White people absolutely destroyed

This video shows a simulation of a war between ancient Rome and ancient China and proves the Asiatic power to have been superior to European cuckolds since the times of yore

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There are no genetic Chinese left.

Um It was litterally a tie but with less time to prep the roman would have won it says in the video

*blocks both your paths*

Attached: C_Mauryan_Era_250BC.png (2040x2576, 773K)

>some random youtuber making assumptions
>wh*te barbarians

why are chinks so insanely insecure? is the tiny dick meme really true?


Reminder that Arabs cucked China and locked them inside the cuck shed. The madmen swept in and stole all of Central Asia from them and even btfo'd them at the Talas river

Only because you've lumped Mongolia in with China.
China couldn't win shit

if you just watch the end it says rome wins

Real rome at its demise vs a fictional china... Wow what a scenario

Australia speaks English, not Chinese, despite the fact that China is RIGHT FUCKING THERE!
Explain that!

Nigga what? China was raped and raped and raped by foreign invaders over and over again for the last 3000 years. And not even by remarkely civilized people with a high class military and siege weapons.

He puts them on a giant field then says since Chinese have more archers they win there and then say romans win guerilla warfare. Like the romans disnt have enough experience to know not to put 450k people on a field against 720k without knowing how the other side fights first. The war would just be a giant guerilla war until China broke.

This channel is so shit.

I think Roman close combat soldiers are far superior since they had to fight other modern armies for centuries and they were professional soldiers, not immediately conscripted basedboys with shitty equipment. But like he says in video they could have been cucked by cavalry. I remember reading about some battle Rome fought in Middle East and they lost to the enemy without killing almost anyone since they were all footmen facing archers on horses, it was like shooting fish in the barrel.

Also I had no Idea Rome had equal population to ancient China.

Daily reminder that the Great Wall actually faces south.

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Arabs, Scithians, Mongols, timurids, ottomans all btfo whitoids several times

>British education


Attached: mongolempire.png (922x988, 87K)

you know nothing about the Chinese history

so then why else?

no simulation...just reality.if alexander didn't died young he would probably make it to the ocean...

Attached: alexander.jpg (720x479, 53K)

>binkov retard
Into the trash it goes.

we can always send them OPIUM

The tiny brain meme is true. The Chinese claim to be so smart but they cannot realize that a strong economy and high test scores aren't all there is to life. They would gladly turn their own world into a shithole to earn a few more bucks. It's disgusting and foul.

Please stop them, please for the love of all that is sacred. Whites can HAVE China. As far as I'm concerned, China belonged to the Tocharians. Please take it back.

>what is ''Hakka Han''

plus, the modern Chinese are almost genetically the same as those in Song dynasty and Ming dynasty, of which Song dynasty is considered the golden age in Chinese history for its scientific and cultural superiority despite it being conquered again and again by the Northern empires
Three of the four great inventions were invented during the Song dynasty too
Historians including western ones admit that Song dynasty was almost to be in the industrial revolution over 700 fucking years ago but after the Mongol empire everything was fucked up and the scientific superiority to the rest of the world declined

There are, more than a billion. What there isn't, is an actual genetic American, since all of you are European inbred fucks.

Why is it that when you immigrate to a country like Japan with better living standards than China instead of seeing your own country for the shithole it is you shill for your shithole people? Why? Why do you have to be so soulless and disgusting? Why can't you just have some decency? Why why why? Why must I suffer because of you and your masters?

English teachers are very bad at pretending to be japs.

Lowest European peasant >>>>>>> highest Chinese nobility anyday.

The Irish American construction worker who is teetering on alcoholism and mental breakdowns >>>>>>>> the Chinese Shanghai university solid state physics researcher. Anyday.

Fuck you, if you love China so much move to the mainland you ungrateful faggot. Americans risk their lives to protect you everyday.

t. David

I consider Chinese and Koreans brothers
Fuck Off, shill

He was right about Ukraine being btfo by Russia tho

>trying to bait with fanfics
Thanks, I'll pass

That's not an English teacher, why would English teacher defend Chinese men? The Chinese man is the sexual rival of the English teacher.

