What's the rationale for being a nationalist in the current year...

what's the rationale for being a nationalist in the current year? coming at this from a neutral-ish perspective it sorta surprises me that despite nationalism's violent history people still parrots its principles.

i can see the use and value of a strong leadership and militart, but why a unified identity as well?

Attached: Ax01401.jpg (1500x1988, 627K)

Jews are trying to destroy the concept of nations. That alone is reason to preserve them.

>nationalism's violent history
This is a jewish meme.

you care for yourself first, then your family, then your nation and then everyone else. being nationalist is about basic human self-preservation instinct. globalists deny a fundamental human instinct, which is why sandniggers and niggers are swarming Europe. globalists deserve death

israel is as close to an ethnostate as you can get though

Name 1 (ONE) successful ideology that doesn't have a violent history

>what's the rationale for being a nationalist in the current year?
Nationalism is a mix of tribalism and territorialism.
Humans are tribal and territorial animals.
What happens when you force multiple groups (tribes) to live with each others on the same territory, especially when they do no common share history, bloodline or culture?
They compete and eventually fight for ressources and domination, sometimes it's through the economy, but more often it is through physical conflict (war).

>sorta surprises me that despite nationalism's violent history people still parrots its principles.
Human history as a whole is violent because human are violent, if you think it's about political organisation and not the nature of our species you are ignorant and should do some reading on other species.

Multiculturalism, globalism, etc... and all these nation wrecking ideologies are bringing the conflicts from in-between states to inside the states, in short it's a recipe for civil wars, collapse of the public spirit and overall destruction.

Attached: consider.jpg (600x600, 32K)

all have been violent but few have been as destructive as nationalism in a short time span.

Because you are a cuck and gay and thinking of you as someone completely unrelated to me makes me more comfortable

fair enough

>a mix of tribalism and territorialism

if that's the national state of humans then why aren't more people nationalistic right now?

Ultra-nationalism of the US and USSR produced one of the largest scientific leaps in history
From ruins of World war to exploring the final frontier in just over a decade


Nationalism is still too mild for me desu.

t. fleurdelisé


sorry autism slipped

>if that's the national state of humans then why aren't more people nationalistic right now?
Bait? Vast majority of the people on the planets are nationalistic, only a slight portion of demoralized westerners and it's only because they are brainwashed by oikophobic propaganda.

not as much bait as general curiosity. i'd expect things to move toward the natural order at some point. i see your point, though.

how so?

I am not a Nationalist, but I don't think the muslim world should have free acces to ANYWHERE except the Muslim world. Nobody needs radical muslims in Europe or america. Also Islam is a dangerous ideology and should be treated as such.

It isn't true. The first world war, for instance, mainly involved multiethnic empires such as the British Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans. Communism is ideologically opposed to nationalism and communist states killed tens of millions. The United States has a liberal internationalist ideology has been bombing the world for decades. There is nothing uniquely violent about nationalism.

what a shit map, why on earth is iceland not the same color as the uk? they occupied iceland during the war... but that fact is pretty inconvenient I guess..

The only benefit is that homogeneous societies tend to function better than heterogeneous. The whole "my culture is superior because I was born into it" is stupid imo.

A people that doesn't care more about its own culture than about other cultures is destined to go extinct.

There are aspects of other cultures inherently more superior to mine. It is stupid to not realize that.

>more superior
I truly apologize for that error

It's about survival... an europe of the nations is the only thing that can save us. nationalism

OK mr superiority, assuming you are western european (white) what culture aspects are superior to our own? Genuinely curious.

You originally wrote "my culture", not "aspects of my culture". You should value your culture more than other cultures because it's yours, just like your family is yours, even if you have relatives that aren't perfect.

>Western European
Now you're we wuzzing. Italian and French culture are not mine besides some transcendent ideals. If you want something that is not European, East Asians tend to have better family relations and their collectivism is superior to Western individualism.