There. Now you Nazis can shut the fuck up about it

There. Now you Nazis can shut the fuck up about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up kike

That has to be the most intellectually dishonest thing I've read in quite some time.

>it’s not automatic goy they have to sign something first

who said they they get automatic dual citizenship? the fact is the U.S Congress and Senate have many dual citizens in it. No country should allow dual citizens to hold governmental office since they have loyalties to other countries.

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You kikes need to be ashed

k, thanx

b...but my outdated, unsourced infographic said otherwise!

>don't have automatic dual citizenship

That's not saying they don't have dual citizenship, just that it isn't automatic.

>abraham Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency.

>false; Abraham Lincoln was not the first astronaut on the moon

Well, I for one, am glad that was all sorted out.

It's hiding in plain sight, the nose is too big to conceal now.

Typical Politifact spin:

Claim: Nazi Alt-righters claim that Joe Biden is a creepy pervert with a history of inappropriate touching and that the sun rises from the West

Fact Check: The sun rises from the East, we rate this claim "Pants on Fire"

>US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation - Telegraph

That response has absolutely nothing to do with the statement.

>That has to be the most intellectually dishonest thing I've read in quite some time.

You should see the fact check on Trump's "Grandmasters" quote. He said China were grandmasters at currency manipulation and the US has none, PolitiFacts rates this as a pants on fire lie because the US does in fact have chess grandmasters

did you even read it you babyshit brainlet?

They think they're so fucking smart.

Time to clean these kikes out of our nations, ireali mob is all over Costa Rica, god damn parasites

>let's just add words to the claim to make it false

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Time to clean these kikes out of our nations, Israeli mob is all over Costa Rica, god damn parasites burn them burn them all BBQ style

No .... comma .... members of congress (as in all members of congress) have dual citizenship, implying by default

wow that some weasel wordy bullshit intentionally written to swindle some goyim.

Nobody ever said it was automatic you filthy lying kike

I've got a whole folder of these, but am at work now.


The more I come to know their dialectic, the more I hate them, when cornered they slip through ones hands like jelly, only to reform in the next moment.

The pilpul is fucing real

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So they applied for the other citizenship? How is that any better? That’s a far worse thing to imply.

>Now you Nazis can shut the fuck up about it.
no, all dual citizens out of congress, congressional level healthcare for all Americans


All these provocative 1-post-by-this-ID bait posts - I swear it's some extra-agency infinity channer, keeping us stirred up.

Thanks, inf. channer!

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>abraham Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency.

>false; Abraham Lincoln was not assassinated with a knife

This is probably the worst strawman I have ever seen.

>THIS has been PilPul

I’m not even saying you’re wrong but
You really need to kys, immediately

> automatic

remove this word and try again, rabbi.

not until every jew is dead
>Dual Citizens in Congress? We Need to Know
>Are there any members of Congress who are dual citizens of the U.S. and another country? Possibly. In 2014, Senator Ted Cruz and then Representative Michelle Bachman attracted wide press coverage when they renounced their Canadian and Swiss nationalities respectively. Yet there is nothing in the public record that discloses the foreign citizenship of House and Senate members. NOR IS THERE ANY LEGAL REQUIREMENT FOR MEMBERS TO MAKE SUCH A DISCLOSURE.
>It seems that even the question of who is or may be a dual citizen presses a red button. Some years back I telephoned the DC office of one of my senators for help in identifying Members of Congress who hold dual citizenship. After a long pause, the response was unequivocal: “YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THAT INFORMATION!” The offices of my other senator and congressman were no more helpful, while two nonprofits promoting ethics in government failed to return my voice messages summarizing the issue.
>Until the Supreme Court decided otherwise in the 1967 case of Afroyim v. Rusk, a U.S. citizen who voted in a political election in a foreign state would lose his or her U.S. citizenship. Afroyim removed that penalty. IT MADE DUAL OR MULTIPLE CITIZENSHIP LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE.
>Not all countries allow their citizens to obtain dual citizenship, perhaps because the loyalty it demands may create a potential conflict of interest. ONE NATION THAT DOES MAKE IT RELATIVELY EASY TO BECOME A DUAL NATIONAL IS ISRAEL. Under its “Law of Return”, every Jew has the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen. While the law seems to require an intention to reside permanently in Israel, that may not in fact be required of all who travel to Israel.

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This. I don't think anyone ever implied you get automatic Israeli citizenship. More like they had dual citizenship to begin with.

lmao this is worse than any dystopian author could've ever imagined. truth has been obliterated

Has anybody ever even claimed that?

>Fact checking site
God, if people weren't too fucking lazy to actually read sources for themselves.
Reading the garbage of some blue checkmark idiot or their outlets and eating that shit up is beyond retarded.


That is quite the read desu. She goes from 89 members of congress to 89 senators then from 89 people to 89 percent. Not to mention she never actually checks either how many senators and or congress members are dual citizens.

Its rather hilarious how she goes from denying it on false pretense to excusing it as if it was true. Next level bullshit. I bet the article was used so FB++ has an excuse to flag the subject whenever it appears and link said article.

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No kidding. I had to read it twice to see the lie, it was so blatant. What fucking scumbags.

This is the kind of thing you can only do if your tribe controls the narrative.

>automatic dual citizenship
when has anyone even suggested this?

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This is why I use Snopes instead.

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Yeah guys, correlation != causation

Doing some real big thinks.

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LMAO @ crime stats

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They're not even trying anymore.

This seems like a parody

Just manual.


Please Tell me its photoshoped

>it doesn't mean much therefore this factual statement can only be considered half true
My fucking sides

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This is getting hilarious aylmao

There shouldn't be citizens of foreign countries in the US Congress. But the number of Israeli citizens in Congess has never been more than one or two.

So why even make up a straw man to debunk? Why not just debunk the original claim?


>The White House is located in Washington, DC

>False; multiple houses that have been painted white and are located in Washington, DC are not automatically also the White House, because the president does not automatically live in them.

Why would it be?

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Who said anything about automatic?

Please post more politifact and snopes tomfoolery.
Some of them are so fuckin stupid

Not Snopes, but similar vein.

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Amazing to watch it squirm

That comeback tweet is so intentionally obtuse, ....

It's actually more of a fuckup in how they worded the header. Go read the real thing.

Seems like no one actually knows which Jews in Congress are duals because they don't have to disclose. So the 89 number in the first place came from the assumption thay all Jews in Congress are duals as if it was automatic

I never thought they automatically got it upon being voted in.

Just that the kikes in office ELECTED to get Israeli citizenship (((for some reason)))


>Why not just debunk the original claim?
Because it's true if you include people eligible under right of return as having dual citizenship even if they don't actually have it which doesn't help lampshade the massive over representation of Jews in congress.

>The Earth rotates around the Sun.
>False: The Earth is not banana-shaped.

So what are you people saying? Because Israel has a law that lets Jews move there and become citizens, no Jews should be allowed in Congress?

These threads comfort me because it just shows how out of touch with us the Jews truly are. No one believes their shit anymore and they can't figure out how to stop us from rising up.
We're on the cusp of world revolution and the golden age of Aquarius boys! See you in 2020!