisingly the economy is doing great.
Because boomers are still working
Triggered Frog.
Germany isn't looting Europe. Your problem is, that your shitholes economy isn't competitive, that's why you are struggling. More than half of your workforce is employed by the state, there is tremendous overregulation, strikes and civil unrest, increasing crime rates,...
Do I need to go on? It's not Germanies fault, that their economy is better than yours. It's fucking yours. You need to stop blaming others for your shortcomings.
Zero growth and nearly entering into a recession...
Greece will save us.
Germany for Germans.
t. a non-German.
>nearly entering into a recession
Germany is lost. Send them there and nowhere else.
Surprised Merkel hasn't been gangraped yet.
>Surprised Merkel hasn't been gangraped yet.
Not that surprised considering what she looks like. She is immune to all rape
You know that shit won't happen though, you can't expel those who are already there because:
1. their kids will have german citizenship
2. muh human rights.
all fucked nukes bitte
And they don’t have guns...sad
>At this point we're still quite white
If you consider 20% muslim to be "quite white"
that is great because only leftie retards still life around and relax with shitskins hahahah
they deserve all of this.
real germans are all rural and armed
Shit and that will double fast
projecting again mutt
Like white Americans, rural and armed nice
but wait you mutts don't know the difference from an albanian or german anyway because you faggots are mutted beyond repair and never saw an actual white person ever
>shitholes economy isn't competitive
yeah thats true , but why its not competitive ? because the euro currency has been custom made for the german economy, if France recovered his own currency, it will devaluate against german mark, and this competitive problem will vanish immediatly
and its even worse for italy and spain
look at this trade balance chart : in 1999 the euro is introduce, its been downhill since then
germany cheated and play an non-cooperative game, in fact they played an agressive econonic war game, the whole european union is just a cover up
>More than half of your workforce is employed by the state
thats why we have great infrasctures, cheap electricity (nuclear power), free college education that produce good qualified workers
and they get all the bucks for being EUs agriculture power...
i wonder when uk leaves which nation will take over the financial sector
Not all of us are Mutts.
The thing is it depends. I'm living in a white area and live like in a bubble.
But I go for example to Dortmund Nordmarkt or Duisburg Marxloh I'll die a bit inside. Those parts are like North Afrika or Gypsy Romania in summer
Won’t matter if the young people replacing your workers are niggers . They barely work and can’t learn anything too technical
>your shitholes economy isn't competitiv
t. german pilpul
1) Business that isnt German, French of Belgian is competitive
2) Eurokikes push regulations
3) Business from step 1) is not competitive anymore
4) Germans, French or whoever the fuck buys said business
muh competitiveness meme, fuck you literally hitler, gj that you will die with germans
when the euro came we exactly lost half of our wealth and wages while prices for everything stayed the same....
do not act like we gained anything from this shit. (the normal german i mean)
Just the way they like it
>stop immigration
Just stopping immigration is not a solution, not in Germany, not in the UK or any other western country that accepted immigration. The birthrates will fuck us even if we where to close the borders today. Mass deportation needs to happen, even for shitskins that are already citizens, but the constitution doesn't allow that. No party that has the goal to change the constitution in such a way that would allow it is allowed to exist. Western democracies have been locked down pretty tightly after ww2. The NSDAP came to power legally, but it would be completely illegal today. We are kind of fucked in a lot of ways. Probably have to go through a civil war. We can only hope that at this point, the police and military will still be majority German.
fucked, but they fucked up other countries much worse through their EU project
no you are only british,french,german,greek,albanian,italian,spanish,antartican, marsian but surely not a mutt
we got forced in the EU how is that in any way our project?
Feel very sorry for you Germans I met a German who migrated here years ago, he sell sausages and other German food, he told me much about the situation we all know, he seemed like a great person but I could see in his eyes that “if you only knew how bad things really are” look...
you can rise once again Germans, I know you will eventually snap and go on tarrant mode.
Why would I like that?
because you took it over and made it much worse for your own gain, exploiting other europeans
you'll say you had no choice in this but germans keep voting for it en masse
Well a European mutt this is true but a lot of us contain no shitskin dna
a german selling sausages in a third world country... well yeah he was one of those morons who took Jow Forums memes too serious because every smart person would choose a better country and not your pisshole and would not sell fucking sausages like a peasant
thats is both the force and the weakness of germany, you are docile people who follow the rules, even if they are stupid and against your own interest, history demonstrated that multiple time
And a shit ton of freeloading """public servants""" who are nothing but a drain on our already catastrophic public finances.