>shits on your path

>Alexandria is named after a dude called Alexander

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Fuck you nigga!

Oh shut up you weeabo shill. I know more about the chinese culture and history, than you about your next door neighbor, whom you seldom speak to, 'cauz your whole fucking culture is a joke since '45. Build around insecurity and "moe". Why don't you just go and enjoy your golden week and after that cease to function during the annual karoshi of the workforce?

Why would Korean or Japanese defend Chinese either? Chinks have always been the Asian overlords.

without a doubt

You aren't Japanese. No Japanese man in his right mind would say anything positive about the Chinese. I've met a lot of pro Korean Japanese, even some pro Russian Japanese, but never a single pro Chinese Japanese man. Not even once.

I know you aren't a real Japanese man, you lying piece of shit. Go back to shithole China. The Japanese will NEVER be the brothers of the Chinese.

Most "japanese" posters on Jow Forums are not japanese. Also a jap defending a chink is pretty unusual.


Also, the "Chinese" were always a slave race. Their true overlords were of a different haplogroup. All the Chinese nobility belonged to Haplogroup Q (not O), and if you look at ancient chinese architecture it resembles the Mesoamerican stuff a lot.



Chinese "men" were bred like cattle to be submissive worker ants for the Queen bee.

Why did you exclude the Scithian tribes from the comparison? The Sciths would and did dominate Asia. There is no need to hypothise.

not unusual, unheard of. I've never met a single Japanese man that would fedend China or Chinese people. Women are different, more tolerant, but not even the most wimpiest Japanese man I ever met had any positive thoughts about China.

OK retard

Of all dynasties conquering all of the proper China only two named Yuan and Qing were conquest dynasties
Any other dynasties including Han, Tang, Song and Ming were Chinese empires plus even the Northern nomads once considered to be foreign invaders have been now assimilated into China obviously, even including Manchu people who built the last dynasty named Qing

David divide and conquer sill lel
You aren't fooling anyone

No one colonised Europe. We are God's chosen people.

Ok retard

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All the nobility had Haplogroup Q not O so your point is irrelevant. See here:

You aren't Japanese. Stop using that flag. You lie contextually every time you post with that flag. Since China is so great for you, go back there then. You are benefitting off of the accomplishments of non-Chinese people while praising Chinese people.

I wish the U.S. Navy would create artificial islands between Korea and China. See how you like a taste of your own medicine.

Could I interest you in a spot of hard-core drugs?

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That's just the British empire. A small fraction of the total area controlled by whites.

East Asian nationalist types would defend China, just like we do to other white people

>gets destroyed by 300 mongols

More accurate simulation of Europeans versus China:

China 8->
Europe 8-------------------------------------------->

Get cucked out of existence China.


Show your flag slave. You defend your overlords while they arrest you for saying Winnie the Pooh.

stop confusing newfags, expat LARPers

PSA to newfags: Real nips and gooks don't post here. Behind every nip and gook flag is a white expat.

The only """asians""" that post here are a few subhuman flips and maybe a chink or two.

Aren’t you supposed to be playing an MMO or something?

>this video brought to you by a Chinese themed video game
uh, he's not going to show them losing you gullible dimwitted monkey person.

lel at this mutt coping

The mutt fears China lel

SK user delivering

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we are on the same side here my young and naiive retard.

No, I can't play stuff like Warcraft or Dota, its really not for me.

Not true at all

The idea of a unified China is historically in accurate. Every Chinese imperial dynasty only held power for a few generations before collapsing into warring competitive states

The longest unified period of Chinese history was under mongol control

White people fight with each other all the time. Also only favor I can think China has done for Korea is driving Americans out of North Korea, but I'm sure they did it for selfish reasons and not for love to their neighbour. Rest of history is China trying to rule over other Asians.

It’s a joke i know, just let me shitpost.

>uses hippie flag
>defends CHINA out of all places, the single most toxic nation on earth

New Zealand gives even Tarrant internet access.

>Rest of history is China trying to rule over other Asians.

that's absolutely not true

Lol, Americans should have gone into China and just annexed the place. Now Chinese smog contaminates my air and I have lung problems.

