Dear Humans - /ayy/

Greetings, dear humans.
I'm happy to see that that US government is finally making further steps towards The Disclosure. It's been long awaiting for many of us, especially those who thought that the borderline paranoid secrecy your governments have chosen to enforce in regards to the so called UFO phenomenon, aka aliens (or ayys, as you like to call us) was ridiculous & unnecessary.

Moreover, I'd like to let you know that our multi-civ federation is aware of the racial issues that exist within the nations of European descent and that it's quite worrisome for us too.
Although I'm not allowed to prove it, our policies regarding First Contact are very strict and one of them is that we do not reveal ourselves officially until we are sure that said civ is advanced enough (based on our standards). I'm afraid that an Africanized human majority is deemed not advanced enough by our scientific committees to approve an official First Contact, thus, if the Africanization of nations of European descent does not stop, I'm afraid these steps towards Disclosure would've been in vain and Earth's status will be halted to its current one, the "zoo" tier (where only observation & minor interaction in small scales is allowed).

That would be all.
Disclaimer: I'm merely tourist in your planet and I do not have any authority to reveal info that is not to be disclosed, based on the current disclosure status of this planet.

Attached: ayy6.png (480x624, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm afraid that an Africanized human majority is deemed not advanced enough by our scientific committees to approve an official First Contact

Im fucking dying

0/10 larp, there is already a big contradiction in the first post

ferrari nigger is right.

Fuck off shaytan

Believing in spaceniggers is literally the most brainlet thing anyone can do.

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aliens need to understand the real threat isn't africanization of the planet but jews escaping into outer space

you do not fully understand the universal threat that jews pose

the first directive is a star trek meme, you are a larp.
the only real ayy post so far was when Jow Forums told them fuck off were full, land on the moon if you want.

>ferrari nigger

oh yeah, I forgot the image that crashed the site 5 times aswell. that too was real.

Fuck off space nigger.

Sorry user, aliens would not post with a meme flag. There is an outer space flag. Try again.

Quit LARPing, hominid.

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Holy shit the space jews are coming
The 2nd coming of christ is near!

Fucking space niggers. Fuck off, we're full.

AYYLMAO Meme stock is set to BOOM!

Keep pushing the Aliens. If we can get HONK to blow up on Facebook then we can get Aliens and their tech to aswell! Once it becomes public knowledge that they have the technology useful idiot groups like Extinction Rebellion will be demanding it loudly.

Great... It's the space British. 2/10 LARP.

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Reminder the most qualified and researched UFOlogist doesn’t believe in extra terrestrials.
My favorite cringe video related:

Greetings, dear alien.
What's your policy on the taming of females and their deployment in the production of braps for the purpose of interstellar travel using chemical engines fueled by biodiesel?

i'll leave this here

Attached: alien pepe.jpg (916x892, 79K)

and this

Attached: pepe ayy.jpg (750x713, 29K)

Attached: reptilian pepe.jpg (259x194, 9K)

Attached: firstContact.jpg (1313x605, 139K)

Attached: grey reptilian.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Attached: npc reptilian.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Sorry what?


Attached: Ayy Nigs Da Nig Out.gif (356x200, 1.93M)

If retarded humans manage to leave Earth in significant numbers, will you blow their ships before they do stupid shit around the universe?

It's very hard for unintelligent /uncivilized species to manage properly space faring & colonization.

Nonetheless, the Federation has many non-violent options to halt the spread of potentially harmful species.There are a few cases of curious, elite groups abandoning their home planets and eventually establishing colonies in other systems.

Thank you, user. I'll add this to my Jow Forums collection. Jow Forums humor is very popular genre of entertainment in for billions of our citizens.

Attached: ayy5.jpg (1024x616, 100K)

>Thank you, user.
you're welcome

Attached: ayy lmao motorcycle club.jpg (1228x1800, 311K)

fuck off space nigger were full
[spoiler] send help [/spoiler]

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Did you hear about the 6 millions yet ?

FAKE AND GAY!!1!!!11!

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Attached: hmm.png (640x480, 68K)

ayynon wtf.... i already hinted about tuesday, dont toy with them or they wont take us seriously when the time comes

You can abduct me again senpai. I promise I won't violently hatefuck your genderless ass again.

You did the biggest business of your career! you sold the whole world and yourself! AJ WAJ or all your plans for it

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you Islamic Jew from Asia