Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?
Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?
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Americans are afraid of everything.
There's plenty of reasons to be afraid of literal socialism.
Not much for socialdemocracy.
just imagine
>socialism with an american face
The wobblies primarily. There was a lot of Communistic/Anarchistic violence in the early 1910s because many Americans saw the wage system as unfair and dishonest, this lead to a lot of Americans believing the IWW and German Army went hand in hand during their introduction to the first world war.
I have free healthcare.
It doesn't work for us.
Not everyone is ruled by their emotions, user.
Have a good one
Cold War revisionism. The United States had a sizable home-grown socialist movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries, but then the Red Scares happened and socialism became "anti-American".
I'm not even a socialist myself, I just can't stand this revisionist bullshit.
>Why are Americans
Disgusting. I hope USA falls fast and maybe they would collapse faster if they tried socialism
>Not everyone is ruled by their emotions, user.
>see guise socialism failed we just sanctioned all their countries and if you wanted to become socialist we would bomb you
gee I wonder why...
Nordic countries were pretty successful
Until dindus and exploders came
Actually it was 300 gorillion you socialist apologist
Medical executes have to get paid. Compare the amount of money Canadian insurers get and American insurers get. Here they only cover dental, vision, physiotherapy everything else is through provincial health insurance. If US folds to "socialism" the river of infinite gold (aka sick Americans) might run dry.
Still 300 gorillion doesn't really compare at all to the slave trade or colonialism
That wasn't real capitalism though it has never been tried.
How many days ahead do you need to make appointment for doctor visits?
I'm down for National Socialism
Socialism in America = Kill whitey
when will usa become the ancap paradise it was destined to be?
That depends on the nature of the visit obviously.
salve trade wasn't capitalism, often the trade was operated by mercantile trade companies.
I wouldn't benefit me.
I already have healthcare and I won't have any college debt because my parents pay for my college
Social democracy needs homogeneity, as evidenced by troubled countries like the USA and absolute shitholes like South Africa.
They don't want everybody becomes equally poor like in Hungary.
>this lead to a lot of Americans believing the IWW and German Army went hand in hand during their introduction to the first world war.
Please don't tell me they actually believed this
>Not everyone is ruled by their emotions
Is that a joke?
>Americans think 50k medical bills for a 50 dollar procedure is freedom
It is as if seeing what has happened again and again influences peoples judgements.
opinion discarded
OMG is that Economy!? As in THE Economy!? Oh, wowza! Someone get the camera!
60-70 years of non-stop propaganda.
Anti-communist propoganda ofc
The only propaganda being pushed for the past 50 years is leftist collectivist propaganda.
>Not everyone is ruled by their emotions,
>le epic emotional libruls meme
Ben pls
WHy do people that hate us want us to be socialist so bad?
It is as if they know it would doom us and fuck us up or something.
France is less homogeneous than Spain and yet more successful.
Are you retarded?
That's not socialist though
If you cannot see it then you are the one that is retarded.
ironic coming from these flags
>trade in feudal system
Not going to engage in shitflinging, but I can't imagine someone of sound mind actually believing that the US is being inundated with leftist collectivist propaganda.
You double nigger, your justice is literally based on feeling.
>see guys, for socialism to be successful, you first need all those capitalist economies to play along and cooperate with you.
If socialism was the way, shouldn't it have been the other way around?
Please explain in detail
This is what mutts actually believe.
Where are these "far-left collectivists" that run the government? Because when I look at the government, the media, ect., I I see a mix of liberals and neocons. the far-left barely has a platform - if any - in the US of A.
8 hour workday
30 days of vacation
Free healthcare
Free education
Voting rights
All socialism
Thank you for existing.
Spain is brown
The slave trade started coming to being around the end of feudalism. It was the discovery of the new world that led to the rise of capitalism as the dominant system worldwide.
You have sauce on pic?
>8 hour workday
>30 days of vacation
>Free healthcare
>Free education
>Voting rights
>All socialism
El salvador doesn't have an economy and your policies has made your currency worthless.
Still, capitalism doesn't profit off of slavery, because having an educated workforce work for their money gives them more incentive to do so instead of getting lashes from some old man
It is as if you don't watch movies or tv etc..
You also don't use social media or read.
You've never worked a day in your life lol
Educated workforce still works under carrots and sticks
t. Goes to the coal mine 3 days after giving birth
Not really.
Or are you the mentally ill gypsy? That would explain a lot
I read and use social media, and I watch some movies and TV.
Prove your claims.
Of course, because you are not killing capitalists in the streets yet you insist nothing is going on.
Can't you differentiate the flag of Nicaragua from El Salvador? You dumb burger
It's bad for the free market.
They can't afford it
If you think it is simply a matter of pointing at single thing then there is nothing I can do for you.
Just fuck off and die.
Homogeneously brown. France isn't.
Ok so you're simply full of shit, that's what I thought.
>no evidence
Then it's unsubstantiated.
t. Prager university graduate
I watch movies (not really tv though). I also use social media (a ton) and read.
I see very little socialists. I see several liberals who adopt some socialist terms, but few socialists themselves.
Where are the socialists? If they're everywhere, than name a socialist in a position of power in the USA.
You are as dumb as they come.
Get a real job libtard
4th world cope
I think he's a Jow Forumstards who thinks interracial couples in movies are socialism
Socilism isn't liberalism.
We don't have total power so that means there is nothing leftist going on in the USA and globally.
THe push toward global communism does not count because I am not getting a check from the government yet.
We suffer from high T. If you watch this every morning your T level will raise enough to understand our logic. 4
It just emerged out the aether? Or by 'free' do you mean it's paid for through taxes on you and other people?
Alot of us are actually old enough to remember what socialism does to work incentive.
No, it was a socialist demand and it was implemented by socialist and social democratic parties. and yes we pay for it with our taxes.
>*crack* *sip*
Some of you are young enough to mindlessly repeat catch phrases.
Cultural marxism has nothing at all do to do with socialism.
This is what faggots actually want you to believe.
Americans propped up socialism in WW2 (Lend-Lease to help USSR and defeat Nazi Germany together), until they realized it bit them in the ass. Now it's too late and KGB remnants and communists are permeating all over US institutions. Now it doesn't matter if Americans hate socialism or not, as long as there are enough browns to replace and outvote them and the borders are wide open enough America will become a broken shitmess of capitalism and socialism in the next decade or 2.
How is it you understand it so clearly while the rest of your euro brethren in this thread do not?
Because you can't shoot it
Socialism is aids
kys bootlicking retard
brainwashed by conservatards
>that pic
>why so less intelligent people get lower grades