>Alexandria is named after a dude called Alexande
>big if true

Chang here. It's just a dumb simulation why are people upset? It's like discussing Zeus vs Odin.
And that Korean dog needs to stfu, you were dogs for China for thousands of years and now you are dog for the big American cock. There is no bigger cucked race than you in Asia.

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I'm so tired of soi boi faggots posting youtube videos from extremely biased soi boi faggots as if they were historical documentaries.

This is the future though. Instead of getting fed bullshit by late night show hosts they will be watching soi boi faggots who read wikipedia articles and once played civilization 6 give history lessons.

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Driving Americans out of North Korea was a disfavor. As a result, South and North are divided to this day, and Koreans are conscripted and put under lots of stress because of the ongoing conflict. If Americans won the Korean War, then Korea would be united, which would have been great.

Did you shit on them?

Oh so the Romans are white now?

>he says, as he lives in a WHITE country, not in CHINA.

Go back to China. Either admit Canadians are genetically superior to Chinese filth and you enjoy living in a country produced by better men or go back to your own country. Choose wisely.

Notice how the Chinese COCKROACH thinks dog is an insult. Dogs are the most valuable animal, one dog is worth more than all the Chinese "humans" on earth.

You disagree, yet you live in a white country, not built by Chinaroaches.

>A small fraction of the total area controlled by whites.
Third of the world mate.

China got rekt by 200k mongols


Thread theme

Founders of Rome were Indo Europeans and Trojans. Troy was also on the coast of Turkey just like the eastern half of Constantinople and Indo European haplogroups were found near there.

Good vassal.

I like the British empire. It brought such a magical new world. It's a shame you let your bankers like the Rothschilds fund the deforestation of the places you conquered. Whites are too easily deceived by parasites. The real treasure you got from the places you conquered were the flora and fauna, should have fought for it, SAD!

We have actual south korean posters. Just not many, we even have a mongolian poster.

Yet you would rather be a vassal of America and pay sales taxes every time you buy something at a grocery store to America than live in China. You studied 16 hours a day to move there on a student visa. I don't pay taxes to America now do I?

Chinese expat destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC.

pretty sure india would side with rome at that point, not insectoids so i think choosing a side would be obvious

china couldn't even handle uyger retards, or arabs later on, what makes you think they could handle rome at any point? especially with faederati tribes/germans etc

Korea would have unified regardless of which side won, if it was a favor or not just depends on which Korean you ask.

ye indians had enough of the Aryan genes left to at least have a consciousness and a conscience.

India had trade with Rome too. Indians care about their environment and plant trees.

Unifying under Communism? I would rather unify with the Grim Reaper.

mongols and japs are without question honorary aryans

>I remember reading about some battle Rome fought in Middle East and they lost to the enemy without killing almost anyone since they were all footmen facing archers on horses, it was like shooting fish in the barrel.
Carrhae? If so, not exactly the most well thought out campaign by the Romans

This. To be fair the Arabs won because the Turkic vassals of the Chinese defected, but still, imagine losing to fucking gayrabs. During the invasion of Iraq. Americans lost less than 100 and killed tens of thousands. The only casualties Americans sustained during the Iraq War were later when Pakistani Taliban members waged a successful insurgency against them.

Just fucking imagine how pathetic it is to lose to cuckrabs, I would find less humiliation in having my ass beaten to death by German kindergarteners than losing to a towelrab.

> proves the Asiatic power to have been superior to European cuckolds
It concludes the opposite (click 3 minutes to the end or so). But it's all very uncertain of course, and more, would never have happened (the first 2/3rds is dedicated to saying how unreal this scenario is.)

The video has the Romans win, dude.

Mongols are part Aryan. Genghis Khan had red hair and about 10% of Mongols have R1a (from Scythians and Tocharians). Mongols are fucking based and don't give a shit.

Yeah but communist countries always become freer with time. You could be like eastern Europe when it comes to authoritarianism.

>more Chinese in china than Europeans in the world
>there are no Chinese left

Are you 80 IQ?

the SK poster here is a white expat LARPer just like the others. they do these little games every day to fuck with weaboo newfags