As for the quality of our public services, I don’t know how often you take public transportation user or use "La Poste" to mail stuff but it’s really really unreliable.
Education has been dumbed down to an almost comical level in the span of a few decades (just look at the baccalauréat exams from the 1980’s and compare them to those high schoolers take now)
Emergency services are overcrowded by people who have nothing to do there but can’t be turned away by interns and doctors there so if you have a genuine emergency, you may still end up waiting hours in an emergency room.
College education is good for the most part, I’ll give you that but the lack of selective process makes it so we train thousands upon thousands of sociologists and psychologists when there’s no demand to keep up with that offer. We offer good education but in many cases, the degrees are worthless.
At least 30% for the under 5 year olds. I don't know if there is any date, but I would suspect that of the children born last year, something around 40-50% where not German. Birthrates are what will fuck us hard, not immigration. The over all percentage doesn't mean shit, all the old people boost our numbers but they can't have children anymore, they'll just die off and leave all the young Muslims.
This video war posted on the "Otago Muslim Association" facebook page under the title “Very interesting video. Only for Muslims. Please do not redistribute”
oh so you blame us that we got forced in the EU which was created to give germany never great power again but we changed it with our smart tactics and got even more powerful thanks to it?
do you really blame us for being successful?
The average whitey can slay over 10 niggers. Dout it
source me bro
germans are A political they do not understand shit about any of this and if they had any idea we would have a revolution tomorrow
as long they have their beer and football they are happy
I accidentally just deleted my whole response...
You aren't uncompetitive because of the Euroe, you are as uncompetitive as you have always been. Your wages are high, your employee protection strict, regulations strict and bureaucracy bad.
Before the Euro, you could just cheat the system by devaluing the Franc.
That's the same for your examples of Spain and Italy. The Euro is just too hard for those nations. Italy got rich by being Europes China.
But today their wages have increased, but their productivity and quality haven't increased as much. They also can't use their currency to better the situation.
>germany cheated and play an non-cooperative game, in fact they played an agressive econonic war game, the whole european union is just a cover up
The whole Union was a French idea, never forget. You still haven't explained how Germany cheated you, by just being better at what everybody agreed was to happen?
>thats why we have great infrasctures, cheap electricity (nuclear power), free college education that produce good qualified workers
It's also why your economy is rather unproductive, ailing at the moment, why your budget is a mess and so on.
Do you actually believe this shit?
Two whites in an attack helicopter can kill 100. How many niggers can pilot those?
Everything fine except the big citys with their gang crime that's just randomly not german lmao. Just heard about "organized begging" with the intention of stealing luggage. Ofc a bigger city - shit like this doesnt happen in smaller ones. So i guess it's FAAAAAAAR better than america - or whats left of it
Ah right - the euro fucked us good
Um sweatie 30% of refugees now know basic German already so as you see there is nothing to worry about non whites. Bet you weren't informed of that on ur fox news
Shut up you cunt we are fine mind your own business.
Look at Rhodesia, they absolutely slaughtered the nigger armies. Niggers are terrible at fighting wars.
Why is it always Americans that make these threads. We are WAY worse off then Germany. Visit pretty much anywhere in Germany and it’s way whiter than any city in America. Not to mention their government is actually putting in quite an effort for deporting migrants.
Maybe things are becoming a bit worse there. But we are a lot worse
mimimimi worst by day
because of some fucking unemployable dune niggers and junglers who polute the urban scenery.
Worst every day you dumb cunt compared to what. Youre such a pussy.
Germany has a population of about 81 million people, of which about 76 million are White, and 5 million are non-White; out of those non-Whites, Turks and other islamic Semites are the majority, though there are a few Syrian christians, Yazidis, Jews, etc. You get the picture. About 1 million of those non-Whites are either Black or Asian, so they aren't even of the Caucasian race. Germany peaked at about 78 million Whites by 1970 or so. After that there has been a steady decline, specially as far as ethnic Germans are concerned. Out of the births and deaths anually on the Federal Republic of Germany, a mere 500,000 births, more or less, are of ethnic Germans, while I estimate they make up about 800,000 yearly deaths. So that's about 70% of births, but some 90% of deaths registered every year on Germany. The birth rate today is about 7.63/1000 for Ethnic Germans: lowest than even Japan. In fact, if there was only Germans on Germany, that would be the lowest in the world. The decline of Ethnic Germans is not new and came a long way. Back on the 30's, Hitler (or Himmler, I don't recall exactly) already warned that, out of all European capitals, Berlin had the lowest birth rate. However, less than 20 years before that, Germany had one of the highest fertility rates in Europe (over five), and some 2,000,000 yearly births. So... from 2 million on German Empire, to 1 million under the Third Reich, to 0.5 million on the Federal Republic, all under a century. This is the end result of about two generations where the birth rate lower than 1.5. Factor the replacement rates in and you'll see how the birth rates fell from about 1 million to 0.5 million on the last fifty years.
