Im in a mental hospital (internet allowed in The Netherlands) and there is a real qt here. Shes skittish...

Im in a mental hospital (internet allowed in The Netherlands) and there is a real qt here. Shes skittish, refuses to shake hands and rarely in the commom area. She just eats and goes to her room. Now shes not "shy skittish" its .. idk .. something else. It seems a bit arrogant at surface. I havent got the chance to talk to her. Only talked to her mom. Shes here for a short stay as much as I can gather.

How should I approach this? I was thinking of knocking on the door to ask for a walk but I think she would just diss me.

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You shouldn't. Looking for connections in an in-patient setting is always a mistake. Its going to damage your progress, its going to damage her progress, and given that both of you are at low points in your lives it is guaranteed to fail and fail badly.

Stop it. Focus on yourself..

Im in for four years already and not sure if Ill ever get out. Cant just ignore the need for female love

Maybe he really is focussing on himself and his innate desire for companionship and qt

Why won’t they let you leave?

Speak to your caseworker about specific policies for your institution. Also, if you're in for four years and not severely developmentally disabled, you need to take your fucking meds. You're there for noncompliance and we both know it.

If he's been in a long-term facility for four years he sure as hell isn't focusing on his treatment and trying to get laid isn't going to help. You don't go long-term care because you're lonely.

Because someone has determined that he is a risk to himself or others, or that he is incapable of caring for himself.

how's life user? Are you a murderer or just depressed? I have a friend who is depressed and had to go to such a place, it sucked and I doubt it helped him. That being said, he's still alive and that makes me feel incredibly glad.
So don't kill yourself.
based non-complier
also stay the fuck away from that girl you non-complying dangerous schizo rapist
first fix yourself before you start talking to girls mother for her daughters attention.

Shes crying in her room right now but doesnt answer knocks

How do I proceed and go about this?

I don't think she wants a stranger to come and comfort her. Get a doctor if she's not letting you in. Jesus user first say hi to her instead of listening like some rapist creep.
One more of these "I was just accidentally listening at her door and could hear her cry so I knocked to comfort her but she's not opening the door" retarded posts and I'm contacting institutions saying that one of their violent rapists is out hunting some girl
stop obsessing and go back to your room.

What went wrong man

Keep your fucking distance you fucked up weirdo. You braindead fucking baffoon.
Respect her and approach her when the time is right.

>These are the Europosters on Jow Forums
I knew you faggots were all lunatics

>he doesn't know there are 2 schizo dutchies in this thread
but one is inside an institution and one isn't :^)

The Netherlands is a mental institution.
Hopefully the EU collapses so the swamp Germans are better contained, though.

What the fuck did you do to get 4 years in a mental hospital?

My friend got a bad case of schizophrenia and was held there for a few months, got therapy and pills, they released him and now he's at home and applying for a job already.

Tbf neetbux is amazing in the Netherlands.

>being locked into a mental institution and already getting more action than me.
Fuck this world.

>swamp germans
please tell me you're a Jow Forumsack and learned the word there

I am a Jow Forumsack, but I learned the word while playing battlefield 3.

>I hear her crying but she wont respond to knocks
No wonder you're in a mental hospital you fucking creepy rapist

Did you rape someone or kill them

I work at a psych ward (Eval+Treatment Unit)

A ward is not, I repeat, not the place to find romance. You're fucking retarded. I have never seen it go well.