Spring-Summer (May/June) of 2022. Referendum. "Novorossian Autonomic Republic (NAR) as part of the Russian Federation". Screen it.
I have bad news user
Nah, it's a done case, matey. It won't be sooner.
I'm saying there won't be a 2022
...your just an edgelord.
Already seen what's left of my country just an endless desert of nothing.
Literally I mean.
I mean it's literally reduced to sand.
You're a Burglar, not a Kazerstanian. Don't lie.
I mean it I'm just walking on a street next to home then I noticed I could at the same time see normally and yet see everything differently. I was stepping on the asphalt road yet at the same time I'm stepping in sand. When I look around I see buildinds yet when I go "there" I see very small ruins and an endless desert. There's nothing left. Some places have more preserved ruins like the uni in my city. When I had something like that inside it it seemed rundown and deserted yet on the outside it was a desert. There's only one thing in the world capable of doing damage like this. Nukes. Why would anyone want to nuke an irrelevant country like this unless...
It's like two different worlds overlapping yet they're the same. I'm certain it's not a hallucination or anything because it doesn't impair me. I can see normally or ignore it when it happens.
What you seeing for Greece
...stop smoking that weed.
I live in the Northern part of my country so I assume it's going to be the same if not worse. depending on where the blasts happened. My guess is the sand everywhere comes from the Middle East and was carried by the winds. Sometimes we get rain here which when subsides leaves cars slightly filthy. Apparently it was carried over from the ME or something. So I'm assuming it the nukes cleaned/wiped most of everything here and when people stopped bombing each other the sand from there got somehow blown here covering everything. Greece is more south so they should be covered in more sand.
Also I don't think anyone will be alive. When I looked at my foot and leg they seemed naked as if they weren't from flesh. As if I were dead or something. I'm not a believer but if that's the afterlife that awaits me it's better than becoming nothing.
Interesting, user. Thanks for posting your visions. I hope they are just a malfunction of your brain, although I cannot explain it.
I'm something like a loner so it won't bother me that much. But my parents will be dead too. Wonder why they're not around? Heck where is everyone? Why am I alone here? If I'm dead in the future shouldn't I see other dead or be with them?
>I hope they are just a malfunction of your brain
It has to be. Obviously a brainfart or something. No way. It's impossible. You die and that's it. How can I see what's around me or have abstract thought if my body is gone? Well have it so I can send it back from that world. It's like two world but the one I'm in now is catching up to it that's why it's easier now.
Let alone move around. Like I said it's like overlapping with how I am right now or the place I'm at. So obviously it's a manifestation of the body/brain.
Reminds me of a movie I saw, Another Earth.
I think it happens on the 24th of January. 2021. Not sure why or how tho.
bah forget it's nothing
has to be nothing
how many people have set dates before only for nothing to happen it's not going to i just want it to for some reason that's why I think it will happen it's simply my mind deceiving me