And yet. That is not the end of the world even for Etnic Germans. The fertility rate of native Germans has been climbing for about 20 years - from a low of 1.45 to around 1.6 today. While it may seem surprising the fertility rates are that high with only 7.63/1000 births, or with estimates placing the birth rate at around 1.4, that can be easily explained by using cohort birth rates, which, instead of estimating how many children will a woman have on her lifetime extrapolating the birth rate of a single year, inquiries how many children the women turning 45 on a certain year had. Cohort birth rate is thus lower than the standard birth rate back when there was a baby boomon the post-war (where a lot of women decided to have children at the same time, but not usually planning to have particularly more) but higher nowadays when a lot of women postpone their births way into the 30s and 40s. So why I'm telling you this? Because we are finally at the point where fertility rates are climbing high enough for native Europeans as to effectively stop the fall of birth rates on absolute numbers. You can see that on countries with no or negligible immigrant population - so ascribing the difference to merely the effect of immigrants is a bit contrived (for instance, the highest birth rate on Germany is on the 99% White state of Saxony). I'm predicting with a reasonable ammount of confidence that ethnic German births will hover around 500,000 for the next 35 years. The net result is that, even though death rates will climb, the overall population will diminish slower, and fertility rate will climb higher and faster than the UN predicts, for instance.
So. As for the immigrants on Germany. Let's assume 200,000 non-Whites a year. On 35 years that's about 7,000,000. Let's assume none of them dies and their fertility rate is about three - which is actually higher than the TFR on Non-Whites on Germany, even first generation non-White immigrants. Let's assume their age structure matches that of a younger country like Algeria or Egypt. So we can reasonably estimate a birth rate of about 24/1000 on these immigrants. That's 4,800 extra non-Whites for every 200,000 of them - an increase of 2.4%. If we start 2015 with 200,000 non-White immigrants and keep all the way to 2050, the first year will have an extra 200,000 immigrants and no births, the second year 200,000 immigrants and 4,800 births... and the last year, after 35 years, about 200,000 immigrants and 258,000 births. The graph is exponential rather than linear, but even if it was linear - that would be about 11,527,000 extra non-Whites in Germany after 35 years. Randomly assuming the non-Whites already in Germany will grow proportionaly as much as the population of Turkey, that will make about 8 million, up from 6 million today. So... some 19 million non-Whites by 2050 on this rather pessimistic, business-as-usual scenario (since it assumes the fertility rates of immigrants and their yearly immigration will remain sky-high for over three decades). If I recall correctly the values I used on the thread were based on a nearly constant 600,000 births for Whites in Germany over the next 35 years, for the reasons I mentioned above, plus the 300,000 yearly White immigration which will come with the 200,000 yearly non-Whites (based on 2013 and 2014 as mentioned in the news on the OP). But even if you assume no White immigration - then the population of Whites will drop from 75 to 65 million in the next 35 years, plus the 19 million non-Whites, that's about 78.3% of Whites by 2050, down from over 90% today.
Shut the fuck up you frog fucker and simply compare some hard numbers of france to germany. Your schools suck, your math skills suck, your innovation is lacking behind and your overbloated state scares away everyone who still could contribute to your fucked up nation. Go fucking die already maybee i come to your funeral.
t. roach
>compared to what
To not having a bunch of niggers and sandniggers in the country, breeding like rabbits and being on the way to become the majority your retard.
Watch this:
no they do not... we still have rapefugees from the balkan wars man...
if 10 go 500 come here in a day...
this shit will never end and their countries do not even accept their fellow subhumans
>noch so ein behindi normie
Do we have anything close to cities like Baltimore? Do we have anything close to the murder and violent crime rates that the USA has?
verpiss dich Malte Flieder Wunderblume
You can't stop once you start. Foreigners advocate for more foreigners. And for more representation in all aspects of the society. And the erasure of the native culture.
It's nowhere even close to that, dude.
The vast majority of immigrants in Germany are fellow Whites from other European countries.
That video has been debunked multiple times The numbers in there are all wrong.
Furthermore, while it is true that immigrants tend to be younger on average than the native population, take into account the fact that the population with a more complete demographic pyramid has all the advantages
For one, people over 30 and even 40 have children now in Germany.
