Anyone watching this faggot speak at the NRA?

Cant watch.. what is he saying?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's he saying? I'm a life-long member of GOA even though I didn't want to be one.

"love Israel bigley, goyim. We need more Mexicans and other brown people, not walls"

Something about OP being a faggot so far.

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wouldnt doubt it.

>what is he saying
i got 50 miles of fence
jew good
dow jones avg
replaced legally
i trade bump stocks for jewjew cum

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I swear he's only there just to piss off the Lefties. He don't really care about the NRA

"I just let thousands of illegals stay in the US . But don't worry i dropped them off in sanctuary cities so we're winning still.right guys?"

"Hey, fellow gun nuts! Speaking of nuts, Moise nutted in my asshole big league! Hey, remember when I ran and beat everyone? That was pretty cool...."

"howabout that bump stock ban I passed"

Something. Something. MIGA!! Something. Something.

red flag laws



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blah blah blah i gave away bumpstocks and got nothing in return blah blah blah

You had bumpstocks?

He is saying right to bear arms for Israel first

This. He called you out OP. Sorry not sorry

I love Trump but id be giving him shit for the bump stock shit even if it is just an accessory.

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That was the best part 2bh


Same, as I was listening to his speech I agreed with most of what he said. He actually brought on a few people who had real stories of using a firearm to protect their families and co-workers, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but remember how he sold out so many people by banning bumpstocks.

Did the ban even go through?

Oh no a bump stock ban. Use a rubber band faggot.

He’s saying you cannot change genders and if he catches your faggot ass in the bathroom with any of his granddaughters he’ll beat the fuck out of you himself.

Fuck that conman and all his kike kids.

Who wants to bet that the Trump redemption narrative ends with him hated by the people who elected him, him denouncing them as 'racists', and loved by the Establishment having enriched Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce, and also having given Israel everything it wanted?

Thats how the final episode of the Trump Show ends. Fucking take it to the bank. That orange vulgarian conned everyone so he could play out this oddball neurotic Jew-loving pseudo Roy Cohn narrative on the biggest scale possible.

Also reminder that Trump is pushing that Establishment talking point for 2020: Socialism Bad. Because Capitalism that sends all the jobs not filled by shitskins here somewhere else to get filled by shitskins is totally good and truly America First.

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being able to bump w/o a utensil is like being able to park correctly on driving test if you needed a bumpstock you failed.

you are looking at 10 years if the catch you with one

Another piece of the gun rights pie given away for nothing.

I'm still pissed at the NRA over the bump stock ban, stopped giving them money and started giving it to the GOA instead.

>take the guns first.
>due process second.
Followed by millions of fools cheering on their surrender.

Here's a piece of it