But more importantly, the 20 or 30 something years old non-Whites in Germany right now will have to wait far longer for their newly born children to grow up and reproduce while Germans have far more teenagers who are going to grow up and have White children of their own.
We're talking about significant wage gaps in non-White pyramids.
>America is even worse
>Therefore we're fine
America almost has a non-white majority you dumb nigger. How does comparing us to them make our situation not completely fucked?
This is your enemy? These pathetic whipping boys? Niggers and sandniggers? This is your big threat? The worthless children they make puts you in an existencial crisis? Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me and you call me retard.
I don't need to watch your dumbass boomer fearmongering internet documentations i rather read the Lamentations of Germany from the 17th hundreds and you maybee should too to get a grip how weak and pathetic your panics and fears are compared to the overall human expierience.
HMU at (774) 503-5182. Looking for friend
t. achmed al almani
>being that much of a pissy pussy
Traitors before enemies, Sören.
i think duisburg and berlin are already beyond 40%
My friend, literally every claim in that video is wrong.
I'm not saying the situation is good, but let's not fall into the alarmist trap. Right now, no country in Europe stands a chance of becoming majority non-White in 2100, let along majority muslim, without either MUCH greater levels of immigration or the slaughter of the native population.
Things chance change, of course, but that video is wrong.
public services quality plunge i agree, but the country still hold great attractivness, France problem is not the weight or so called inefficiency of the public sector, its his massive unemployment and sufocating economy due to a currency not wich is not adapted to his economy
before euro we where net exporter of manufactured goods, we where selling car around all europe, because they where cheap and reliable, but germany stole that makert, around many others
devaluating is not cheating, in fact thats exactly what germany do right now, but by lowering they wages, thats working very well if one country do it, but thats a parasiter strategy, if everyone played this game euope would fall in economics depression because someone has to buy your product, by doing that you kill your own internal consuption so you have to found somone else to buy your production
>The whole Union was a French idea
thats true, but French elite played a different game, they dreamed of a real european federation, and tough that the euro could help that, problem is they where fooled and trap at theyre own game
Because a dumbass burger asked the bait question you moron.
But fine you wanna compare germany to germany go ahead and pick a time you rather live in. Maybee during the Marktgrafen Wars? Or the Prussian Expansion? Or maybee the Wars with the Hungarians? Or when the French came marauding across the rhine everytime they needed some money.
Seriously you fucknut do you even have any idea of what this is about.
Funny how some Achmeds that come here poor and dragged on one side serf you as a mockery, on the otherhad they are a threat to the nation.
So what is it.
>That video has been debunked multiple times
Prove? It lines up with official statistics I have seen.
>people over 30 and even 40 have children now in Germany
We are below replacement level.
until many of them start telling you "I was born in germany, you cant deport me because my country of origin is germany"
if you let in migrants you will never get rid of them because this shit
>We are below replacement level.
Good because i don't see any reasons to replace a bitchass pussy like you.
80 million people in Germany
40 million are german by 2020
Who are other?
>i was born here
nigger this isn't how it works in germany nor by tradition or by law.
Fucking foreigners you always meddle in our stuff but you don't know shit and i wanna cut all your throats.
You mean some millions Achmeds?
>Wars in the past wheren't so nice
Demographic replacement is irreversible at a certain point. Yes, wars are not nice, starvation or illness is not nice, but the demographic invasion that is happening right now is something entirely different.
Not where I live city retard
>before euro we where net exporter of manufactured goods, we where selling car around all europe, because they where cheap and reliable, but germany stole that makert, around many others
And now you aren't because you aren't competitive. Germany didn't steal anything, they were just better
>devaluating is not cheating, in fact thats exactly what germany do right now, but by lowering they wages, thats working very well if one country do it, but thats a parasiter strategy, if everyone played this game euope would fall in economics depression because someone has to buy your product, by doing that you kill your own internal consuption so you have to found somone else to buy your production
It's basically cheating by circumventing the need to be competitive and using financial vehicles. The rest is bullshit
>thats true, but French elite played a different game, they dreamed of a real european federation, and tough that the euro could help that, problem is they where fooled and trap at theyre own game
France wanted a European Federation to achieve their dream of being Europes hegemon, were beat in their own game by Germany. Cry me a river.
more skulls for the skull throne.
I see how for a thiny whiny nation like slovenia numbers are realy problematic but thats not realy the point. Its just more biomass to recycle when you think about it. Millions of these drags are not nearly as problematic as real refugees, meaning women and children. When women and children come then things get ugly.
Then it is indeed fucked
so in 1 year 25 million germans will die?
>We are below replacement level
The nose was exposed.